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Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days

Intuition is a spiritual practice—and the moment you understand this, it is a simple matter to open your “psychic” or intuitive abilities. In this four-week course, we will cover the four core psychic abilities from a spiritual perspective. This will include: Psychic Hearing (Clairaudience), Divine Receiving (Channeling/Messaging), Psychic Seeing (Clairvoyance), and Astral Projection/Remote Viewing. Using guided meditation suitable for all levels, we’ll work with each of these abilities from the starting point of Divine connection: a place where you will experience expansion of consciousness, raising of vibration, and healing, growth and transformation.

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Homework Headaches

If you’re tired of feeling like home-life is hijacked by school stress, or watching helplessly while your smart child struggles with school, then this program may just be the answer to your prayers.Elaine Taylor-Klaus & Diane Dempster's Homework Headaches offers the tools you need to support your kids without feeling like your family is being held hostage by school! A comprehensive training program, Homework Headaches is available online, 24/7, ANY time you need it, so you can go at your own pace and learn how to support your kids – without having to drive anywhere. The program combines training and coaching, exercises and strategies, and includes monthly calls with an ImpactADHD Coach. Don't give up on your child’s education, or sacrifice your relationship with your child just to get school-work done. If school stress is making you crazy, let Homework Headaches restore your sanity!

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Destination Awesome

Amiee is a true rags to riches story. Her mom left when she was two-years-old and her dad wasn’t around much so she pretty much raised herself. She was the first in her family to go to college and graduate debt-free. Then she opened her own business and built a team of more than 100 people. Amiee’s book Destination Awesome is a collection of wild stories of experiences she had growing up, the lessons she learned from those experiences and how those lessons helped her become a successful, happy adult. She also interviewed others who’ve overcome their own unique challenges. Destination Awesome is a road map that can help you achieve your awesome life regardless of your past or current circumstances. This book reminds us that no matter what we are dealing with or where we come from, we can create the life we want. Get Destination Awesome!
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When Everything Changes, Change Everything – The 7 DVD Set

Are you experiencing change in your life that leaves you feeling hopeless? Is it something you wish to change? Or perhaps someone you care about is going through change and you wish to change their hopelessness?  If you are at a loss as to how to navigate the changes in your life, check out When Everything Changes, Change Everything: Highlights from an Extraordinary Spiritual Renewal Retreat. This new 7-disc DVD set from Neale Donald Walsch presents a huge number of tools and how to apply them into real world situations. While nothing can compare with attending one of Neale’s retreats in person,these highlights, filmed at an actual live retreat, are a great way to get some of the many great benefits of one in your own home. Today is the day to take charge and change your life. Order When Everything Changes, Change Everything: Highlights from an Extraordinary Spiritual Renewal Retreat now!
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28 Days to a Life of Gratitude

What if you could live in a state of joy--not just some of the time, but always? What if you could revisit every passage of your life, from birth to adulthood to your final days--and see it as a profound soul journey? What if the hardships of the past faded away, and you saw them as simply part of the path we each travel? With warmth and compassion, spiritual teacher Sara Wiseman helps you open your eyes to the beauty of your own life--the good, the bad, the all of it--and recognize it as infinite blessing. As you journey through each of the 28 vignettes, you'll come to a new understanding of your life from a soul perspective, including: growing into your authentic self, building a life of meaning and purpose, releasing old hurts and regrets, and more. If you're ready to let go of adversity and find joy, it's time for 28 Days to a Life of Gratitude.

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Having It All

Learn Scientifically Proven Strategies To Re-Script Your Self Worth Have you ever considered the possibility that your life or financial success is caused by your own self-worth?  Maybe you've never thought of it this way, but your financial worth -- your income, business revenues, even your net worth -- is tied into your self-worth. If you think you may be one of these people, and would like to learn a few techniques and tips to adjust your self worth, register below for a "mini" 3 video series where my good friend John Assaraf will teach you scientifically proven strategies to start re-scripting your brain to achieve your life's goals and dreams.

>>Click Here To Register!

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Intuition, Cancer & Miracles

The diagnosis of cancer is the first step on a journey of trials and challenge. But what if the cancer experience could become a spiritual pilgrimage - the doorway to a season of growth and renewal? In her uplifting new book, Intuition, Cancer & Miracles, Sara Wiseman shares her journey with cancer and shows how spiritual awakening and healing are always with us. Along with her story, Sara invites readers to directly experience the transformative power of the meditations she used to create healing in her own body. Intuition, Cancer & Miracles is an insightful resource for anyone with cancer and for those who provide support.

Check it out now!

