As a widow who has lost the majority of my family, I realize that life is the most important gift. We must use it wisely as life leaves oftentimes without warning taking with it all of the possibilities.
People are next. Cherish every moment and be present with every person who feels special to you in some way and know that all people are special. There is only one race – the human race, and we are created equal.
We all suffer regardless of age, race, educational background or income level. Life oftentimes is a struggle but we can choose to learn the lessons from the struggles, and we can grow through them.
Don’t sweat the small stuff – the unmade bed, the broken glass, the spilt milk. Things truly don’t matter. They come and they go and when we die, we can’t take one thing with us.
Seek ways to connect with people in need and help them. What goes around comes around, and we will more easily soar by having helpfulness as part of our karma.
Understand that death is imminent. We don’t know when, how or where it will occur…but it will occur. Plan for death, both personally and legally, to reduce heartache and grief suffered by loved ones left behind.
Life is a beautiful journey and our many experiences comprise who we are. We laugh, we cry, we screw up yet continue to try. We learn from our mistakes but we should never make the same mistake twice.
Every day is a new experience and we can’t predict what will come our way. It’s important, however, to remember that at the end of the day, we must be able to smile at ourselves in the mirror and say, “Hey there…you’re not perfect, but you ain’t half bad!”
When we see people in need, it’s best if we stop and lend a helping hand. We cannot afford to judge one another as we all see life through different eyes, and judging creates contention. Our world would be a better place if we could simply live and let live — cohabitate amidst love and respect for mankind regardless of our differences.
Heaven is our destination and when we get there, we will sing, feel happy and experience unimaginable peacefulness and contentment. The struggles will make sense and the questions will be answered. We will delight in knowing that we ran a good race and fought the fight until the bitter end.
The great rewards will be well worth it and we will live happily ever after, ever after, ever after. Ahhhhhh. A sigh of relief for a job well done! We’ll say, “Now I get it. Wow! The grass really never was greener on the other side. I had everything. What was I thinking? Why did I worry? Why did I work so hard? Why was I always in a hurry? I truly had it all. What a revelation. Wow!”
It has been a little over 2.weeks that I have found your website.I deeply regret not having you long before now.I look forward each day to your offerings.Brilliant,inspiring,well written,relevant ,meaningful.You touch lives and you are making a tremendous difference.May God continue to bless all your endeavours.
Why thank you, Maurice! We are so glad to hear that you are enjoying our inspiration, and hope to keep inspiring you and the world for years to come. We appreciate having you in the Inspire Me Today community!
You know who I am Robin. You used my life for your inspiration. That is how I live today. I had the struggles , and percivered, and grew fron them to be where im at today. Just as you shared Robin. I look back, and say wow, did I ever struggle. Thankyou Robin for that .
Thank you for your comment, Patrick. Sometimes we can’t see the forrest for the trees, but later on, when the dust settles, we are able to look back in amazement. Our struggles are meaningful and help carve who we are in the present. I hope things continue to go well for you. Always keep the faith.
My life today is a gift.
Absolutely! All of our lives are gifts, Patrick. Life is so short and we must make the best of it. We must refuse to allow adversity to get us down to the point of not being able to get up again. We grow through our trials.
Thank you
We were born in the human condition but if we die in Divine condition what a life we will have forever. Now thats’ what living is for.
Inspiring, Robin. Having suffered the loss of near and dear ones, I think I can understand your views better.
I am 60, retired from active service, I truly believe that life is short. Just as we manage our personal finance, it is equally important to manage our time.
Thank you so much.
Sudipto from India
You wake me up “what is life?.” Thanks for your excellent advice.