One of the most important things I’ve learned from life, is that I’m a powerful creator… and so are you.
Our creative power is alive in our imagination. When you imagine the worst, you create the emotion of worry. When you imagine the best, you create the emotion of hope. We do this all day long, or emotions and imagination working in tandem, most of us never even realizing it.
Every time you say I AM, you are using your imagination as you declare the image of what you believe yourself to be in that moment, and then you experience it, usually adding “see I told you!” somewhere in the conversation.
One of the most profound lessons I’ve learned is from Dr. Wayne Dyer. He said, “Don’t add any words after I Am that you don’t want to experience”. This shift in thinking alone is a complete life changer. The conversations we have with ourselves and others are mostly formed from habit. When you change how you talk to yourself, you change how you feel about yourself… the result is changing your beliefs about yourself.
You deserve to live the life you want to live, just because you want it, but you won’t ever experience it if you don’t believe you can have it… and when you say I can’t, I’m not good at that, I’m broke, your language is communicating doubt… not belief.
Make yourself your favorite topic of study, and open up to the wonder of Amazing You.
We aren’t taught to ask ourselves what we want from life, because we are trained to focus on what others want and doing it in a way that satisfies someone else. Sometimes we do this for a lifetime… and sometimes you wake up that stirring within yourself that lets you know you want more from life than living someone else’s dream. You want to live your own dream! When you become conscious of this internal stirring, CELEBRATE!
There are two questions that will change life as you know it. “What do I want?” and “Why do I want it?”
Whatever it is you want, it’s okay to want it. And when you get into the core of your why, you will discover that it’s not the “thing” that you want… it’s the feeling you think you will have when you get the “thing”.
This is where you get to use your power of imagination to serve you. Imagine the FEELINGS and stay there. What would it feel like within your “why” in your day-to-day life if it came to be? What would your days look like? What do your meals look like? What kind of clothes do you wear? What activities do you do? Where do you shop?
All of these things you’ve been thinking about…. YOU HAVE BEEN IMAGINING. It’s the same process when you worry, except worrying feels awful, and this feels good. (Of course you always get to choose).
Nobody is going to discover yourself for you. This decision is yours and yours alone.
Believe in the person you want to be. You deserve to live the life you want to live, just because you’re You.
Stephanie – I love your message. P.S. I also love your website. It explodes with positive vibrations. Keep shining your light.
Thanks Ron, I’m glad you enjoyed the article and thanks for visiting my site!
Thank you so much Ron! Keep Shining! oxo
So glad it’s resonating with you Ron, and thank you so much!
That’s a good inspiration Stephanie. I have been doing the work that makes me happy. I support so many different things going on in the world. I also choose to be the person I am to be. Loving, and caring. Immediately comfortable in my own skin today, because I did the work. Thank you.
Thank you Patrick, so glad you enjoyed it!
Powerful language that evokes Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements, which I just completed, along with so many others. Going from a position of the Victim to a position of a spiritual warrior is all about taking responsibility for one’s dream. Blessings, Stephanie.
I’m so glad this resonated with you so deeply. Thank you for your comments, they are heartfelt and much appreciated! OXO
[…] Choose to Create Your Dream – inspiremetoday.com […]
Very well written. Your dreams belong to you and you alone.