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The Best Year of Your Life

Are you ready to make this the best year of your life? You may be wondering what it would really mean for you to have the best year of your life.... Would you need to have it all together? The perfect body, your dream job, a full bank account or the ideal relationship? Debbie Ford's The Best Year of Your Life will help you understand that it isn't the outer achievements that actually give you true fulfillment. For this to be your best year, you will need to become the person you've always wanted to be. Debbie provides you with a profound, easy-to-follow weekly practice that will give you exactly what you need to become someone who stands in your power, counts your blessings, takes risks, is able to say no, and is able to learn from the mirror of your relationships.

Start The Best Year of Your Life now!

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Minimize Meltdowns

Are you tired of your child’s moods being out of control? Do you yell at your kids more than you’d like? Elaine Taylor-Klaus & Diane Dempster's Minimize Meltdowns will help you become the calm & confident parent you want to be – which is the best way to raise your child to be an independent and successful adult! A comprehensive training program, Minimize Meltdowns is available online, 24/7, ANY time you need it. That way you can go at your own pace and learn how to support your kids – without having to drive anywhere. The program combines training and coaching, exercises and strategies, and includes monthly group calls with an ImpactADHD Coach. Don't surrender to emotional catastrophe: you can learn the tricks and tools you need to calm yourself down and teach your child to do the same.

Let Minimize Meltdowns help you find the calm of a peaceful home now!

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8 Beliefs to Launch Your New Worldview

You have all the tools you'll ever need to solve any challenge or climb any mountain you truly desire within you right now. It's just a question of which you and which worldview you decide to create. Therefore, it's always up to you to choose the kind of world you wish to live in, and the kind of ideals you wish to practice each day. As you continue on your journey, consider how the following core beliefs may be used to create your own new worldview: You are Divine, born in a state of eternal, natural grace which you have…

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Life in Turmoil? Look Within

I like to look upon life as a magical magnificent mirror of truth and awareness. Everything that I, or you, can consciously observe in others, we have the full ability to observe within ourselves. In our daily lives, we often place judgments, fears or even admiration upon the individuals we come across. Spirit is amazing. (Some call it God, or a "Grand Organized Designer," or even Lord, Christ, whatever it may be that in your truth exists as that higher source of ultimate wisdom.) So, Spirit gives us so many continual experiences and events on a daily basis that bring…

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Live Your LIfe With Purpose

I would share my knowledge of doing the right thing and listening to my mind and body all of the time. You see, your body can give you honest feedback - it doesn’t lie to you. If you pay attention to how you feel in any given circumstance, you will know what the right moves are for you and what the wrong moves are. With me, it is my heart and solar plexus that I pay the most attention to because I have spent so much time nurturing my mind/body/soul connection, I know right away if something will be a benefit…

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Inspiration by the Dozen… 12 Thoughts on Life

Share that which you know to be most important. Seize opportunities to pass on knowledge. Enable others to find and utilize their own gifts. If you can get eggs, red roses, or doughnuts by the dozen . . . why not get something as uplifting as inspiration imparted that way? Here are my 12 thoughts on living life fully: It costs nothing to give a compliment or a smile to a friend or even a stranger. Indulge in these acts often. Never have I felt that a kind word was wasted; however, a negative thought or utterance can carry on…

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Letting Go of Your Stuff

There is no right or wrong way to live. There is only life, experience, and the wisdom gained through living. But by nature, we are designed to seek comfort, become bored with comfort, seek adventure, and seek comfort again. It keeps us busy, gets us in trouble, helps us procreate (often connected with getting into trouble), and forces us to continue to experience life and gain more wisdom. Most of us tend to learn the hard way, for a while. But sooner or later we begin to catch on and learn what makes us happy, what keeps us safe, what…

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The Importance of Asking Questions

We spend so much of our lives seeking answers to others’ questions and to the Big Questions: Who are we? Why do we exist? Why do we die? What happens afterward? How should we live? How can we be happy? How can we give back? What does it all mean? It’s important that we give these questions their due, that we try to answer them for ourselves. But we must also strike out on our own. In contemplation of the grail quest, comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell wrote, “Where there is a way or path, it is someone else’s path; each…

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Are You Making the Grade?