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Forgiving the Unforgivable

Master Charles Cannon's Forgiving the Unforgivable tells the inspirational, true story of how survivors of the 2008 Mumbai Terrorist attack forgave their attackers. The book also provides detailed, user-friendly instructions for learning how to unconditionally forgive others (and yourself), through developing a holistic practice that is simultaneously practical and transformational. Forgiving the Unforgivable provides you with tips and tools to begin meeting every challenge with love and forgiveness - regardless of what others do.

Order your copy now!

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Happy @ Work

Ready to reap the rewards of a job well and happily done? Even in a tight economy, job satisfaction isn't a luxury; fulfilled, happy employees are productive, innovative, and loyal. And workplace fulfillment spills over into happier families and better communities. In Jim Donovan's new book, HAPPY @ WORK, you'll learn shift-producing strategies on everything from managing time, making decisions, and marking milestones to breaking patterns, bouncing back, and becoming exceptional. Each tip's method and rationale are clearly explained, and real workplace vignettes demonstrate the benefits and results that can be gleaned from simple shifts and actions. HAPPY @ WORK will empower you with the knowledge that no matter the circumstance, you can think, act, and feel in ways that create purpose, success, and, yes, happiness.

Read HAPPY @ WORK now!

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Sponsored: Leadership and Resilience Coach Certification Designation

Profound discovery awaits you as you train to develop leadership and resilience skills in yourself and others. Experts know that when we integrate the mind in healthy ways, we can foster healing, growth and resilience. Be part of the inaugural group to earn the first ever  Leadership and Resilience Coach Certification Designation from BlueRio Strategies. This course, lead by nationally recognized CCE-Board Certified Coach and Resilience Advisor Jessi LaCosta, offers a supportive platform for building coaching skills and helping others to lead more fulfilled lives. Lead and Thrive is grounded in traditional and innovative coaching approaches, the underpinnings of IPNB (Interpersonal…

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Unwavering Strength

Discover the inner strength and courage to overcome grief, loss, phobias and trauma. Unwavering Strength: Stories to Inspire You through Challenging Times is the first in a series of highly inspiring books by Judy O’Beirn and friends. It is a moving collection of inspirational stories from 32 gifted authors, including Daniel Parmeggiani, Jeanne Henning, and Dr. Terry A. Gordon. New York Times bestseller author Peggy McColl's moving foreword beautifully establishes the tone for the stories that follow. Unwavering Strength shares real-life experiences that will help you find strength and comfort in the journeys others have taken through grief, loss, trauma and heartache. As you read this book, you’ll realize we are defined by our ability to rise up from our lowest points and reach into our hidden potential for incredible growth, love and compassion. A percentage of the proceeds from Unwavering Strength book sales are being donated to cancer recovery programs.

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Wabi Sabi Love

Does your significant other do things that make you crazy? Have you noticed they probably aren't going to change? There is an easy solution, and it's a fabulous book that shows you how to go from "annoyed to enjoyed" quickly! You can fall in love all over again when you read Arielle Fords's Wabi Sabi Love: The Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships. Wabi Sabi is an ancient Japanese art form that honors all things old, worn, weathered, imperfect, and impermanent. In fact, it seeks to find “beauty and perfection in the imperfections.” The best way to learn Wabi Sabi Love is through stories and fun, simple exercises, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in the book. Arielle reveals the Wabi Sabi secrets that create a passionate, joyful, and loving relationship. If you are ready for more love, fun, harmony, and passion in your relationship....

Order Wabi Sabi Love now!

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Say Goodbye to Anxiety

Do you suffer from moments of panic, anxiety, or fear far greater than the actual threat at hand? Excessive fear has a way of taking an otherwise enjoyable day and turning it into a nightmare, and an otherwise productive life and turning it into a minefield. Excessive fear in daily life usually stems from frightening experiences we've had early on. When fear within us is unresolved, it continues to come up until we can find a way to release it. But you don't have to relive the fear, or even know where it came from, in order to let it go. You can learn to release fear naturally and safely, and that's what Max Highstein's course Say Goodbye To Anxiety is all about. If fear is a problem for you, take the first step to freedom from fear today. You choose the price for this 3 week course!

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The Best Year of Your Life

Are you ready to make this the best year of your life? You may be wondering what it would really mean for you to have the best year of your life.... Would you need to have it all together? The perfect body, your dream job, a full bank account or the ideal relationship? Debbie Ford's The Best Year of Your Life will help you understand that it isn't the outer achievements that actually give you true fulfillment. For this to be your best year, you will need to become the person you've always wanted to be. Debbie provides you with a profound, easy-to-follow weekly practice that will give you exactly what you need to become someone who stands in your power, counts your blessings, takes risks, is able to say no, and is able to learn from the mirror of your relationships.

Start The Best Year of Your Life now!

