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You Were Born to Be Brilliant

No matter what your background, where you live, how you were raised or what you have (and haven’t) experienced in your life, you are a brilliant, bright magnificent being and your purpose here on earth is to shine your light and be who you were born to be. So many people allow themselves to live from their past, carrying with them old outdated patterns and beliefs that do not serve them on their journey. Understandably, as the unconscious patterns that can run our lives without us knowing it can be very insidious, sneaky and coercive in getting us to stay…

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Embrace The Process – Enjoy Your Journey

Enjoying the journey leading to the goal is as important as achieving the goal. Allowing the journey to divinely unfold is the secret to balance and success. Achieving goals starts at a very early age and is interweaved throughout our lives. Sell the most Girl Scout cookies. Win the spelling bee. Read the most books over the summer to receive the coveted award. Be in the upper 5% of your high school class to get the college scholarship money. Get the job with the top company. Get the bonus. Get the promotion. Buy a house. Buy a bigger house, etc.,…

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What Makes a Leader

If you are discouraged by all the discord you see in the world, I would like to share the one change that changes everything: changing how we lead. We hold the key to move beyond hope and through transformational change by looking at life differently and making different choices. We frequently use the terms leadership and management interchangeably as if they mean the same thing. They don't. We lead people and manage things, such as work and the everyday tasks of our lives. Leading is about our humanness, our relationships and our interactions with each other. Leaders are those who choose to make the…

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Become Aware

Before you can achieve peace or happiness in your life, you must become aware of yourself. This is never an easy task as it is much easier to recognize the errors of others rather than take responsibility for our own errors. You must become aware of what you say and how you say it. The words you choose, your tone of voice, the expression in your face and eyes. You must become aware of what you do and how you do it. Always pay attention to details, as these are the little things that will make a BIG difference. Honor your word and the promises you…

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Karen Lee Paquette

11 Tips for Healthy Living

Imagine a world where people treat themselves, others, and the planet like we treat our newborn babies... We give them limitless unconditional love, strive to predict and exceed their every need, care for, protect, and support them to create a bright, beautiful, successful, and joyous future.... What we are doing, in a nutshell, is simply nurturing our baby's health. My definition of health includes our physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual health. Whether it be meeting physical needs such as feeding, or mental/emotional needs such as soothing them when they cry, or surrounding them with people who love them or ensuring that…

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Recognizing The Person Behind The Mask

Most of us wear a kind of mask, a persona that hides our deepest thoughts and feelings, and presents a polished, controlled face to the world. Much of the time, we interact mask-to-mask with other people. There's a place for that. But remember times when someone saw through your mask to the real you, the person back behind your eyes. If you're like me, those times were both unnerving and wonderful. Even though it's scary, everyone longs to be seen, to be known. Besides the ways that seeing the person behind the eyes benefits others, it's good for you. And…

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You are Perfect and Whole Just as You Are – Right Here, Right Now

If today were to become my very last day to walk this Earth - if, in the next moment, I took my very last breath - I would want to instill into you a sense of peace and an urgency to love. Imagine what it would feel like to wrap yourself in a warm blanket of sparkling gold light.  As the light engulfs you, you become lighter.  You feel so warm, safe and free as you spin around and dance effortlessly.  The gold light is pure and radiant love.  It becomes you, and you become it.  Intertwined, you are one…

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Life Begins When You Do

That each decade of my life I learned my lessons from my obstacles and my joys. I collected them in writing. In my twenties I wrote my longings: these were foundational to my life manifestations. Create. Write. Inspire. Serve. These days that's called the law of attraction. The ancients said and I saw it as true - our lives become what we think about. Or, "what you feed, grows." In my thirties I gathered my intentions: Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Laugh. Play with abandon. Practice wellness. Continue to learn. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your…

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How to Attain Genius IQ

Innovating your intelligence adds successful opportunities, one brain cell at a time, regardless of what happened or failed to happen at school. Trying to figure out how people get smarter led me to ask, "What do geniuses do differently?" Traditional questions about IQ, I found, often lead to misconceptions that you are not smart. Geniuses may get kicked out of school, as Einstein did, but they rarely trip over false notions of fixed intelligence. Fact is, intelligent people rewire daily for updated mental tools and so can you. To act like a genius is to develop mental tools that master…

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Clutter, Peace, and a Lighter Spirit

     My spirit felt heavy. I couldn’t seem to write and no reading material held my interest. I felt bogged down by life.      My intuition told me to clean.      I had items the kids had left, thinking they would want them some day. To my surprise, I found out they didn’t. I started looking around my home, realizing that I had stuff that meant nothing anymore. Suddenly, I felt energized to get rid of stuff. Heaviness became my decider. Does this item weigh me down, or does it make me smile and feel lighter?  …

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Love, Trust and Forgiveness

Whether our last day on Earth or the day of our birth, love, trust and forgiveness are the essentials of life. I know that I need these three nurturing ingredients, and I know you need them too. I have found that living within a family is a magnificent gift and a loving commitment. To make the family work, each member offers the gift of being physically, emotionally and spiritually available to the other family members. As insurance, we grow a connection between us so deep and strong that love, trust and forgiveness reach across time and distance to mutually nurture…

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