Ready to Improve Your Relationship with Yourself?
Relationships are so important. When everything else has faded - our jobs, our possessions, even our health - it is our relationships that remain. They can contribute to a wonderful life or they can dismantle it piece by piece, sending us into the darkest depths of frustration. Lucky for us, there is a way to ensure that we always have good relationships. Learn and hold dear this simple truth: your relationships with others are simply mirror images of your relationship to yourself. Do you know yourself? Right now you are determining the quality of your relationships through your perceptions and your belief…
14 Lessons on Life, Love, Career and Pursuit of Personal Fulfillment
Life isn’t searching for perfection Life is perfection in itself. Awareness, truth and introspection Are keys to learning that yourself. ***** Any profession that you choose Can make you rich someday From selling stock to shining shoes White collar, blue or grey Profession is the recipe You are the secret sauce Love what you do and you will see The money will come forth. ***** What you believe tends to transpire So choose whichever takes you higher! ***** The search for Love cannot succeed By looking outside Love is within, it is a seed So water it with pride! *****…
Releasing What Limits You
As much as many of us have tried to fit in — or rebelled against the pressure to fit in — we’ll never fit in. We’ll never be “normal.” We can’t be. That’s because each of us is magnificently unique. In fact, our utter uniqueness is what makes us so magnificent. Truth be told: We are all lighthouses. We are all filled with the light of Source, and we radiate it out into the world. If, right now, our lights aren’t shining brightly enough to be seen from miles around, it’s only because the windows of our lighthouses are coated…
Your Beliefs Can Save Your Life!
When I was 26 years old, a man pointed a gun at my head and shot me four times. I responded with love and compassion, and so today I am alive and well. Had I reacted differently, I would have died that night. What happened? My search for answers has led me to great heights and great depths. I have explored one marvelous topic my whole life: Consciousness. It has kept me fascinated and entertained for decades. When you use awareness to examine awareness, things get slippery. It's like standing between opposing mirrors and seeing an infinite array of selves…
7 Keys for Achieving Success
I believe that every person on the face of the earth has been gifted with a unique set of skills, talents, abilities and personality that make each person unlike anyone else that has ever lived before. When we discover what we are passionate about and make the pursuit of that passion our primary goal, we discover what we were made to do. You are the only person who can fulfill your destiny! While the road may be difficult and obstacles spring up in our way, we must keep our eye on the goal of living out our life's purpose. Rather…
The Power That Can Protect Your Dreams
I just had a great conversation with a friend who was telling me about some business associates who have had a complete turn around on their dream. A few months ago, they were enthusiastic and on fire for their future. Unfortunately, they didn't keep their mental doors locked... and something negative slipped in, and they dropped the pursuit of their dream. All failure begins this way. People may have high hopes, but when their perceived circumstances suggest a lesser outcome is more likely (perhaps via an unexpected obstacle), this perceived discrepancy becomes the initial seed of failure. Being unaware of…
What I Wish My Mother Had Told Me About Life and Men
We gravitate towards what we contemplate, so believe the best about everyone. Constantly extend grace, kindness and forgiveness to all mankind. Until we know who we are and why we were created, we risk the temptation of allowing other things and other people to define our worth. Feelings can keep us from accomplishing our purpose; since we can't change the way we feel, we have to learn how to change the way we think. God invites us to align our thoughts with His. One of the greatest gaps existing in life is the gap between knowing and doing. To live…
Go Ahead, Jump On The Bed…With Your Shoes On!
If I asked you to jump on the bed right this very moment, would you be able to do it? I mean really do it, without stopping to take your shoes off... without thinking for even one split second prior to taking the first step towards the bed? Most of you will instinctively stop first, think about your shoes, the bed, the sheets... your eyes would probably wander from one to the other... even if you pause for just a brief moment, it would feel awkward - perhaps even uncomfortable and unsettling - to dive onto the bed as is…
Sometimes My Fears Get So Intense
Sometimes my fears get so intense. It’s like my heart is in a vice grip and it’s squeezing all of the optimism and positivity out of me. Fortunately this has happened enough times over my lifetime to know that those fears are not me. They are not my truth. They are seeds that were planted at one point or another and I choose not to give them my power any longer. This is why I celebrate my fears and the anxiety that tends to come with them. Because when it’s on the surface, in my face and surging through my…
Your Body Is Beautiful… As Is
Most of us would change something about our bodies if we could. We (too) often speak harshly about ourselves: Gross. Fat. Ugly. Flabby. Eh, this part is ok. But this part, disgusting. Too big. Too small. Too short. Too tall. Body image is a reflection of our thoughts and belief systems. It is also an indicator of the amount of self love we possess. Stories we have been told. And lies we believe. The weight loss industry rakes in billions each year. People try one diet after another. They ride the wave the media makes. Everyone wants a quick fix to look "good," whatever…
From Victim to Victor
We all know the story of the man who was trapped in a flood, who refused a ride out of town before the storm, then also refused a canoe, a motorboat and finally a helicopter, saying, "I'll wait, God will save me". The story tells us that when the man drowned and met God, he asked, "Why didn't you save me?", to which God answered, "I sent you a car, a canoe, a motorboat and even a helicopter. What more were you waiting for?" The reason I share this story with you today is to ask, what are you waiting…