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Winning the Game of Fear Webinar

Motivational "happy thoughts" and philosophical points about the human condition Do NOT Solve The Deep, Underlying Fears, Feelings and Thoughts that NAG At You, Keep Reminding You of shortcomings and Rise Up Inside You when you even TRY something outside of your comfort zone! My friend John Assaraf has spent most of his adult life searching for real answers to tough questions AND the SCIENTIFIC PROOF behind these solutions! Maybe you've seen John talk about these PROVEN solutions on National TV or read about it in one of his international bestselling books. My Greatest Fear:  Not adequately conveying YOUR POWER…

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Being Brilliant Is Your Birthright

You are made of light, so being brilliant is your birthright. You are made of the rebirth of stars, and hold the gravity of the universe in the curve of your smile, so the power that is you is the power that moves through all things. Harness it, channel it in a direction of passion, and witness the magnificence of your own illumination! The shamans and doctors of physics agree that everything is just light, and inside of you is the fuel that ignites the sun. Burn it for a purpose that you love! Know that time and space are…

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One World, One Life

There is one world. We have one life. We have one chance to get this right. Pause your life for a moment and think about this. We look out at the world, and see a place of unending wonder. One part of us wants to attribute the wonder to a God overhead; another part of us hears the voices of the scientists who say it all began when a tiny, infinitely condensed seed exploded, scattering matter to the far reaches of the cosmos, where it gradually formed into stars, galaxies, planets, and then, somehow, life itself. Our minds are split…

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Express Who You Are Through What You Do

We all want to be successful in life, but finding what it takes isn’t as easy as it might seem. In our culture, there is a strong tendency to equate success with position, power, and money, and that was my perspective as I prepared myself for a business career and as I advanced in the corporate world. I assumed that I would feel complete as a person when I achieved enough position, power, and money. But how much is enough? It was only after becoming CEO of a startup company that I realized there would never be enough, that I needed…

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Reclaim Your Attention, Reclaim Your Power

What do you pay attention to? As you read this, become aware of how you're attending to these words. Are you distracted or focused? How do you pay attention? Your attention is powerful - full of power. The kind of attention I am talking about is your non-judgmental, welcoming, loving attention. This attention energizes and enlivens all things in your life. Your attention arises from inside you, from that presence we'll call your inner self. What you pay attention to and how you pay attention is how you use your power. When you reclaim your attention, you reclaim your power,…

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Live Your Purpose

The God of the Universe breathed power into you. You are alive. So live. Because you have received power from the greatest Power you have the ability to overcome, to move forward, to effect change, to make a difference. Do not squander your power. Certainly, joy comes when we extend compassion and service. But sometimes. Sometimes you have to come first. We worry it’s inappropriate, selfish, or even narcissistic to ever consider putting ourselves first. For whatever reason, sometimes we relegate ourselves to the end of the line. Maybe we feel we’re not worthy. Maybe we feel undeserving. Maybe we…

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Focus On What’s In The Glass

Is the glass half full or half empty? I am 66 years old and have been blessed to have a good life, a wonderful family and a pretty successful career. At age 60 I discovered Asset-Based Thinking and since then I have found more meaning in work, determination, personal fulfillment, confidence and humility than I could ever have imagined. As I contemplated what's ahead, I found it rewarding to look back through the lens of Asset-Based Thinking (ABT) and imagine the upside of the future. What ABT has shown me is that the glass is neither half full nor half…

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Finding Your Excellence

Connect to your power core. The center of your greatest power is the conscious, fully present place where you are the best reflection of your truest self. Be still and embrace the you that you are today. Fully acknowledge every dimension of all that is true about who you are created to be in the Earth. That which is true does not become the always is! Be you. Know you. Love you. Get acquainted, agree and align with the divine you. By loving who you are at this very moment, you open the way for the best in you…

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The Power That Lies Within

In my teachings, the one message that I really want to emphasize is that there is nothing more important than to stay connected to the Power within. It doesn't matter what you call it; infinite intelligence, divine mind, God, Presence, it's all the same, and it is within each and every one of us, waiting for our recognition of it. When we are connected to source, to the infinite wisdom within, there's inner peace and a feeling of safety that no beliefs in material or outside powers can ever give you. Tune into the guidance by stillness and meditation, but…

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The Power of Truth

For a few minutes let’s discuss the POWER OF TRUTH and how you can harness it to Manifest Your Greatness. Lying to yourself is not the way to increase the power in your life. Lying drains energy at the mental, emotional, spiritual and molecular level. Here's the problem -- you lie to yourself all the time. You just don't know it. You don't believe me? See if these lies sound familiar: "There is no way I can ________" “I’m not good enough to_______” "I don’t have what it takes to _______" "If I don't get _____ I will never be…

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Leap Into Your Life!

At every age and every stage of life, we find ourselves in times of great glory or in utter despair. Whether we are toddlers learning to walk or turning 40 or 60, we all have the same experience: the opportunity to risk. To take a leap of faith. To go beyond that which we can see clearly and leap into the life we've imagined. It's our time, every time these moments occur. It is up to us to determine just how we will experience every setback, every win, every frustration and every adversity. Even in the darkest of times, you…

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FLY – Forgive and Love Yourself

See your self more clearly by looking inward. That is where you come face to face with your true identity. Connect with your soul and love yourself inside out. Your soul is the beautiful image, behind your eyes, that stares back at you in the mirror. Connecting with your soul will inspire you to FLY, Forgive and Love Yourself, a personal mantra and mission statement for empowered living. Let go of disappointments, setbacks, criticism, pain, self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Forgive yourself for everything and love yourself unconditionally. You are worthy. Your worth is not conditional or contingent upon anything. You…

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lion, tinman, scarecrow

You Had the Power All Along

Like the Scarecrow, Lion, and Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz, I sought an expert to provide me with what I already held. Over a decade in corporate America led this Type A into physical distress. I was fatigued and irritable. My muscles were tight and painful. My digestion and reproductive systems were broken causing intense issues and discomfort. I was a wreck. Visiting doctor after doctor I was told there was nothing wrong. No illness. No disease. Prescriptions of all sorts were recommended – none of them really worked. After more than three years, I was frustrated, tired,…

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Beyond Money and Power

Lately I have been experiencing a ground swell of desire for a new way to be and live. I expect to see this from my clients, however I am seeing it in places and people I would not expect. Arianna Huffington shares her thoughts about redefining success in her new book, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom and Wonder. Instead of focusing solely on money and power, she calls us to look to a third metric centered on the quality of our lives. A relaxing weekend at a friend’s summer house becomes a discussion…

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