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There was a time when my life was going ok. I was working a lot of hours, making a lot of money, and enjoying my free time.

Like many of you, I suspect, this was ok. At the time I was working about 70 hours a week. I was struggling to make it through the day, and hoping that things would get better. I hoped that my career would slow down. I hoped that I would be able to take some time off soon. I hoped that I could begin to take better care of myself. Then things began to go downhill. But, I still hoped that they would get better soon.

That is when I learned that hope is not a strategy.

What happened next is a long story. I will give you the short version. One day everything was fine, and the next day things went downhill fast. I didn’t feel well so I went to see a doctor. He had me transported to the hospital by ambulance immediately. Within a couple of days I went from healthy, to not expected to make it through the day. After multiple surgeries, I made a miraculous recovery. There is no medical reason that I am alive today. Except for some problems with my voice, I am very much alive and well.

When your whole life consists of lying in a hospital bed looking at the ceiling, you have a lot of time to think. You have all of time in the world to think about what is most important to you.

If you are like me, you will discover that it is not your job, or your money, or the things in your life. It is your health and your relationship with the people who matter the most to you.

You may be wondering why I am sharing this story with you today. I am sharing it because I want you to you know that when things start to go downhill in your life, they go downhill really fast. That is what happened to me, but it doesn’t have to happen to you.

Take some time today to step back and be pro-active. Take some time to take control of your life. Decide what is most important to you, and create a plan to get there.

Take a step back and remember hope is not a strategy.

Do something.

Start by choosing to take control.

Start by figuring out what is really important to you!

Start by thinking about how to nurture the relationships with people who matter the most to you.

If you do, you’ll be way, way ahead of most people. You will have the satisfaction of knowing you’re living your life by design and not by default. You will be living your life on purpose.

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Steve Spring is the author of Live Your Life On Purpose, where his goal is to help you restore a sense of balance and create some margin in your insanely busy life.

A former management consultant, Steve loves coffee, sailing, and being near the ocean. He is a Christ-follower, husband, dad, and entrepreneur who loves his family, friends, and helping others achieve all that they were created to be. Check out Live Your Life On Purpose or find him on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

For more information, please visit

Comments (3)

  1. WOW Steve. That is a inspiration that hits home. I thought l..ife was good. Had a good job, lived a good life, active, spiritual, had good friends. Then my back hurt, succinct nerve giving me pain. Went to a chiropractor. Fixed my back. Found a new pain. Went to the hospital. They found a blood clot in my lung. Talk about life changing for the worse. Thought I would die. Seen a special doctor, who put me on blood thinners. A new one believed it would work. Feel it working. The new problem is the medication produces gas. The gas makes it so hard to breathe. My true friends, stood by my. There hope was overwhelming. Gave me strength. The love and encouragement of family, and friends, made me realize what is really important in my life.
    Heading where you came from to were you are today, brought this out of me.
    Thank you for reminding me to what’s important to me.
    I hope this helps you to how you help people with your inspirational words.

    1. Thanks for sharing that with us Patrick! It sounds like you went through a though time. I hope things are better for you today, and I hope that my inspiration was able to help you in a small way.

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