Today’s Brilliance from Gail Lynne Goodwin
I'd like to share a few things I've learned... Gratitude! Begin and end your day with gratitude. What you focus on grows, so focus on good things. Develop an attitude of gratitude. Realize that what's happening around you isn't who you are. Illusions can appear real but we get to choose whether or not to buy into them. You can be the chess master or the pawn- your choice. Dream big and make life fun! Do something outrageous each day. Follow your passion. Believe in yourself. Change your attitude to "I'll see it when I believe it", not the other…
Your Mission: Love Fully!
We live in the most technologically advanced times in our history, we can send people to the moon, invent iPhones, yet our world seems to be in a state of chaos. These are indeed intense times: war, terrorism, uncertainty, as well as technological advancements, and material wealth. Yet we are also plagued with great "soul poverty" and a famine of inner fulfillment. Often losing sight of what is real, and truly important. My message is simple: LOVE NOW! Growing up on 4 different continents, and seeing the reality that people from diverse walks of life live daily has deeply touched…
The Time Will Come by Betty Hawley Scott
Struggling with Stress? It’s Time to Remember Who You Are
During stage three breast cancer treatment I was graced with two out of body experiences. I walked away with two reflections: one, how well did I love God, myself and those people around me? Two, how did I connect on a daily basis with my God-given talents and abilities and use them to inspire and bless those people around me? Align yourself with what you value most in this life. Did you forget what you value most in this life? Tune into what moves you to linger in a moment. Don't miss the opportunity for expansion and growth in the…
The Wisdom of 7 Decades
I'd share the deepest things I have learned in these seven decades. I would tell you that saying "I made a mistake" feels really awful, yet calling it a "learning experience" feels uplifting and growth-producing. I would suggest that "doing work" feels like drudgery, but "having a project" fires up enthusiasm. I would remind you to take control of your thinking, because if you "think" right, you will "do" right, and if you "do" right, you will "feel" right. And "feeling" right, or good about yourself, feels a lot better than feeling bad about yourself. Remember, you always have a…
Sponsored: Leadership and Resilience Coach Certification Designation
Profound discovery awaits you as you train to develop leadership and resilience skills in yourself and others. Experts know that when we integrate the mind in healthy ways, we can foster healing, growth and resilience. Be part of the inaugural group to earn the first ever Leadership and Resilience Coach Certification Designation from BlueRio Strategies. This course, lead by nationally recognized CCE-Board Certified Coach and Resilience Advisor Jessi LaCosta, offers a supportive platform for building coaching skills and helping others to lead more fulfilled lives. Lead and Thrive is grounded in traditional and innovative coaching approaches, the underpinnings of IPNB (Interpersonal…
4 Steps to Outrageous Business Success
Don't be afraid to try. There are schools across the country teaching that "this" is the way business gets done and we read books and web blogs with all kinds of messages saying "this" is how business is done. You are going to find conflicting ideas, thoughts, and theories and hear what has worked for others, but you won't know what is going to work for you until you try it. If it were as easy as what the books say or what we are taught, then everybody would be doing the same thing and nobody would stand out. You…
The Art of Seeing the Sky – How to Find Freedom and Compassion
The most fundamental confusion we have is between clouds and skies. When we strive to obtain a specific object or circumstance, we are seeking after a cloud. Even if we find it, it will hold only for a moment – and then it tumbles and evolves, changing endlessly. That is the nature of clouds. When we strive to arrange all the elements of our lives to match our vision of happiness, we are seeking to find a tableau of clouds all put together just right. Finding such a painting is even more difficult than seeking after a single cloud, and…