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Nina Meyerhof

Free the Self With Unity

Whatever you see lives inside of you. If you see something, then it is your perception. If you go inside and deal with that perception, then it can be cleansed and erased and given DIVINE LIGHT. The biology of cells holds memories but is influenced by the mind. Free the mind and free the self for the LIGHT. Thus, freedom is what you give yourself and thus to others. If we do this, then we are all in right relationships as a family of humankind walking planet earth. Youth are the doorway to the emerging new understanding. Trust them as…

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Being Brilliant Is Your Birthright

You are made of light, so being brilliant is your birthright. You are made of the rebirth of stars, and hold the gravity of the universe in the curve of your smile, so the power that is you is the power that moves through all things. Harness it, channel it in a direction of passion, and witness the magnificence of your own illumination! The shamans and doctors of physics agree that everything is just light, and inside of you is the fuel that ignites the sun. Burn it for a purpose that you love! Know that time and space are…

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Love is Contagious!

Be gentle with others and yourself. Cherish the ones you love the most and never use anyone just to vent. Connect from heart to heart, from Soul to Soul and experience who you really are. Smile to strangers. Look into the eyes of others with your heart wide open. When you hug, do it with your whole Being. Look with loving eyes. Talk to people instead of about them. Be positive or be silent. Be generous with compliments and scant on criticism. Be honest, yet choose your words carefully and with compassion. Speak your own truth and allow others to…

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Releasing What Limits You

As much as many of us have tried to fit in — or rebelled against the pressure to fit in — we’ll never fit in. We’ll never be “normal.” We can’t be. That’s because each of us is magnificently unique. In fact, our utter uniqueness is what makes us so magnificent. Truth be told: We are all lighthouses. We are all filled with the light of Source, and we radiate it out into the world. If, right now, our lights aren’t shining brightly enough to be seen from miles around, it’s only because the windows of our lighthouses are coated…

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Supercharge Your Dreams Into Being

You are an eternal being of light and love. You are a child of God and abundance is your inheritance. You are at a deep level one with the whole universe and therefore everything you need already exists within you. Everything! Imagine tapping into that knowledge every morning allowing yourself to start the day being filled with an abundance of happiness, enthusiasm and life-energy. And then use the day in such a way that you focus this inner energy into allowing your dreams to make the journey from being just an idea to becoming actual manifestation in your present life.…

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How To Live Your Inner Light

Live in the Light. This means surrendering completely to the Universe, God, the Divine, or whatever you call that unseen, yet powerful force: the Creator. Now, it's easier said than done to live in the Light every day, however there are some ways I've found that make it far easier: TRUST. Trust yourself and the Creator. He only wants what is best for you and so long as you remember that, trusting should be easy. Jog your memory that He lives through you as you, so obviously the only very best life experiences will come your way. KNOW. Tap into…

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How To Turn Your Inner Light On!

I look within each person who has given up on themselves. If I had imaginary eyes, I would go within each person finding the darkest part of their lives and I would turn the light on those dark areas of their mind, body and soul. When it is dark no one can find their way. We stumble and become confused. When you turn the light on, you can find your way. Once the light is on, you will find the beauty within. You will no longer find thoughts like "I'm not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, can't do nothing…

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The Light Inside the Dark

One of the most profound symbols we have on this planet is the ancient Chinese yin/yang symbol. If you spend some time with it, it will reveal some very essential keys to a life well-lived. Take a moment and really look at it. Can you see how the dark and the light are nestled together? They aren’t at war with one another. In fact, they literally complement each other. What this symbol is saying is something so often overlooked – that both dark and light are essential in life. If you observe your mind closely, you will see that it…

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Shine Your Light

I am seeing an alarming trend of people walking through their life anesthetized. Numb. They whittle away their limited hours and days watching others live instead of consciously living their own life. They conveniently view others through the lens of a television screen, computer screen, or even a cell phone. With the push of a button, they fall into a trance of being a voyeur in the life of another and justify this as living. I want to shake them, "Wake up! Do you know how many people are waiting for YOU to fully show up in your life? You…

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How To Let Your Brilliant Being Shine

I recently came across one of my favorite poems, My Brilliant Image, by the fourteenth century Persian Poet, Hafiz: One day the sun admitted, I am just a shadow. I wish I could show you The Infinite Incandescence That has cast my brilliant image! I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, The astonishing Light Of your own Being! Hafiz is telling us that the astonishing light, the brilliance of our own being, is already with us.  We are filled with great light that permeates everything.    Brian Swimme, Evolutionary Philosopher and Co-Collaborator of the documentary…

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A Child's Feet in Clover

Noticing the Particulate…

At some point you stood there, in the first living room you ever knew, when you were new to the world, and life seemed simple. And you saw it all with new eyes: the old sofa. The worn table. Toys scattered on the floor A big picture window to let the light in. And at some point, you were playing in this room: maybe it was Saturday and your father napped on the sofa. Maybe it was a weekday, and your mother was in the kitchen. Maybe you were happy; maybe you were sad; maybe you’d been jumping on that…

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Within Darkness, There Is Always Light

Sometimes, we are in so much pain we forget that within that spiral of darkness, there is light. Sometimes we just need to step beyond our shadow, look at it, and see what it is attempting to tell us, teach us. The day I took this picture, I was playing with my shadows at a sand dune on a golf course and when I looked at my iPhone and saw the picture, it brought back waves of reflection of the days of youth where I was trapped within this shadow of fear, pain, and deep sorrow and loss. The biggest…

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Flying on Veteran’s Day

My husband's eighty-nine-year-old father passed away at the end of October. His memorial service was held in Corpus Christi on November 10, 2012. We flew there for the service. My husband is a pastor, and he conducted a memorable celebration that honored his father’s life. I’m new to his family, and it was a privilege to watch his siblings and his offspring interacting. It had also been a privilege to know his dad very briefly. We flew home the following Monday, and the head of our flight crew was an exceptional woman named Mary Hannold. A former teacher, she is…

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