from Raise Your Vibration: Tips and Tools for a High-Frequency Life, a min-e-book™ by Absolute Love Publishing.
4 Tips To Help You Choose Who You Want to Be
In the midst of everything, happiness is still all around you. The Universe is delighted with you- all of you. Given all that unconditional love supporting you, you can choose who you want to be. Here are some things I've learned. 1) Live your life on purpose, as a creator, with personal freedoms. Make more choices that nurture your simple joys, talents, relationships with loved ones, your contribution, your connection to abundant source and spirit. 2) Making choices based on staying close to your passions, purpose, and calling expands everything else in your world. You stay in the zone of…
The Importance of Being of Service to Others
"The greatest among you, shall be your servant." This has been one of the verses I have lived my life on and want to pass on to you. If you believe that you are created in God's image, and every other human is too, that will translate in every facet of your life. My son asks me, "Why do you do things for others?" I say to him, "Son, I am serving another of God's image bearers." I show him that service is an important part of life by exemplifying in my life. Our words can never speak more loudly…
6 Easy Steps to Reach Your Dream
When I personally set off to visualize a dream or a goal, I use the letters of my name, G.A.R.C.I.A. as a formula or guide to focus my vision in the area I am pursuing. You might try this with your name. Go for it. I visualize my goals. All I have to do is simply recall that as a young boy, I could barely speak English and my education was suffering, and that I worked under the blazing sun for 12-13 hours a day, as a laborer, for 40 cent an hour. I remember that I felt like I…
Tips for This Journey Called Life
Participate in life or it will pass you by. What does participate mean? It means to reach out and seek everything. Taste every flavor, smell each aroma, see every facet, hear every note and touch every texture. Life's a huge smorgasbord, with so much variety that it is impossible to taste everything. Life is also like a big washing machine, churning and mixing all its ingredients all the time. At the smorgasbord or in washing machine, we find people, opportunities, challenges and the failures. It is ultimately up to each of us to decide who or what to choose. We…
9 Lessons for A Happy Life
I would offer my 9 steps to a happy life.... 1. Build something that you believe in - a relationship, a family, a company or a project. Focus on what you can do today to get where you want to be. 2. Learn the art of letting go. You will have to let go of friends, family, beloved pets, money and objects during your lifetime and sooner you accept change the easier life becomes. 3. Smiles and compliments are free and they make all the difference in the world as our connections with people are relational and have a ripple…
The Key to Having Endless Energy
Do everything you do with every fiber of your being. This includes important activities, like preparing a presentation for work or expressing love to your spouse or children, but it also includes everyday things like washing the dishes, balancing your checkbook, or talking to the checkout clerk at a store. Most people are so afraid of depleting themselves they constantly hold themselves back. But if you give to the last drop, you'll be surprised to discover you have more energy than you ever dreamed of. In fact, you have a source of infinite energy inside you; it can't be depleted.…
Why You Need To Remember ‘WE’, not ‘ME’
Forget Your Obsession With Shiny Objects
Ours is a world focused on "shiny stuff". An endless parade of shiny new things that will supposedly make us happier. Whether it's a new baby doll or toy car, we are taught from the earliest age to strive harder, to be better, so we can get more shiny stuff. Soon we learn that shiny stuff isn't what it's cracked up to be. The wrapping paper goes in the trashcan, and the shine begins to wear off. It's time to donate the old stuff to make room for the new stuff.... "Do you have something shiny?" we ask.... And so…
Staying On Target Despite Obstacles
If there is a light at the end of the tunnel, do you see it as a train getting ready to hit you, or do you see it as your ticket to a better life? If I were you, I would hop on that train. In almost every instance, it will take you to a better, happier place. If the road you are traveling is paved with a) detours, b) brick walls, c) closed doors, d) distractions, and e) personal issues, don't give up! Think of these things as speed bumps -- glitches or annoyances. Things happen for reasons you…
4 Guidelines for Finding Inspiration
Keep your eyes wide open for inspiration! Look for a beautiful sunset. Feast your eyes on the perfection of flowers - the perfection of their colors and of their conformation. Did you realize that none of the colors in nature clash with each other? See the world through the camera's lens and you will be inspired by the beauty that you have chosen to record. It will also help you to focus on your subject with clarity. This will give you an appreciation for form. Keep your ears open for inspiration! Listen to a John Phillip Sousa march: then listen…