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My Dad always told me to live each day as if it were my last, and as a child the specter of one’s last day always seemed like a remote possibility. But with maturity and experience comes the realization that it’s not just about one’s last day, but also the lost chances and opportunities in life that should also be seen through a lens of hope and caring. So as you go about your daily chores it’s always best to do all you can to make every day count.

Be positive and upbeat: We all can find the glass that is half empty, but why bother? Every day presents us with so many glasses that are half full and you should spend all of your time trying to fill them all the way up. Think how much you can help others by showing them how and when and why they can help others today.

Be an inspiration: Live your life as an example to others. We all observe those around us and try to mimic the good things we see, so remember that when on your journey. It’s so much better to do the kinds of things that inspire others to be better and to leave that as your legacy.

Tell others you care about them: All too often we just assume that others know how we feel about them, but are you sure they know? There’s no harm in telling them as often as you can how you feel – it never gets old. And if by chance you never get another chance you’ll be happy that you did.

Find the harmonies in your life: The best things in life are those that complement each other and you should never miss an opportunity to share in them. Being part of a team, working closely with others, sharing good things and times with those you care about – these are the moments that make the most of your time and energies. Don’t miss any chance to join in and find life’s harmonies.

Leap empty handed into the void: I must admit, I didn’t come up with this one – I saw someone in an interview on TV saying this and it’s something I now believe in. Whether it’s your last moment on Earth or just one of the many along the way, remember to put down what you’re doing before you start to focus on the next thing. To get the most out of anything you should always be ready to put your all into everything you do.

That’s it: short and simple. Now the trick is to remember these and make them a part of your life every day.

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Arte Nathan served as Chief Human Resources Officer for Steve Wynn's gaming companies from 1983 - 2006, and opened all of his casinos in Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Mississippi and China. Arte retired from the gaming industry in November, 2006 and moved to Southern California. He is currently on a long term adventure in New York City and consulting with companies that want to learn more about startups and turnarounds.

Arte graduated from Cornell University in 1972 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial and Labor Relations. He has been the recipient of many awards for his work in Human Resources, community affairs and education. He is a frequent guest lecturer at colleges and universities, and has addressed numerous professional associations and conferences on the subjects of leadership and human resource management. He currently teaches, writes and consults, and lives in Laguna Beach, California and the Adirondack Mountains in Upstate New York. He is an avid musician, hiker, canoeist and book enthusiast. 

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Comments (3)

  1. Was fortunate enough to meet you a few years back while collaborating on HR matters. So happy to see your inspiration and contributions have made it to this platform. It brings me joy and promise each day.

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