Is the glass half full or half empty? I am 66 years old and have been blessed to have a good life, a wonderful family and a pretty successful career. At age 60 I discovered Asset-Based Thinking and since then I have found more meaning in work, determination, personal fulfillment, confidence and humility than I could ever have imagined. As I contemplated what’s ahead, I found it rewarding to look back through the lens of Asset-Based Thinking (ABT) and imagine the upside of the future.
What ABT has shown me is that the glass is neither half full nor half empty – it’s both! So focus on what’s in the glass. Here are five other ABT insights guiding me that I hope will help you too.
Power is Who You Are, Not What You Have.
You always have something of value to add. Always. Be Authentic. Expose yourself. Rather than relying on external sources to fuel your progress, look inside yourself to find your Signature Presence…your unique combination of passions, capabilities, qualities, values and beliefs. Let passion be your power and the most magnetic version of you will shine through. Embrace your assets. Never doubt them. Put them out there for people to see and watch what happens.
Forget Perfection. Pursue Progress.
Preoccupation with eliminating flaws to achieve perfection is pointless and invites self-absorption. Relentlessly pursuing progress promotes self-awareness and growth. Measure everything you do by the progress you make towards your aspirations. Never stop learning.
Be an Opportunity Advocate Rather than a Problem Solver.
I spent most of my early years in business helping clients avoid or solve problems. And why not? Solving problems yields tangible results and gets you a pat on the back. The problem with a problem fixation is that it usually protects the status quo and, at best, winds up being a zero sum game. Try seeing problems as just a pause. See through them and focus on how much you can accomplish by spending most of the time seizing opportunities, finding the potential in people rather than seeing their shortcomings and taking opportunistic risks rather than avoiding them. Jump in. Immerse yourself in opportunities.
Mentors Matter – Imitate Shamelessly and Often.
No matter how long you’ve been at it, you can be both a mentor and be mentored. They go hand in hand. Everyone needs guidance, inspiration and motivation. Find people you admire and put them on your Mt. Rushmore. Let them know how much you admire them and why. Mentoring can come from anywhere, anyone at anytime. Keep your vision turned on and tuned in so you don’t miss the many gifts that mentoring brings.
Live Legacies Now.
Leaving a legacy makes your life meaningful. Living your legacy changes the game because what you do right now contributes to your legacy in real time. Building your legacy in the present inspires others. We all have at least one “Mighty Cause” in us…a reason for being that gives us special meaning. Finding yours and making that part of your legacy is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.
Life is good. The life you can imagine and create is even better. Live on the upside.
Hank, you are an inspiration to us all! I love working with you and ABT Thanks for your continued insights and contributions to our world. You ROCK!
Hi Lori…thanks for the kind words and for all the great work that you do on ABT. It’s wonderful working with you. Be well & thanks again.
[…] Focusing On What’s In The Glass – inspiremetoday.com […]
I just love this, Hank! The whole concept of it’s “what’s in the glass” tweaked me.
So true! Thank you for this!
Thanks very much Mary & welcome to the positive ABT conspiracy. I always like to keep that glass image in my mind when challenges arise….it does help focus your energy.
HI Hank,
I read many of these IMT…I have to say ….HANDS DOWN what you have shared is spot on !!! My first post btw… THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU !!!
When planning, doing, future visioning…legacy always is first and foremost.
I am reminded of the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote:
To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded “.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882) American Essayist & Poet
Hi June. Thanks for reading the article and big thanks for your very nice comments. Much appreciated. Rally like the Emerson quote. Thanks for sharing. All the best and appreciate your assets everyday.
Hank,I enjoyed reading the passage and I am looking forward to that. Thanks for the inspiration
Hi Moses. Thanks for the nice comments and glad you enjoyed the article. Good to see you’re in an ABT frame of mind. All the best.
HI HANK, I loved this article so much I just broadcasted it http://tobtr.com/s/9145297, would love to interview you and hear more about ABT from your own mouth, if you wish you can contact me I will input my information below …. Thanks Tippy
Hi Tippy….thanks so much for your nice comments on the article and for sharing on your blog talk radio station. Honored. Would be delighted to have an interview with you. Look forward to it. Here’s my best email so we can set it up. [email protected]
Thanks again.
Hank, I couldn’t have put it in any better words. The writing is very inspirational and thought provoking!
Thanks very much Betty. Appreciate your nice comments. It’s not always easy, but staying on the asset-based side of life’s ledger always leads to better outcomes.
God am so stuck. I know all of those precepts but Haven’t got the gut to apply any of those. I feel so small and insignificant. Nice read though.
Hi Marie, Thanks for reading the article. Take heart. Most of us get stuck…regularly. I find the best way to get unstuck is in small steps. They add up to get you to where you want to be. Appreciate your assets everyday.
I especially like being an opportunity advocate. Yes, problem solving is needed but let’s open up the horizons even more. Good reminders in all the points Hank. Thanks.
Hi Virginia…appreciate your comments. Yep, opportunities over problems. Also, in our digital world opportunities can open up and spread quickly. I like the 5 to 1 yardstick. Focus on 5 opportunities (big or small) for every problem you try to fix. Thanks again.
Hank – I saw this in my linkedin feed and was fascinated on what you’ve been up to since McCann LA days. I ordered a copy of ‘change the way you see everything’ and I’m excited to read it! Congrats! – Heather (Moening) Spears
Hi Heather…great to hear from you…hope you are well. Been an exciting passage of time. I was fortunate to meet Dr. Kathy Cramer and collaborate on these books. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks
What a great point to our life. I appreciate your thoughtful article.
Hi Sung. Thanks for taking the time to read it and your positive comments. Appreciate your assets everyday!
Thank you Hank, love your insights in this article which gave a great new way of looking at things. Wasn’t too sure about the ABT at the beginning of the article but willbe sure to check it out.
Thanks for the kind words and comments. Delighted that you interested in checking into ABT further. My colleague, Dr. Kathy Cramer, did some amazing work with ABT at her Cramer Institute. https://cramerinstitute.com/
Be Well
Thanks for the pithy piece, Hank. Even if you’r 21 years younger, I’m inspired by your thoughts.