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Transform Your Life 3 Minutes at a Time

Wellness in the body begins in the mind. Dina Proctor's course Transform Your Life 3 Minutes at a Time will help you start a 3x3 meditation practice (3 minutes, 3 times a day), so you can quiet your mind at will and use the technique to release weight and promote healing and wellness in your body. Over three weeks, Dina will share real-life examples and insights as well as breakdown the process step-by-step in several instructional videos. With your choice of guided audio meditations to enhance your experience each week, you'll be well on your way to releasing negative thought patterns and enhancing your mind-body connection. If you're ready to learn how the mind's focus and thought patterns can physically impact the body's wellness, this course is for you!

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Kundalini: Ignite Your Fire & Light

Are you ready for passion and dance? To sense, feel, and embrace prosperity, joy, and health? Kundalini is the flame of life. Once ignited, it can burst your life into the song it is meant to be. This six-part e-course from Cyndi Dale and Chantal Monte will connect you to your own kundalini power source and through it, your divine spirit. When beckoned upward into the physical body, kundalini - shakti - clears the obstructions in your body, chakras, and soul, dissolving what lies between you and the future dreamed before birth. Changes occur right away, as you move through topics including chakras and kundalini, the breath, the dance of consciousness, the illusion, and the love of body. Express--love--kiss--sleep--even speak from the place of kundalini; come all the way into yourself starting with this course.

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Finding Inner Peace Through the Joy of Chocolate

As the world continues to evolve at such a rapid pace, you may find yourself searching for ways to resolve all fears and limiting thoughts, as a craving for peace and simplicity rises to the surface. Join Julie Dittmar in Finding Inner Peace Through the Joy of Chocolate as she decodes and unlocks hidden life lessons and powerful spiritual teachings while using metaphors, such as chocolate, as an extraordinary way of finding true and lasting inner peace during these times of global transformation and ascension. Lessons are filled with potent life wisdom (based on the teachings of Matt Kahn), simple exercises, and relaxing guided meditations so you may directly experience inner peace and emotional freedom. Lessons and meditations act like a squeegee for your mind, and provide healing frequencies for your body. It’s a welcomed break for the overstimulated nervous system, and a chance to receive the balance, rest, and renewal your heart longs for at its core.

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Genesis of Genius

Julie Ann Turner's new book Genesis of Genius is a Journey of Discovery from Da Vinci to Oprah that reveals the single, startling principle the greatest creative minds throughout history used to consciously shift to success in their lives, work & world.... Genesis of Genius is your step-by-step, visual guide to consciously creating the life, work & world you most desire. From Plato to Leonardo Da Vinci, on to Oprah and Steve Jobs - all used one universal principle to create success. This is your guide to do the same.

Get Genesis of Genius now!

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5 Minutes to Stress Relief

Learn how to release the three fuels of stress INSTANTLY with Lauren Miller's amazing book, 5 Minutes to Stress Relief. After going through two of life's top stressors at the same time, Lauren is committed to equipping people with the tools and techniques needed to expand their experience of inner faith, purpose-driven living and inner peace. Too often people don't deal with their unease until it becomes a disease, as was the case for Lauren. Now she's an expert on stress... and HOW TO BEAT IT. 5 Minutes to Stress Relief is preventative medicine....

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Make Yourself a Money Magnet

Make Yourself a Money Magnet is dedicated to bringing both the promise and the presence of real and lasting wealth, prosperity and abundance into your life. In this course, Ellen Whitehurst transcends and transforms the meaning of wealth, abundance and prosperity, from an idea into a real experience by sharing with you the ancient secrets and modern shortcuts, the tips and techniques that she has been privileged to have learned. Simply by following Ellen's easy to understand (and even easier to apply) effective and empowering methods, anyone looking for financial comfort and security, fulfillment, satisfaction and a bigger, bolder bottom line will be sure to find all of that and much, much more. You can attract the financial security and the comfort that you dream about and get solvent and secure. Instead of just wishing for wealth, why not try Make Yourself a Money Magnet instead?

Enroll in this course now!

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Opening Your Doorways of Possibility

Our greatest untapped resource in living a wonderful life is the unlimited possibility created through connection – within our body, brain and being AND between other brains and minds. There is so much to know about how to build and grow connections within ourselves and with others. The best way to achieve this is to have a guide – an experienced coach and mentor. And so, Richard Hill has created Your Amazing Brain 3.0 to deliver an ongoing program of insight, curiosity and straightforward practical ways to build the connections that can do amazing things for your life. Simply watch our free videos to see and feel Richard’s enthusiasm, warmth and extensive knowledge. Let him guide you towards your most inspiring self – a person of possibility!

Watch our Free Videos Now!

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