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Don’t Regret Your Experiences, Embrace Them!

We all have stories that make us smile and others that we prefer to forget. We all have experienced personal and professional ups and downs. This is part of the human experience and we should appreciate every moment. Do not regret the past, as difficult as that may be. The past is behind you with nothing but knowledge in its wake. You can't change the past, so why not make it an educational tool no different than when you first learned to ride a bike? Do not be disappointed or discouraged about today. Today is temporary and tomorrow is on…

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Dr. Beverly Potter

How to Worry Smart

The trouble with worrying is that it can get completely out of control and has a habit of escalating. Actor/director Woody Allen, a famous worrywart, illustrated this best when he said, "If I get chapped lips, I think it's brain cancer." Worrying is a kind of "stuckness". Worrywarts get stuck in identifying danger as they immerse themselves in the dread associated with the threat, which may be real or, more likely, imagined." Don't think worrying is bad for you. Think of it as a mental fire drill, a thinking through of things that potentially might happen. It's good to think…

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Richard Moss

What is Real Wealth?

What is it that I can give to you or you to me that brings each of us pleasure or new insight, that depletes neither of us, and that we can then pass on to others without losing anything of our own? What is it we can give to each other that improves the quality of living for both of us, and does so without exhausting the vital resources of our planet? What is it that cannot be taken from us in the way we can lose a job, our savings, or even a loved one? This is real wealth.…

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8 Success Tips for Living Happily

Here's what I believe to be the success of living happily... 1) Have a dream. It may be lofty or small - but it should be yours. And it must do two things. It should make you happy. And it should be of value to others. 2) Live your dream with passion. Passion is the energy that fires the spark of your desire, fans it into a glorious flame, and shows off your radiant brilliance. 3) Pursue your dream with determination. Believe with all your heart that it will come true, no matter how remote or difficult or impossible it…

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Greg Habstritt

Accepting Responsibility for Where You Are

The greatest power that you hold is the power of choice, because every choice you make dictates every result you get in your life - good or bad. And most importantly, every decision you make starts in your mind. All of us start out with this incredible power, yet so many give it away by refusing to step up and be accountable for their decisions. Sadly, most people choose to be a victim of circumstances and others, and never recognize that they are choosing that position. Look at some of the most successful people in the world, or even those…

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Dr. Joe Rubino

3 Steps to Live Intentionally

There is absolutely no reason for anyone to live a dimmed existence marked by resignation, suffering, struggle, scarcity, strained relationships, ineffective communication, and diminished self esteem. When we can embrace life as a learning process that is full of exciting opportunities for us to learn, break though our stops and limitations, and experience new possibilities to become our best, we give up our right to be invalidated or disempowered. We know that the seeds of our growth lie in that difficult person, that challenging relationship, and that problem that keeps us from effortlessly skating though life. So, not only does…

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Patrick Bet-David

20 Tips That Will Change Your Life

Here’s a list of 20 things that I have learned in life and would like to share with the rest of humanity: Spend money on experiences instead of things. Having fun in life is unarguably important in life, so pull pranks on people you love. But remember, every time you pull a prank on someone, you should expect one in return. Learn the difference between knowing when it’s appropriate to laugh at yourself and when it’s time to take yourself seriously. Don’t ever smoke cigarettes - kids don’t like the smell. Write a book. To start, create 3 folders (on…

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Don’t Do, BE

We spend too much time doing and not enough Being. Our lives are structured around activity: work, raising children, hobbies, exercise or sports, studying, entertainment (concerts, restaurants, movies, video games, reading), traveling, having sex, and so on. The list of things we do is practically infinite. Even when we aren't doing much, we're mostly likely thinking about or planning things we want to do in the future. We spend very little time just Being. We don't even know what this means and why it's important, let alone how to do it. When we are Being rather than doing, we have…

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Understanding Life After Death Frees You to Live Now

All of our lives here on Earth, we are learning lessons. In my life, I have learned from many teachers, both alive and dead. And I've always said that if everyone knew what I knew - how we go on in spirit form after we die our physical death, and how beautiful and perfect it is on the Other Side - they would not longer be afraid to die, or be afraid to live. Here on Earth, all of our words and actions are subject to the spiritual laws of cause and effect, also known as karma. Anything we say…

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Bruce Painter

The Importance of Living Your Life Purpose

There are many things I can share with you that can inspire you when you are having a discouraging day or a discouraging week. However, I wish to share with you the biggest key of all to be able to have a life of inspiration and fulfillment. Knowing and then living your life purpose, more than anything else, keeps the fires going for a life of inspiration. Living your life purpose will give you a life of meaning and a life of direction. To not know your life purpose, also known as your reason for being here, is like not having…

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Janine Kimmel

We Are All Connected

From my very earliest memories, I have had a love affair with Nature. I have stayed in touch with that love and know that there is a deep benefit that comes from an ongoing relationship with Nature. I tap into this love every day in my work as a poet, an artist, a writer, a therapist, mother of two sons, and a teacher of creativity. I am such an advocate of the importance of encouraging our children to have a relationship with nature because I attribute much of my strength and creativity to that connection. The best way to share…

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