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Big Changes at Inspire Me Today

It has been quite some time since I've personally written to you. A few years ago my path diverged in another direction and I apologize for not keeping you better informed. For the last few years, I've been designing and building short-term vacation rental properties and that has been my full-time project. We've had repeating the timeless wisdom of our luminaries, but have not added additional wisdom. At this time I need to make a decision whether to keep up and running or allow it to retire. I'm open to hearing from you, and especially interested in hearing…

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The Power of Intention

Happy Sunday, In our first day of our launch we had over 1000 unique visitors to the site! We're thrilled that you've come to check us out and look forward to having you back each morning. Thank you for your support! I was delighted to receive the following email this morning on [email protected]. I hope you find it as inspiring as we did. Make it an inspired day! Hugs, Gail p.s. Thanks for CK for sharing this! Hey there, It is the day after Valentine's day. My husband and I were traveling together on Valentine's Day- so no flowers, although…

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Use Your New Year Wisely

This New Year gives us the gift of more than 525,600 minutes. Many of us say we "don't have enough time", but for this next year, as with all other ones, we all get the same amount of time- about 525,600 minutes. What we do with the gift of these minutes determines the quality of our life, the level of our happiness, the value of the memories we create and the difference we can make in the world. Our lives are determined by how we choose to live our 525,000 minutes each year. Minutes spent stressed or worrying are wasted…

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Merry Christmas!

On this beautiful Christmas Eve, I'd like to share a small gift with you. This is my very favorite Christmas carol, Silent Night. This version was recorded by my daughter, Carly, a few years ago on her holiday CD. I'm happy to share it with you, in the hopes that it brings the spirit of Christmas into your home this Christmas Eve. Turn down the lights, light a candle, turn up your speakers, close your eyes and just listen. Soak it in. I hope it touches your heart as you have touched mine. Our Christmas wish for you.... May you…

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Access Your Good!

I found a truly remarkable book by John Randolph Price that helped me to move forward in my spiritual life at a time I needed guidance. This article is a summary of that book entitled The Manifestation Process: 10 Steps to the Fulfillment of Your Desires by John Randolph Price, A Quartus Book Publication. I asked Mr. Price's permission to print this summary and it was granted to me. I have found his book to be very inspiring in my life and in sharing it with others through my workshops, seminars and lectures, we've all been blessed. If you practice or go through…

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The Amazing Power of Gratitude

More and more, gratitude is being acknowledged as an amazing power for good and healing in many different areas of existence –from medicine and positive psychology to gardening and education. It is absolutely impossible, I repeat, impossible, to entertain a deep feeling of gratitude and the least trace of negativity. They totally exclude each other just as light annihilates darkness. Have you ever seen a candle of darkness (??!!) extinguish light? But the smallest candle will bring light to the deepest underground cavern. Such is the power of gratitude to your heart and soul. My daily bedside book – I…

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Be Grateful on Thanksgiving – and Every Day!

Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday as it serves as a reminder of the importance of gratitude. Since 1621, our ancestors in the United States have been celebrating Thanksgiving. Historically, throughout Europe, festivals were held after the harvest to give thanks and celebrate together as a community. Native Americans also celebrated the harvest season. We continue the tradition today nearly 400 years later, but for most of us, when we hear the word Thanksgiving, we usually think of turkey and stuffing, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, football and gatherings with family and friends. We all know that Thanksgiving…

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A Uncertain Future: The Desensitization of Violence in America

At what point does someone else’s business become ours? Two days ago I flew on a Delta flight from Nashville to Salt Lake City, I was seated in Economy Comfort, the first row behind first class, directly behind two boys in first class, perhaps about 10 and 14 years old. As soon as they were seated both boys pulled out their iPads and started playing a game. The youngest one was holding his iPad up high so that it was impossible for those behind him NOT to see it. He was playing a game where he would move his iPad…

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What Baby Steps Will You Take Today?

If you're anything like me, with the New Year ahead of us, our minds are now turning to the things we'd like to accomplish in the New Year and to our resolutions. With the close of one year, it seems natural to look at our accomplishments and our outstanding goals and dreams. Sometimes that reflection can bring a feeling of excitement, and sometimes it can create a feeling of overwhelming proportion when the mountain ahead of us appears too large to summit. It's critical when looking at any large task to remember one thing. You first learned to walk by…

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Flowing With The River Of Life

Imagine walking through the woods when suddenly you begin to hear the sounds of running water. The sound touches you like music. It calls to you. Then imagine coming out of the trees and finding yourself standing on the banks of a stream that is cascading over moss-covered boulders. Pause for a moment and allow that image to nourish you. Why does moving water touch us so deeply? It may be because water flows! To watch a river is to see a glimpse into what Life is really like – a great river of dancing energy that has been flowing and…

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What You See is What Will Be

