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I believe what the world needs, and what we most need, is love. Love is what brings us closer to an awareness of God and all that is good in the world. Love is what allows us to transform potential into reality. Love is what satisfies the craving within us that can only be fulfilled in this way. If we were to attempt to dissect any perceived problem in the world, it could be solved through love.

But, what is love? Do we actually understand it, or have we been taught that attachment and expectation equate to love? And what about conditions? What love have we experienced in our lives that is entirely without conditions? Have we ever experienced this?

Any time conditions for love are placed on others or ourselves, we are not truly loving. We can be experiencing affection or loyalty or devotion – and there may be moments when love shines through – but it is not love.

How do we do this, then? How do we love?

We begin with ourselves. We are able to offer unconditional love to others when we are able to offer unconditional love to ourselves. When we are complete, when we are whole, when we are fulfilled, when we are blissful, then we don’t need these things from anyone or anything. When we are in this place of unconditional love for ourselves, love from another adds to our already overflowing cup, instead of attempting to fill an ever-leaking one.

What do we look toward others to provide? The answer to that question tells us exactly where we need to send love in ourselves.

Sometimes it is more difficult to offer ourselves love than it is for us to offer love to others. When we are in this position, we can remember that it is okay for us to evolve, to change, and to improve. We can release judgements of ourselves and continue to love ourselves through this transformation.

While loving absolutely sounds like a wonderful idea, it is more than that. I believe it is a return to our true nature, a place where fear does not exist and our souls are blissful. Yes – our souls are by nature fearless and blissful, and they love absolutely!

Embracing absolute love will begin in our thoughts and then will take shape in our actions. These actions will inspire others, and, ultimately, a critical mass will be reached when humankind experiences spontaneous outpourings of love. As if by magic, the world will see itself through these new lenses of absolute love! And, if we all choose to define our thoughts and actions by the principle of love, what would result but even more love?

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Caroline A. Shearer is the founder of Absolute Love Publishing, which was born out of a mission to create and publish projects promoting goodness in the world. Known as a fresh, distinctive, spiritual voice, Caroline’s visionary leadership is uplifting, gently blending love and inspiration. She is regularly featured as a luminary in print, broadcast, and online media, offering guidance and sharing positive stories of her personal spiritual journey toward a more abundant, joyful, and light-filled life. Intuitively guided, Caroline has a remarkable ability to unite others along a path of progressing and celebrating the experience of humanity.

Absolute Love Publishing's first book-magazine hybrid is ALOVEDLIFE.

A bestselling author, Caroline’s popular books include Dead End Date, the first book in the Adventures of a Lightworker metaphysical mystery series; Love Like God: Embracing Unconditional Love; Love Like God Companion Book; Raise Your Financial Vibration: Tips and Tools to Embrace Your Infinite Spiritual Abundance, a min-e-book™; Raise Your Verbal Vibration: Create the Life You Want with Law of Attraction Language, a min-e-book™; Raise Your Vibration: Tips and Tools for a High-Frequency Life, a min-e-book™; Where Is the Gift? Discovering the Blessing in Every Situation, a min-e-book™; and Women Will Save the World.

Additional books published by Absolute Love Publishing:

Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction Books
Atlantis Writhing by Jean Brannon
The Chakra Secret: What Your Body Is Telling You, a min-e-book™ by Michelle Hastie
Finding Happiness with Migraines: a Do It Yourself Guide, a min-e-book™ by Sarah Hackley
Have Your Cake and Be Happy, Too: A Joyful Approach to Weight Loss by Michelle Hastie
Mom Life: Perfection Pending by Meredith Ethington
Preparing to Fly: Financial Freedom from Domestic Abuse by Sarah Hackley
The Weight Loss Shift: Be More, Weigh Less by Michelle Hastie

Young Adult and Children’s Books
Different by Janet McLaughlin
The Adima Chronicles by Steve Schatz: Adima Rising and Adima Returning
Serafina Loves Science! Series by Cara Bartek: Cosmic Conundrum and Quantum Quagmire
The Soul Sight Mysteries by Janet McLaughlin: Haunted Echo and Fireworks

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