When we graduate from school the temptation is to believe we will no longer be graded on our performance. However, the reality is that upon commencement is when the real grading of our performance begins. It can seem as if we're being continuously evaluated, or graded, by employers, customers, co-workers, family etc. There is no doubt that assessment is important and, when done correctly, can provide positive feedback and benchmarks for our professional development. Done incorrectly, feedback from the stakeholders in our lives can be painful and detrimental. It can also lead us to assess our own performance too harshly.…

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The Hard Lessons in Life

Adversity happens to all of us. I have learned that you cannot control a lot of things that happen in your life and you cannot control the feelings that come over you. However, you can control what you do with those feelings. Only you control how you let the events in your life affect you, your future and the future of your family. It is interesting to me that two people can have similar adversity in their lives and yet each will come out of it differently. One may fall apart mentally and emotionally because of the difficult events they…

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6 Straightforward Tips for a Better Life

There will be many people you meet in this life that do not like you; don’t be one of them. Place your concern on the opinion of the person you see most – YOU. You owe it to yourself and the Universe to make peace with whatever is causing you pain. Be kind, forgiving, and patient. Know that you deserve -- and are worthy -- of your own love and respect. When you believe this with every ounce of your being, everything else will fall into place. There is a lot of negativity in this world; don’t let it bring…

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Take Charge of Your Life

Be a doer, not a watcher. So many temptations lure you into sitting on the sidelines of life, just watching: riveting TV shows and movies, websites, social media. We emerge blinking and wondering where the time went. Turn off the distractions. Map your dream. Take one step toward it every day. Your time is your most precious asset. Do not give it away carelessly, and don’t fritter it away. Learn to say no to requests for your time that don’t get you closer to your dream. Don’t let time get away from you. Wake up before everyone else and feed…

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Living In The Now

I've been called the "Woman of Independent Means." Funny, but it seems to capture all the vigor and verve of self-sufficiency, achievement and hard core measurable goals which marked my passage and intentions upon entering the decade of the 90s. I determined to change the world, to make quantum leaps in financial gain, to publish and to produce. After all, 40 was upon me and time a'fleeting. Now, closer to 65 than to 40, I realize that the better triumphs have not come from reaching these goals but in the shadows and nuances of missing them. When things have not gone…

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Never Stop Loving and Learning

1. Realize that there is not always a tomorrow for everyone that you encounter. Treat each and every meeting with someone as your last with them. It may be. Even if you stayed in the place where you were born and raised, people, friends and family come and go. In my case, I left two countries that are home to both family and close friends to start a life in my husband's country where I have met new family and made new friends. Unfortunately, I have not been able to see the many family and friends that I would have…

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Unanswered Prayers can be the Best Gifts

Over the past month, I was subjected to an evaluation. It got me thinking about the mistakes I made in the past, the mistakes I am making currently and the mistakes I will make in the future because I am human. I always say, “When we know better, we do better.” My wise wing-man told me today, “Man, I can mess up a lotta stuff too– just human nature: make mistakes, learn, try again, fall down, get up, move on, life’s learning cycle.” It took me 40 years to learn this and I’m still learning. I have made a career…

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Ask a Luminary

How Do I Do Better in School?

"I am preparing for my GMAT exam as it can give a great lift to my career and give me great learning opportunities. I am having a tough time studying and answering the questions. It infuses a great deal of stress and depression in me while I'm preparing for exam. I've kept a tutor as well but no matter how hard I try it seems I'm not making any progress and I'm not those gifted people who are quick with answering numbers. I have never been good at math and I'm facing math problems here. It appears that an evil…

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