No matter what life scenarios or predicaments you’re in, just think of two words… adventure, adventure.
We’ve heard the song, “Que será será, whatever will be, will be.” Yet whatever is going to be, doesn’t always have to become what is expected.
Fate, destiny, karma, miracles, chi (qi), the Force… they’re all intangibles in the invisible energies of the world/universe, yet their narratives, stories and conclusions are as visible as the ways they’ve been written and lived. We can’t stop the next day from happening, yet if you’re willing to work hard, you can prepare for the days ahead knowing that we can influence fate and destiny.
If something truly exists (ghosts, reincarnation, life energy, chi (qi), etc.), it exists whether you believe in it or not.
Clichés like, “Live every day like it’s your last,” “Life is too short to stay angry,” and “Appreciate life while you have it,” are reminders about life, living and love that are easy to ignore because many get wrapped up in making a living, looking for love, and not enjoying life. Take time to reflect on what is truly important in life.
Thus, if being on your cell phone/online, catching the big game, or going out with your friends are often more important than speaking or being with your spouse/kids/soul mate, then maybe you don’t value the people you love as much as you should. There’s always another game, call/text or friend, but not always another love.
When The Leeza Gibbons Show chose me as the Best Husband in America and asked what makes a marriage successful, I posited, “Don’t go to bed angry, always communicate, and keep your in-laws out of your marriage.”
When tough times invade your marriage, remember why you married in the first place and draw from that power of unity, happiness, devotion and love to get through.
Your spouse is the most important person in your life. Never say anything about them or do something with another person that you wouldn’t say or do if your spouse was standing next to you.
Consider that love/marriage is not always about looking at each other but looking in the same direction.
Deeds speak louder than words and at the end of the day the greatest gift we have is helping others.
Figure out what you need in life as compared to what you want in life. The quicker you find a life’s purpose the faster you’ll enjoy both.
Things you think are excuses for failure can be reasons for success just as your perceived weaknesses can turn out to be your strengths.
Longevity is not the key, but living long and healthy. Also, regardless of your health situation, providing you don’t wait too long, there’s always something that can be done to improve it.
Each end is a new beginning and good always follows bad.
Finally, to me, a true martial artist is one who learns not to fight and learns to heal rather than hurt.
Nice inspiration. I just started a relationship, and havnt made itto love yet. But look Iin the glass, and find love. I love my family, and friends., and they love me. I love humanity, and love you Craig.
Thank you for your kind words Patrick. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and sounding from your comment…you’ll never walk alone.
That is a nice inspiration Craig. Thank you.
Lots of Love