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Minimize Meltdowns

Are you tired of your child’s moods being out of control? Do you yell at your kids more than you’d like? Elaine Taylor-Klaus & Diane Dempster's Minimize Meltdowns will help you become the calm & confident parent you want to be – which is the best way to raise your child to be an independent and successful adult! A comprehensive training program, Minimize Meltdowns is available online, 24/7, ANY time you need it. That way you can go at your own pace and learn how to support your kids – without having to drive anywhere. The program combines training and coaching, exercises and strategies, and includes monthly group calls with an ImpactADHD Coach. Don't surrender to emotional catastrophe: you can learn the tricks and tools you need to calm yourself down and teach your child to do the same.

Let Minimize Meltdowns help you find the calm of a peaceful home now!

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Homework Headaches

If you’re tired of feeling like home-life is hijacked by school stress, or watching helplessly while your smart child struggles with school, then this program may just be the answer to your prayers.Elaine Taylor-Klaus & Diane Dempster's Homework Headaches offers the tools you need to support your kids without feeling like your family is being held hostage by school! A comprehensive training program, Homework Headaches is available online, 24/7, ANY time you need it, so you can go at your own pace and learn how to support your kids – without having to drive anywhere. The program combines training and coaching, exercises and strategies, and includes monthly calls with an ImpactADHD Coach. Don't give up on your child’s education, or sacrifice your relationship with your child just to get school-work done. If school stress is making you crazy, let Homework Headaches restore your sanity!

Register now!

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Life Lessons from Parenting

If you're interested in learning some incredible life lessons, become a parent! Being a parent is filled with daily chances to learn some of life's most important lessons. Just Go For It The first thing I learned was that I was never going to feel prepared to have a child. If I wanted children, I would simply have to take a leap of faith that it would all work out somehow. I really had no idea what having a baby encompassed ... the never-ending work, the inconsolable crying, being sleep deprived ... and falling so deeply in love that I…

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The Wisdom That’s Saved My Sanity

The first thing I would share would be to stop at nothing to know the truth. Particularly the truth about who you are, your relationship to the Divine, and what you stand for. Next I would offer some pearls of wisdom I have collected from beloved friends and wise persons that have saved my soul and at times my sanity: "There is no competition for my true life's purpose, so there is no reason to hurry or worry about anything." "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." "People treat you the way you treat yourself." "You are stronger than you think."…

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5 Ways to Give Your Children High Self-Esteem

What would you be doing right now if you truly believed in yourself? The quality and destiny of our life is greatly determined by our level of self-esteem. If we have a high level of self-esteem, we are more likely to use and develop our many talents. In the same token, if we have low self-esteem, our talents often go undeveloped and we may underachieve. As parents, we want our children to feel good about themselves and feel fulfilled as adults. Here are five things that we can do now that can assure high self-esteem for our children. Celebrate, honor…

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Set The Stage For Your Child’s Life

I've learned that childhood is simply too precious to ignore. Have you ever stopped to think about how your childhood affects you? Childhood is the ground level in this life. It is our foundation. We simply cannot say, 'What happens in childhood stays in childhood,' because the truth of the matter is, it doesn't stay anywhere. Our childhood is our base for this life that we lead, and without a strong foundation, we struggle to navigate the waters of life. The good news is... it's never too late to create a strong foundation for your children or yourself. Within the first five…

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#1 Thing in Life? Family

For me, there's more to life than money. For me, it's all about people and relationships and in particular it's about the relationships we have within our own families - with our kids, our partners, and our own parents. Family life is the most important aspect of our true well-being - and so is the really important job of bringing up happy, confident, well-balanced adults - today's children - but tomorrow's future. For all children and for most adults, family life is the most important thing in life. It gives meaning to our lives - as it's a place of…

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10 Priceless (And Free) Gifts For Parents To Give Their Child

Many are saying this generation has bred some of the rudest, crudest and most insincere children there are. Every older generation has probably said that about the younger ones. Let’s face it, folks, the generations are what we create. We are, after all, the ones molding them. Though it is not necessarily true (Generation: R for Rude), it is the collective perception. With iPads, iPhones, iThis and iThat out there, perhaps there is a disconnect at home. More time is being spent virtually, with technology rather than with people. Amidst all of the technological advances (distractions), the seeming chaos and…

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The Extra Kiss (Poem)

The extra kiss, that extra hug Your kids keep asking for at night. Their blanket isn’t very snug, And pillow isn’t feeling right   The water bottle you just filled Is great but still not cold enough, All prior wishes you fulfilled Get lost in avalanche of stuff.   “Don’t close the door, no wait… please do”, “You talk too loud, I cannot sleep”. And then a sudden peekaboo Just when you thought they’re counting sheep… A few more straws and you are done. You snap at them and raise your voice, You tell them it’s no longer fun, And…

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Ask a Luminary

How Do I Deal with My Son’s Addiction?

