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As A Man Thinks So Is He…

Build mutually beneficial winning agreements, relationships and arrangements every where you go. One of the master keys in living a fruitful rewarding life is fostering and growing a healthy relationship with your creator and other people you position yourself around. You will be and become like the top 5 people and things you hang out with and listen to most.

The three most powerful letters I have ever encountered are W.H.Y.  These three letters are the most powerful letters because they spell a word that reveals intention and motivation of a person’s heart. Once you know why you are doing what you are doing, you can move boldly in the direction of your purpose and calling, knowing you have pure motivations and intentions behind what you are doing. If your WHY is strong enough and you are functioning and operating in your divine calling and purpose placed on your heart, the creator of all things will show up to give you everything you need to accomplish the calling and mission.

Everything in life is all about who you are being. You are either being the cause of the solution or the cause of the problem. The choice is always yours. Have a no excuse attitude, life and business. How do you accomplish this, you may ask? Function and operate in complete integrity of your word. Let your “Yes” be a Yes! And let your “No” be a No! If you say you will do something, do it and get it done. Don’t let anyone or anything get in the way of your Yes obligation. Now on the other hand, let your No be a no, but be very careful what you say No to. Make sure you are making an informed No decision. If you say No to something and you really have no clue what it is about, you are being a fool because you just made an uninformed choice.

Say what you mean, mean what you say and do what you say you will do! You will grow as tall as the tallest by honoring your own words, it’s called integrity of word. Be a man or women of integrity!

Lastly, what other people think of you and say about you is really none of your business. When you function and operate in your divine calling and purpose, people will take shots at you and try to derail you from hitting your mark. Know this going into it. Plan your work and work your plans. All good and great things that have ever been accomplished took a boat load of energy, determination, enthusiasm and focus. What you focus on will expand! Focus on your strengths not your weaknesses. Focus on what you do have, not what you don’t have. If your WHY is clear enough, strong enough and focused enough you will see it become a living breathing reality, promise!

Many blessing and much love!

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Sean started Young Eagle out of his own need, when he was graduating from high school.

He always tells people, “I so wish someone would have walked into my high school and offered me what we are offering these kids and young adults". is a grass roots back-to-basics leadership, entrepreneurship, development program aimed at giving our nation’s youth and young adults a fast track to being and becoming your own boss.

The program is not for the faint of heart. Sean always shares everywhere he speaks and offers the program is for PHD people – (Passionate – Hungry – Driven) only apply.

“For things to change, you have to change. For things to get better, you have to get better.
Don’t ask for things to be easy. Ask for more skills and more disciplines and everything will change for you.” – Jim Rohn is a place “Where Your Dreams Take Flight!”

The program is a performance, activity driven program where you are in full and complete control of your business development growth and results.

We have all the tools and human resource capital to turn your Ambitions, Dreams and Goals into a living breathing thriving successful business that brings other people value.

For more information, please visit

Comments (1)

  1. Sean – I agree that the word WHY is a great one for purposes of curiosity and determining what’s most important to you. Also – pay attention to why you say yes and no. Definitely stand strong in your own power, you are the guide for your life.

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