There was a time back, long ago, when knowing each other’s deficits was important. In fact it was critical to our survival. But today we live in a time when our environment can literally make up for any of our shortcomings. We have evolved past the need to link deficiencies with survival. Unfortunately, our instincts have not. Despite overwhelming evidence—the blind man with incredible hearing, the deaf woman highly attuned to body language, the dyslexic student with powerful memorization—society is too accustomed to seeing the world in terms of deficits and exceptions. And so are we. In trying to improve,…

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The Vision that Grounded My Life

Many years ago I was attending the board meeting of the largest grass roots peasant-farmer movement in Africa, in Ouhigouya (Burkina-Faso in the Sahel) The last day of the meeting I contracted dysentery and as at the time I was following a path of pure spiritual healing (no medicine) I worked on it spiritually. On the plane the next day I was still working on the issue with my spiritual texts, affirmations, prayers and the like. Next to me was an unaccompanied young boy, and the stewardess caring for him was incredibly loving. At one moment she spoke to him…

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How To Be Held By The Earth

Spring has arrived, and I invite you to take some time in this magical season to truly connect with the Earth. You are the Earth. Your bones are made out of particles that were once a part of mountains. Your cells are surrounded and penetrated by the ocean. The breath that moves through you once moved through mighty cedar trees and baby pandas. And all the plants and herbs that you partake of come from a love affair with the sun! To connect with the Earth is to remember that you are a part of the mysterious and awesomely creative…

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Find Your Momentum

Momentum. If you're like me, the word itself gives you a feeling of movement, of freedom, of possibility. And if you find momentum to be foundational to your existence, you may also be an Entrepreneurial Personality Type (EPT). EPTs are momentum-based beings, meaning they have a mental, physical and chemical response to momentum, or the sensation of moving forward. Conversely, EPTs also have negative responses to constraint, or anything hindering their ability to move forward. Constraints of any kind adversely affect their emotional states and their understanding of where they fit in the world. When I talk to entrepreneurs about…

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A Radical Approach to Healing Your Pain

A friend of mine is having a lot of back pain and she hasn’t been out of her house in days. She is hyperalert around her pain and is afraid to do anything. The pain has so affected her life that she told me if it doesn’t get better soon, she feels like “checking out.” I invited her to consider the possibility of opening to the healing of being with her pain rather than always resisting it. I explained that so often we amplify our physical pain through our resistance to it, not realizing that we create more pain by trying…

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You Are The Lover You Have Been Waiting For

The month of February, and Valentine’s Day in particular, is a time to celebrate romance and love. Why, when Love is our birthright, do most of us live our lives separate from its healing presence?  It is because we have been conditioned to search for Love outside of ourselves, leading inevitably to the often endless, and mostly unsatisfying, search for somebody to love us. Yes, we can enjoy loving and being loved by other people, but that kind of love comes and goes (if you have been married for a while, you probably know what I mean). What would happen if you…

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Americans Hate Their Jobs? Shocking!

I recently came across a headline that read “Americans Hate Their Jobs.” And at one time, I was one of them. And because of that, every time I give a talk on the importance of purpose in our life and work, I always talk about engagement, or better yet, the lack of engagement in the workplace today. Did you know that approximately 70% of employees are disengaged in their jobs? Nearly 20% poison the workplace. And this results in $550 billion annually in lost productivity. In other words, employers would be better off paying these people to stay home. The…

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access your inner guru

3 Quick Ways to Access Your Inner Guru

While I have many teachers I am grateful for and whom I have learned priceless lessons from, I know that my own inner Guru is the most powerful teacher of all. When we begin to love and trust ourselves enough to tap into our intuition and Higher Consciousness, which has access to unlimited knowledge, we can truly begin to know and trust ourselves at a much deeper level and be the most powerful and trustworthy Guru we will ever find. There are many talented teachers, and I believe even one sentence in some cases from a teacher can in fact…

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How to Achieve Ultimate Success

The ultimate success has nothing to do with money... Or career. It's not the car you drive. The size of your home. The gold and diamonds you collected. The ultimate success has nothing to do with material accomplishment and gain. It has nothing to do with anything outside of you. The ultimate success is to feel joy exactly where you are right now. No matter what your external life looks like. No matter your situation. The ultimate joy is to be complete and whole in this very moment. No matter who you are or where you are or why you…

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Honoring Stephen Levine

  Stephen Levine, who is one of the most amazing hearts on our planet, died on Sunday, January 17, 2016. I am filled with gratitude for his presence and how much he helped so many of us to see through our stories and come home to our hearts. In honor of his life and how deeply he changed mine, I want to share with you an experience I wrote about after I came back from a retreat led by Stephen in 1985. I had been at a 10-day workshop with Stephen, a skilled teacher of consciousness and author of many books on…

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An Invitation For The New Year

It's that time of the year again…that time when you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and decide how you want your life to be in the new year. We call this a New Year’s resolution. Now I ask you, have your resolutions ever really worked? We keep on rising to the challenge of resolutions and yet in the past, most of them have faded by the middle of January!  The reason why they don’t work is in the definition of the word resolution: “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” Resolutions are all about doing because they are made…

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