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Live Your Life as if Your Body Were Perfect

Over the years, I have both loathed and loved my body. I have found that loving my body is much, much better. So I made a decision to love my body, not in spite of imagined flaws or ways that it deviates from the media ideal of what a body should look like, but rather because it is mine and it is perfect. I spent decades putting my life on hold—waiting to achieve an acceptably, socially, skinny body. I didn’t lose any weight (at least not permanently). All I lost was a few decades. So one day I made a…

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Crossing the Threshold

When you are inspired to do something, whatever it is in you that calls to be expressed, answer the call. Be bold; cross the threshold into uncertainty with the joyous anticipation that you are in fact stepping into your magnificence. And that whatever results will benefit you and others, otherwise you would not have been inspired in the first place. Most of us will not have our life play out in the public eye on Earth’s big stage. Most of us will not discover a cure for a major disease or invent something that changes the way we live. But…

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Why Taking Risks Is Worth It

Everything is a risk. It's a risk to stay where we are in our life just as much as it's a risk to step into unfamiliar territory. The question is not, "Which decision is a risk and which isn't?" The question is, "Which decision reaps the highest reward?" This is the principle of calculated risks, which governs our lives; take a step into the unknown and life will reward you for your courage. Yes, it may be scary, but fear is an innate part of the human experience. It can become the chain and ball that locks us in the…

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The 4 Keys to Fulfillment

The keys to finding fulfillment in life may be different for each of us, but here is what I have discovered to work for me... and the essence of what I've discovered after my years on this wonderful planet. I hope these insights launch you into the next stage of your life with powerful new renewed force and energy. I discovered these four distinctions in the 50+ entrepreneurs I interviewed, but I do believe at their core, they also lead to a more fulfilling life: 1. Embrace a consuming passion by sharing it with others. Surround yourself with others who share…

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5 Ways to Create Passionate Connections

Be of Service Do you know what Web 2.0 is? It is the evolution of the current state of the Internet and the trend of social networking and all of the technology that supports it. I love that the present culture of the Internet has evolved to focus on people and that the technology makes it even easier to be of service. Being of service and helping others feel good about themselves is not only rewarding, it allows you to grow exponentially. You grow internally as a person and externally because your influence will have a farther reach. Be a…

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9 Nuggets of Wisdom, Joy, and Love

I want to share some nuggets of wisdom that I have learned in my thirty years that will hopefully help you live a more happy and fulfilled life. Enjoy. Love yourself unconditionally no matter what! If you don't love yourself, how will you ever be able to love anyone else and fulfill the need for connection that we all so desperately crave. Know that you are a beautiful creation and you deserve all the love and happiness that life has to offer. Be grateful everyday for another day of life. Don't take this for granted! Follow your passions in life,…

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To Have An Amazing Life, You Have to Take Risks

Walt Disney's first company went bankrupt. Instead of giving up, he headed to Hollywood with twenty dollars and a suitcase to start a new business. He believed in himself and his ideas. It turned out to be a really good risk. Michael Jordan was cut from his sophomore varsity basketball team for being too short. He stuck with the game and ended up one of the best basketball players in the world. Winston Churchill did poorly in school for which he was punished. He also had a stuttering speech impediment. Churchill went on to become the Prime Minister of the…

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Bouncing with Style: Taking a Risk

By Sandra Beck. I pushed my stroller into the law office dragging a grape juice-stained three year old boy as his little brother pounded on the tray complete with all those little plastic jangling things that were supposed to keep him busy. Clearly they irritated him as he let out a wail and now they also irritated me. An impossibly groomed receptionist looked alarmed at the rag tag crew that just rolled into her fancy office. This was a law firm specializing in divorce. This can’t be the first time someone flung cheerios under the fancy leather couches. They should…

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