- You are magnificently unique. In fact, it is your uniqueness that makes you so magnificent!
Making Your Dream A Success
Every person has something special on the inside of them that is just waiting to be shared with the world. That special internal something is wrapped up in our individually unique, gifts, talent and abilities but is locked away within us. What makes our distinguishing attributes so awesome is that no other person in the world can demonstrate those qualities quite like we can. Just think for a moment, that no two human beings have the same finger prints, not even identical twins. So this means that there is something in us that adds and makes a significant contribution to…
Releasing What Limits You
As much as many of us have tried to fit in — or rebelled against the pressure to fit in — we’ll never fit in. We’ll never be “normal.” We can’t be. That’s because each of us is magnificently unique. In fact, our utter uniqueness is what makes us so magnificent. Truth be told: We are all lighthouses. We are all filled with the light of Source, and we radiate it out into the world. If, right now, our lights aren’t shining brightly enough to be seen from miles around, it’s only because the windows of our lighthouses are coated…
The Essence of Beautiful YOU
You are purposely here for a reason, designed with specific innate gifts and talents only known to you and your creator. You are as unique as a snowflake or fingerprint compared to the other 7 billion souls on this planet as there are no two alike. Our core essence is spiritual energy and YOU are an extension of God/Goddess manifested into physical form. Your personal journey here is to rediscover your magnificence on many levels of Being - creatively, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually - in this “school of life” to become the fullest expression of who you were created…
Dare To Be You
Be who you are. Don’t try to mimic anyone else. Be uniquely you, because (and this is quite amazing) there is no one else in this world exactly like you and never will be! If you continue to strive to be someone you’re not, you’ll not only remain unhappy and unfulfilled, you’ll also deprive others of the gift of yourself—the very special “someone” only you can give. That would be a tragedy. Okay, so now you may wonder. . . “How can I be myself if I don’t really know who I am yet?” Good question. The first thing I’d…
- Doing things differently than others makes life a lot more interesting!
- One of the most magical facts about the universe is that there are no human duplicates. There never has been, nor will there be, another person like myself or any one else.
10 Truths That Will Change Your Life
1. If this were your last day, what would you want to be experiencing? How often do we spend our days recounting our hurts, how we were wronged, what we don’t have, what is stressing us, and how we were disappointed? Choose instead in every moment to experience joy, love, happiness, laughter, connection, and creativity. 2. Pain comes from expecting a dog to be a cat. A dog is going to be a dog. Accept people for who and how they are, not who and how you want them to be. In doing so, both of you will find release,…
You Already Have the Key You’re Looking For!
Your imagination is the most powerful tool you possess. Use it wisely. It has the ability to create the most amazing, beautiful, fun-filled life of “awesomeness” you can imagine or destroy it all and leave you wallowing in the mud of fear and confusion. We live in an energetic Universe. Everything is just energy, even your thoughts and words. The key is to become aware of, and direct the thoughts you are thinking and the words you are saying. They are your point of attraction (what the Universe sends your way) and your inspiration for action. Both of which create…
Celebrate Your Uniqueness
Life has shown me, over and over, that everything happens for a reason. We are all on unique journeys, and I am grateful that your path and mine are intersecting here. No two human beings, not even identical twins, are exactly the same. So celebrate the fact that you are unique. Do not obsess about flaws and shortcomings. You are the person you are intended to be. Instead of obsessing, make gratitude lists. Science has shown it strengthens the neural pathways that house positive thoughts. You can do this several ways. List alphabetically. List by categories. Or take photos of…
Adapting To Trials
During the course of our lives, each of us will undergo some major trial, the nature of which is immaterial, for each ordeal carries a weight that can only be measured by the one who bears it. My trial began in the summer of 1954, when I was stricken with polio. I don't remember much of the day on which polio entered my life, other than that that was the last time I was able to walk under my own power. I was hospitalized until the initial thrust of the attack, which paralyzed me from the neck down, subsided. After which,…
Am I Making a Difference in the World?
"I want to make a difference in the world, but I don't know how." ~ Kristin, Des Moines, IA Dear Kristin, You already are the difference in the world. Literally, you being here at this time, in this place, is making a difference. Embrace that about you and learn to love and appreciate everything about this wonderful life you experience. Doing so will open your mind and fill your life with so many opportunities and experiences that you won't be able to do it all! Stop worrying about making a difference and start embracing your existence. The world would not…
How Can I Remember I’m Valued?
"What can I do to value myself in those times when I don't feel like I am valuable and/or valued?" ~ Quinn, Baltimore, MD First, remember to be kind to yourself and know that it is part of our humanness to feel sadness, frustration, and, at times, less than. You are not wrong for what you feel. During the times you don’t feel valuable and/or valued, shift your awareness onto all that you have and all that you are. Give thanks for the opportunity to learn and grow from the challenges you face. Find gratitude in the existence of being,…