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Life is all about the choices we make day in, day out. Living our best life means choosing to appreciate our magnificent bodies. The body is sacred, a temple of the living, loving Spirit, and therefore deserves reverence. Treat yourself with respect. Don’t wait until you’re sick to recognize the miracle of your body. Honor the love inside you and the love you are.

If you want to become healthier and more powerful, begin with how you feel about yourself and accept your body as a temple. Heaven on earth is inside each one of us at this moment. In your unique body, mind, and spirit you have been given everything you need to be the best you can be, to become master of your life. Cherish and respect your body unconditionally—no matter what its current shape—because it is sacred.

As divine beings, we all deserve tender, loving care. We may find this difficult to accept, especially where our bodies are concerned. Many of us need to learn to be a friend to our bodies. Getting mad at our bodies only makes matters worse. Although they are but temporary homes for our spiritual beings, we must still take care of them because they are sacred vessels for this voyage on earth. Love your body and be committed to staying fit for your life journey.

Start today by tuning in more attentively to your body. It is a fantastic feedback machine. If you listen, you will discover that it communicates very well. When you get a headache, your body is trying to tell you something. Listen to your body’s signals. The key is your willingness to listen and act. If you feel pain, what is your body trying to tell you? It may be telling you that you’re eating too much, or eating the wrong kinds of food, or smoking or drinking too much, or not sleeping enough, or not drinking enough water or getting enough exercise. It could be telling you that there’s too much emotional congestion in your life.

Listen to your body. Respect and appreciate it. Take loving care of it. You will learn to discern what your body is trying to tell you. And please, choose your doctor carefully. Choose someone who practices a wellness lifestyle and who listens to you. There is a tendency today for doctors to turn to technology and all kinds of elaborate testing first, or to prescribe a regimen of medications, before listening to you or to their own intuition. I don’t think it’s a good trend.

As you think about your health and health care, ask yourself both of these questions: what can the doctor do for me? And, how can I help myself? You are the authority on your body. Educate yourself. If you have specific health conditions, read up on them online and figure out how to get the best possible care. And remember this: It is normal to be healthy. It’s your divine birthright to be well. Choose wisely and show by your daily actions that you are a champion of creating your best life.

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For more than three decades, Susan Smith Jones, MS, PhD, has been one of the world's most recognizable names and faces in the fields of health, fitness, and balanced living. In addition to being the author of 27 books and a variety of audio programs, and hundreds of magazine articles, Susan taught students, staff, and faculty at UCLA how to be healthy and fit for 30 years!

A frequent guest on talk shows, Susan is also renowned as a holistic health consultant and a much sought-after motivational speaker to community, corporate, and spiritual groups worldwide. Susan has assisted thousands of people in becoming more aware of how their food and lifestyle choices affect their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. To learn about her holistic health philosophy and surefire secrets to heal your body and create vibrant health, listen to this empowering talk show interview.

To order Susan's popular 3-book healthy living Hay House series, The Healing Power of NatureFoods, Health Bliss and Recipes for Health Bliss, please call: 1-800-523-1187 ET.  Each book comes autographed by Susan. To order any of her other popular books, including Walking on Air: Your 30-Day Inside and Out Rejuvenation Makeover and The Joy Factor: 10 Sacred Practices for Radiant Health, along with her celebrated digital program Renew Your Life, or any of her other books/audio programs, please visit Susan's website

For more information, please visit

Comments (4)

  1. This article is so inspirational, uplifting and speaks with real wisdom. To recognize the gift of our bodies as a sacred trust to respect and honor is a wonderful message. I will print off this article and paste it on my refrigerator. Thank for this message from Susan. I want to hear more from her.

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