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Kundalini: Ignite Your Fire & Light

Are you ready for passion and dance? To sense, feel, and embrace prosperity, joy, and health? Kundalini is the flame of life. Once ignited, it can burst your life into the song it is meant to be. This six-part e-course from Cyndi Dale and Chantal Monte will connect you to your own kundalini power source and through it, your divine spirit. When beckoned upward into the physical body, kundalini - shakti - clears the obstructions in your body, chakras, and soul, dissolving what lies between you and the future dreamed before birth. Changes occur right away, as you move through topics including chakras and kundalini, the breath, the dance of consciousness, the illusion, and the love of body. Express--love--kiss--sleep--even speak from the place of kundalini; come all the way into yourself starting with this course.

Enroll now.

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Connecting With a Higher Power

You are a fascinating, unique, and wonderful creative being, and the power that dwells deep within your soul is eternally connected to the very source of your being, God. You are blessed with certain spiritual gifts and talents and you hold divine potential within your soul. You have the free will to express your individual creative power in any way you choose as long as it is in agreement with divine love and divine truth. Do not concern yourself about your specific life purpose and destiny as you simply need to allow your creativity to blossom. It is time to…

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One World, One Life

There is one world. We have one life. We have one chance to get this right. Pause your life for a moment and think about this. We look out at the world, and see a place of unending wonder. One part of us wants to attribute the wonder to a God overhead; another part of us hears the voices of the scientists who say it all began when a tiny, infinitely condensed seed exploded, scattering matter to the far reaches of the cosmos, where it gradually formed into stars, galaxies, planets, and then, somehow, life itself. Our minds are split…

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Shape Shift to Your Best Body Ever

In this amazing 21 day mental owner's manual for achieving your best body ever, Ellen Whitehurst blends secrets, symbols, shortcuts, tips and time-tested techniques with cutting edge modern medical theory and practical application. This course will teach you how to stop the self-sabotage, lose the excess weight (as well as a whole lot of worry too!) and, then, transform into your best body ever! With easy to swallow nutritional advice, suggested dietary supplements, easy to follow and proven successful shamanic practices, meditations, affirmations and writing exercises, this course will guide you, step by empowering step, through a program that can release you from patterns of self-sabotage as well from past or previous trauma. You can create and achieve a healthy, happy, harmonious body that will last your entire life long. Get ready to 'be' your best body ever!

Get Started Now!

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The Key To Life Satisfaction

Imagine if every day for a decade you consumed five Twinkies. At the end of that decade, if you were alive at all, you wouldn't be surprised that your body looked and performed like the equivalent of five Twinkies! Most adults in our society today understand that you get out of your body only what you put into it. Put the optimal foods and care in, and you get a much healthier body. The more you don't, the more you won't. If you truly want to become who you really are - if you want to live the greater happiness,…

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Intuition – Your Most Important Natural Resource

Intuition is your most powerful resource for living at the highest level in today’s modern world, and the greatest inventors, innovators, creative’s, artists, and leaders, heartily agree with this. Steve Jobs relied heavily on intuition to guide him to create Apple, one of the most successful companies in the history of business. Richard Branson openly acknowledges intuition as a valuable component in his success, along with Mark Zuckerman, creator of Facebook. Einstein said it was the most important sense of all. Your intuition protects you from danger. It points you in the direction of opportunity. It leads you toward positive…

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Discover Your True Purpose

In this course, international transformation expert, intuitive and author of The Destiny Discovery, Michelle Casto transforms the meaning of "work" into a way of living that expresses who you are on the inside. Based on more than 20 years of experience in teaching secrets and shortcuts, tips and techniques about purposeful living, Michelle threads a powerful course that will awaken you on a deep level from these time-tested traditions. She then takes you by the hand and walks you down the path to your most fulfilling life ever. She shares ways in which you come to know and honor yourself on a very deep level. You will learn to identify a false purpose from living your true purpose, and then once you are aligned with your greatest purpose, you will be amazed to see the money, recognition, fun, and fulfillment flow right into your life. Learn how to your true purpose leads to clarity, confidence, fulfillment, authentic success and happiness, how to navigate the 6 Stage Destiny Discovery Process, discover your unique soul essence color and how it relates to your sacred gift and much more.

Click here to enroll in this course.

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The Importance of Taking It Slow

In 2008, I was like most dynamic women: running on life's treadmill, overbooking myself, pursuing all my passions at once. Ha. Trying to "live my best life" almost stole it from me. I almost died from a brain aneurysm. It turned out to be a gift: The hectic pace of my life finally caught up and it was time to make a change. My recovery was amazing, according to doctors. So what did I learn? Focus. You need to start playing the record of your life at your speed, rather than letting it play you. Stress and change played a major…

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Getting Past Your Fears

My highest teaching is this: do everything you can to get beyond fear in your life and work. By doing that, you will find greater success than you can imagine. Fear holds us back like nothing else. But it's so tough to root out because it's pervasive in our lives—it's in our relationships, our self-image, and, especially, in our work. The work-related fears can be the worst: fear of not making enough money, not being successful, not meeting the expectations of others (usually our boss), or fear of being judged harshly by those around us. Any one of these fears…

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