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Speak Briefly, with Compassion and Warmth

There is one piece of wisdom that I believe would make this world a better place to live: “Speak briefly, speak warmly, and fill every sentence with kindness, clarity, and optimism.” We're all bad communicators, but don't realize it. The human brain can only absorb about 5-10 words and recall them with any degree of accuracy. That's one sentence, about 10 seconds. But most people talk for an average of three minutes before pausing. That means that the listener can only recall about 1/20th of what you said, and it is often the wrong 10 words! That's why, when I…

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Why Your Life is Unique, Powerful, and Needed

Humanity has always confounded me. We are supposed to be an ever evolving species and yet we make choices to destroy each other, the planet and its resources. However, not all humans are destructive or violent…people to people we usually see our differences and learn. But politics, power, and greed get in the way of love, abundance and freedom. My wish for all who read this is to know that we all have a unique purpose, a one of a kind story to play out while we are alive. We are relationship beings who are more alike than different. My…

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Dare to Dream

I am sitting in a self-development workshop. The year is 1989 and I am 52 years old. The leader asks us to think of three things we'd love to do before we die and likely never will. My "Bucket List"... climb Kilimanjaro, climb the Matterhorn and see Everest Base Camp. What, I'm not a climber? Little did I know where those wishes would take me. Fast forward to May 22, 2007. It is 8:08 in the morning and I am standing at 29.035' on the top of Mt. Everest, the world's tallest mountain. Aside from two Japanese people, I am…

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3 Ways to Live Happy and Healthy

When my mother died, I was filled with such pain that I yelled at God and said I wasn’t going on until I understood what was happening. I could not see the sense of loving a mother and then losing her. What a painful joke. That night God’s messenger came to me and explained everything about life. As the years unfolded, I have been gently led to more and more understanding. As I sit here today, I believe there are 3 things that are helping me to live a happier, healthier, prosperous, and meaningful life. I have been learning that…

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6 Positive Intentions For Getting What You Want

Energize your imagination to get more of what you want. Be as specific as you can with how it feels, tastes, sounds, smells, to live your dream now. Write your dream down in words that makes you feel good when you read it and read it daily. Make your dream a priority by setting up systems of accountability to get what you want. Set up a mastermind group, hire a coach, dedicate time every day to focus on your dream daily, offer to help people who have achieved your dream. Set specific parameters for your dream so you become a filter for…

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Becoming Part of the Solution

It was during the early morning hours of June 7th 1998 that 49-year-old James Byrd Jr. of Jasper, Texas was dragged nearly three miles behind the bumper of a pickup truck to his death. Just the day before my wife and I brought our second newborn daughter home from the hospital and I wondered if we had done the right thing. Was it fair to bring child into such a troubled world? I asked how it was possible that three individuals could wrap a fellow human being in chains and drag him to his death simply because of the color of…

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No Strangers in the Heart

I have been writing for forty-five years—poems, stories, journals, dreams, essays—and all of it can be reduced to this phrase: no strangers in the heart. This has led to a belief in our original nature, our endless compassion, our need to listen, and our need to stay awake. It is only through great love and great suffering that we are exhausted of our differences until our hearts are opened to realize that we are at heart the same. This is the constant renewal of compassion that reseeds the world. To live in a truthful way requires that we listen to…

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The Roots Keeping Us Grounded

Not a day goes by that I don't count my blessings to have certain people in my life who have led me to happiness. For many years, I have been stuck in negative beliefs about myself that have pulled me into the ground and I've never quite broken the surface or reached the sunlight, caught in a lifetime of darkness and shrouded in silence. A tree that once was a tiny little seed, that had inner strength within it, knew that in order to grow big and tall it had to be dropped in soil, hidden in darkness and struggle…

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Living Simply, Kindly, and Compassionately Despite Tragedy

Some lives seem riddled with sadness and even tragedy. Many live a life of grief and despair. And yet there are others who experience similar lives who somehow become stronger and decide to make a difference in the world. I believe we have total control over how we respond to things that happen to us. We can choose to remain a victim or, after we have worked through our grief, we can decide to come out swinging. I have had my fair share of sadness in my life – some from mistakes I’ve made, others from mistakes others have made.…

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How to Avoid a Mid-Life Crisis: Set Your OWN Expectations

We’ve only got one shot at this thing called life. And yet, all too many of us tend to give it away to living other people’s expectations. All too often, young people spend the first two decades of their lives absorbing their world’s expectations for them – figuring out what their parents and communities think they should be doing. They internalize those dreams, those visions, those goals. And then, they spend the next several decades trying to fulfill others’ expectations of what their lives should be like. And then, sometime on the approach to middle age, they become surprised that…

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How You can Create Your Reality

We are more powerful than we can imagine. This message has come to us from many sources, but most of us don’t believe this to be true. The difficulty has to do with the simplicity of the plan. For many lifetimes we have bought into a belief in struggle. Even today, fitness gurus teach “no pain/no gain.” Everything is energy. That’s all. You are energy. The reason you incarnate on Planet Earth is to remember that and to learn how to manage what you are. In plainer words – to learn how to manipulate energy in order to create matter.…

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