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We only get a one ticket admission to this thing we call life. Make the most of your time while you still can. Use it wisely. Experience it fully with eyes and heart wide open.
See the beauty in the obvious, but do not forget the little things that go unnoticed. Take in the fragrance of the flowers in bloom as they are given drink by the early morning dew. Notice the artistry of the sky and the clouds that form recognizable images. Listen to the laughter of a child, still so innocent and unaware of the reality of the world around him.
Show a smile to the person you meet. It may be the only one they receive today.
Lend a helping hand to your neighbor. Isn’t it the neighborly thing to do?
Don’t forget to read. If you don’t know how, it’s never too late to learn. It is in the pages of a book where you can find your dreams.
Discover your talents. Don’t be the one who takes their last breath never having used the gifts you were born to share. The world awaits. Share them.
Respect differences of opinions and for each other. It is not by the color of one’s skin, their ideas, geographical location, or wealth that makes one person better or less than the other.
Children are born happy and nonjudgmental. It is what they see and what is instilled in them that make them change. Model your best, because actions speak so much louder than words.
Be happy for those who achieve great things, for they make the world a better place.
Take chances. Get out of your comfort zone. There is so much more to experience.
Work hard, do your best, and be proud of your job, no matter your title. From the custodian, to the kitchen help, to the CEO, a cohesive atmosphere promotes productivity.
Be still and take time often for self-reflection. Examine your life. If you aren’t happy, then strive to be. If you have hurt someone, apologize. If you aren’t on speaking terms with family, seek to change it. Be the better person.
Muscles will weaken, wrinkles may appear, but a person’s true character remains faithful.
Jealously does not look good on anyone. Everything you need is inside of you. Look inward and find your treasure. A person who is confident and content is incapable of being jealous.
See the world, either through physical journeys or through media. There is so much to discover beyond your own backyard.
Learn the meaning of empathy and practice it often. That is where you will experience tolerance, acceptance and understanding for all mankind.
There is no repeat of our life. There are no do overs. It’s a one ticket admission. Make the most of your time while you still can.
Life is short. Make it count.

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Professor A'Mera Frieman is a professional development specialist with a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences degree in Business Administration and Criminal Justice, a Master of Arts in Professional Development with a Concentration in Life Coaching from Dallas Baptist University, and is currently completing her Doctorate in Educational Leadership at Northcentral University. Professor Frieman is also a practicing Professional Coach and Adjunct Professor with the Dallas County Community College District.

In 2013, Professor Frieman wrote the Amazon Bestselling Victoria's Journey series. In 2015, her first book, Victoria's Beginning, earned the National Indie Excellence Award in African American fiction. During this time, Professor Frieman and her husband, Zach, created a professional development division firm to assist small businesses, entrepreneurs, individuals, and families. They hold certifications from the University of North Texas Work Inclusion & Sustainable Employment division in Directorship, Vocational Adjustment Training, Personal Social Adjustment Training, Job Placement, and Job Coaching.

With six fiction books, ten professional development training curricula, and certified Leadership and Antibullying Advocate training manuals in her repertoire, Professor Frieman also founded and leads the Stopping the Madness Antibullying Foundation and created its premier program, the Dallas Women's Success Initiative conference to facilitate positive personal and professional development through knowledge building for women.

Professor Frieman is also known as a motivational "Purpose" speaker and her current focus is as the Chief Executive Officer and Principle Product Designer of Friedom Innovation LLC, a collective innovation firm that brings ideas to life through efficient and quality products to give customers freedom in their daily lives. Her first invention, The Takedown Tool-E, the Efficient Extension Remover, will be in stores in the Spring of 2019.

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