"My 26 year old son just came out of a very expensive rehab and seems to be relapsing. He lies to me blatantly. Should I be loving, strict, throw him out (I'm afraid he'll die alone).... What is the best way to deal with him?" ~ Knzah, Houston Dear Knzah, Every parent's heart breaks along with yours as you continue to deal with this ongoing painful scenario. As the mother of a daughter who went through several years of drinking in excess, driving while drunk, and getting thrown in jail, I understand your dilemma. Let me share what we did…

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Ask a Luminary

ASK SARA: How Can I Help My Sensitive, Psychic Children?

"Hi Sara, God, my guides or my intuition guided me to my local library of St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec, Canada and to your book Votre Enfant Medium. I am currently reading your book with great interest and I am at chapter 10. My daughter Sophia, of 7 years old, regularly says to me (in French), “Dad I think I just did telepathy with you now since I was going to say the same thing you just said….” I naturally acknowledge that she is right! I reciprocate and state the same, when I am thinking of something or wanting to say something to her and she says it before…

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Bouncing with Style: Play Your Position

First of all, let me clarify that after playing grade-school and high school soccer, it was shocking to me as to how little I retained about the sport other than keep your feet behind the line when throwing in the ball. But as in all things, God has a reason for what we need to know. I have become an avid sport’s mom for a couple of reasons. I like to watch the kids grow and learn. I like the competition and formation of character through team sports. And sports gives me a chance to see my kids when they…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Handle My Kids?

"My kids are driving me crazy. How can I get them to do what I want them to do, when I need them to do it?" Your kids are seeking appreciation, validation, and security, just as we all do. You get whatever you are prepared to give so get yourself into a collaborative frame of mind. 1. Identify what needs to be done. What are the responsibilities or tasks that your child must complete? Help your child understand the long term value of this project. For example, they are developing problem-solving skills, collaboration skills, research skills, computer skills, and identifying…

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Ask a Luminary

How Do I Both Save My New Marriage and Be a Good Parent?

"My daughter (18) asked to move in with me and her step mom (my second marriage) for a week or two. Instead she moved in indefinitely with all her belongings after arguing with her mom. She is in college but goes out 'til the early AM and has been a little nasty. But in general a good girl. I have to communicate with her mom often to discuss my daughter's situation. I suspect drug use and alcohol. "My current wife cannot take all of this, and feels very uncomfortable now at home and with our relationship. I was married 15…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Control My Kids’ Backtalk?

"I'm sick and tired of my kids' mouthing off at me. How can I control my kids’ backtalk?" ~ Michael, Nashville, TN Backtalk is certainly something you don’t want to hear from your kids. It’s a surefire way to push most parents’ buttons! But can you control your children’s backtalk? I don’t think so. They ultimately control what words come out of their mouths. However, you can control your reaction to whatever they say. How you react will increase or decrease the likelihood that they will use backtalk in the future. For example, when your child uses backtalk, you might…

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How Can I Manage My Teenagers?

"I used to think I was a great parent, before my 3 kids became teenagers. There are days when I don't know who these kids are, and I'm embarrassed to admit that some days I wish I'd never had children.... Suggestions?" ~ Marie, El Paso, TX Hey, I get it. I am a mom of two myself and there are days when I wish I was living alone again. But it is the resistance and the non-acceptance of the situation that makes it worse for us. We do have to accept that we are parents and we made this decision to do…

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Sponsored: Love is a Power Tool + Other Fun Tips for Happier Parenting

Love can single-handedly mend a broken day, establish an exciting new relationship, or reinforce a happy, internal bond with ourselves. Love is an omnipotent tool that has the uncanny ability to improve any sticky situation we find ourselves in. Love is a power tool we should all have in our happiness toolboxes. But just like that power drill or band saw, it also comes with some safety protocol. When you use your love power tool, you take on the responsibility of treating the world with kindness, compassion and respect. Use your love power tool responsibly, forging, fixing and strengthening relationships…

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Top 7 Children’s Books Sure to Inspire Your Little Ones

There are few things a parent can do that are more beneficial than reading to and with their children. Reading not only gives kids a head start for school and improves their comprehension skills, but engages their mind and stokes their imagination like no other activity. Reading is an act of bonding that will last a lifetime — how many adults do you know that don’t remember their favorite childhood tale? Check out these seven books that are sure to inspire your little ones. There’s a Wocket in my Pocket, Dr. Seuss Although not at famous as The Cat in…

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Overpower the past… Empower the Present!

I was the baby in the family, born 11 and 8 years, respectively, after my siblings. Not until just a few years ago did I hear that my mother "farmed out" my sister and brother to strangers. The term usually referred to children who were sent to a relative back in the day, but in my siblings' case it was an indenture. My brother and sister had to work for their keep,  ages six and 11. They told me these stories as part of my research while writing Wild Violets, a romanticized version of my Mother as a flapper and entrepreneur in the 1920's in…

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10 Tips for Inspiring Your Kids to Be the Best They Can Be

By Laura Burkey. Children are our pathway to the future, and their well-being is paramount to our world's and our family's survival. When we are at our best, we can inspire our children to do their best whether it’s on the athletic field, in the classroom, or anywhere in the world. It might seem easy to push our youngsters to be great, particularly when they are small. As toddlers, we applaud their toilet-training techniques and jump with glee when they count to 10 without any prompting. As parents, our proud meters routinely surpass the stratosphere because, let’s be honest, we…

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