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The Courage To Follow Your Heart

During my 61 years on this earth, I have learned that living life successfully requires great courage and risk. While I think I always knew this simple truth, I didn't find the courage to follow my dreams until I was 48. And I have never looked back! My life today reflects the dreams that I had 50 years ago, when I was 11 years old. I wouldn't have the life I have today had I not taken the risk--learning from the turtle that you only make progress when you stick your neck out. We are continually faced with great opportunities…

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3 Important Principles For Getting What You Want

Appreciate people. Growing up as a shy girl, I always kept to myself. I never felt compelled to depend on others or even communicate with the many wonderful people that surrounded me. Now all grown up and having come out of my shell, I realize that one of the most happiest feelings in the world can be found in the connections that we make with others. The general kindheartedness that I find in people is enough to light up the universe. We live in one life but also in one world that we share. As much control as we have over…

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Let Go to Achieve Your Dreams

Life is about making choices. Each one of us has our own story with twists and turns, choices and opportunities. You may think you know where your story will take you. You may think you have control to direct your own path. I believe that none of us has control – we have choices. Every choice you make points you to the next opportunity to choose. Don’t be passive and let life or circumstances choose for you. And don’t let fear of making the wrong choice keep you from making the best choice that you can. It is possible that…

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Focus On What’s In The Glass

Is the glass half full or half empty? I am 66 years old and have been blessed to have a good life, a wonderful family and a pretty successful career. At age 60 I discovered Asset-Based Thinking and since then I have found more meaning in work, determination, personal fulfillment, confidence and humility than I could ever have imagined. As I contemplated what's ahead, I found it rewarding to look back through the lens of Asset-Based Thinking (ABT) and imagine the upside of the future. What ABT has shown me is that the glass is neither half full nor half…

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How to Attain Genius IQ

Innovating your intelligence adds successful opportunities, one brain cell at a time, regardless of what happened or failed to happen at school. Trying to figure out how people get smarter led me to ask, "What do geniuses do differently?" Traditional questions about IQ, I found, often lead to misconceptions that you are not smart. Geniuses may get kicked out of school, as Einstein did, but they rarely trip over false notions of fixed intelligence. Fact is, intelligent people rewire daily for updated mental tools and so can you. To act like a genius is to develop mental tools that master…

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Turning Your Potential Into Success

Success is realized when you are able to balance everything, family, friends, career and extracurricular activities, etc. When those around you are satisfied, when those around you are inspired, that is where true success will find you. What is business success if you have no one to share it with and are able to enjoy it? Never consider yourself a success if those around you are not successful or inspired by your passion for what you do or have achieved. Think of it as, "The sum is greater than the whole of its parts." The ability to make all things…

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Seize This Brand New Day

Today is a brand new day. A day full of opportunity. Regardless of your current situation you hold within you the ability to achieve amazing strides. We are all given opportunities to choose our paths in life. Often that task seems daunting but if we can keep the faith and just hold on, victory is on the way. Today you were given a gift that many were not given - the gift of life. Every moment that we are allowed to stay on this earth is a gift which should not be taken for granted. I have learned the hard…

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Living True Happiness

Our life is full of many opportunities for us. Coincidentally, it is also full of many perceived barriers that we might allow to prevent us from engaging in these opportunities. I have loved living a life of opportunity and not predetermining my destiny with the thought "I can't". Even with a great number of possibilities available to us, it is likely there are too many things to accomplish in this life and perhaps not everything is possible as we imagine it. The important thing here is while we may have a long list of 'to-do's', we are working on crossing…

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Be Proactive and Live Your Life Fully!

We are the masters of our lives and we can make it what we want it to be. Life is about choices. We can accept it as it is or we can make positive changes in our lives to make it fantastic. It is up to us. By taking responsibility and by accepting that making mistakes is ok, we can move forward and realise that we can create the life we really want. Most people complain, say they feel stuck and unhappy and believe that they cannot do anything about it. Others, on the contrary, take action, challenge themselves and…

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5 Ways to Make Every Day Count

My Dad always told me to live each day as if it were my last, and as a child the specter of one's last day always seemed like a remote possibility. But with maturity and experience comes the realization that it's not just about one's last day, but also the lost chances and opportunities in life that should also be seen through a lens of hope and caring. So as you go about your daily chores it's always best to do all you can to make every day count. Be positive and upbeat: We all can find the glass that…

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All Is Welcome

Some of the most important things to me are… To be authentic. Just be yourself, love yourself, and everyone else will love you. When we love ourselves it spills over and makes it a lot easier to love everyone. We get the feeling there’s only one of us here. To be grateful. Opening our eyes in the morning and being alive on this beautiful planet is already a miracle worthy of dedicating the day to thanks and appreciation. Once we start, there’s no end to the gifts to be grateful for. To be generous and available. Living in gratitude puts awareness on…

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Live Full Today

If I only had only 500 words of wisdom to leave to humanity, before leaving this experience we call "life" for another, I would begin by saying this: tomorrow is never a promise, live full today. There is no right or wrong. These terms are subjective. What works for someone, may not work for another. And that’s OK. It’s perfect actually. Because everything that occurs is an opportunity for growth, for learning, for understanding, for living and experiencing ourselves. Similarly, there are no such things as mistakes. Mistakes, again, are subjective. And what we may consider a mistake one day…

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Michelle Ernsdorff

Following Your Internal GPS

Have no regrets, for each decision you have made and each step you have taken has led you to this moment today. And in this moment you owe it to yourself to be thankful for that long and windy path that lies in your yesterday (because it is over and you made it!!) and to be excited about the unknown curves that will certainly come your way as you approach your tomorrow. Of course, we each have an idea of who it is that we want to be, and what it is that we want to accomplish, and where it…

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Why Not: Seizing Opportunity When It Appears

I always had the sense that I would do something bigger than I could ever imagine with my life - what that was and how I would find it was always the mystery. I spent my life living by the motto "Everything happens for a reason". I took risks that most people would shy away from. And, when opportunities were presented I always asked myself "Why not?". If I could not come up with a valid reason, I always went for it all the while knowing that it would lead somewhere. By nature I am an adventurer, organizer, and brain-stormer…

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