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7 Elements of a Better Life

We often make attempts to compartmentalize different elements in our lives, but it is best when we allow all of these elements to flow together into a rich tapestry. Hopefully, this piece will allow you to see how the integration of mindset, nutrition, movement, and purpose can lead you to your happiest and most fulfilled life: 1. Don’t ever make an attempt to “lose weight”. Instead, respect your body, and know that it deserves the best. Stay away from fad diets that demonize specific food groups, and instead go for organic plant foods that are high in nutrients. Your body…

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Moving Forward with True Courage

We could all agree that the nature of life is change, yet it seems that the speed of its momentum overwhelms us more often than we would like or are comfortable with. Not only is the world a whole new place than it was a year, a week, even a day ago, our whole inner reality is changing continually. TODAY IS THE DAY to discover how to make choices in your life that punctuate your willingness to honor change and your relationship to it. That is exciting! Take a few moments to ask yourself as you go about your day…

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Invite the Lightning Bolt of Change into Your Life

There is a moment when the dirt and the dust rises up in your life, maybe it is abuse, lack of money, lack of kindness, whatever it is. There is a turning point when you stand still in time. Everything stops. It is very quiet. You say, this is going to change. You become a radical demand for change in your life, and in that moment, the world shifts. It is a glorious shift into the light when you know you're knowing, again. When you stand in the brightness of you. This is you that everyone else always knew and you…

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NOTICE – A 6-Step Morning Routine that Works

How do you start your day? Waking up with optimism, looking forward to the day ahead? Or do you hit the snooze button, putting off rolling out of bed until the last possible moment? I’d like to suggest how you begin each morning determines the quality of your day. I’ve created an acronym to use that will help you develop a routine to start mornings with enthusiasm, energy and high expectations - N.O.T.I.C.E. N: Be NICE. Practicing self-compassion is the first step. There is no such thing as perfect. When you are starting a new routine there will be days…

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5 Principles for Uncommon Success

Life is not that complicated, in fact it's fairly simple - not always easy - but fairly simple! When I woke up and realized a life full of uncommon success was not just for other people it was for me too, I began to apply these 5 principles into my everyday life. Awareness - If you don't get it, you can't change it. If you don't acknowledge it, you can't fix it. If you don't own it, you can't improve it. We have to take a good hard look in the mirror, acknowledge where we have room for improvement, recognize where…

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Are You Making the Grade?

When we graduate from school the temptation is to believe we will no longer be graded on our performance. However, the reality is that upon commencement is when the real grading of our performance begins. It can seem as if we're being continuously evaluated, or graded, by employers, customers, co-workers, family etc. There is no doubt that assessment is important and, when done correctly, can provide positive feedback and benchmarks for our professional development. Done incorrectly, feedback from the stakeholders in our lives can be painful and detrimental. It can also lead us to assess our own performance too harshly.…

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Make a Big Impact with Integrity

Integrity, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, has three distinct qualities: 1) firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values: INCORRUPTIBILITY 2) an unimpaired condition: SOUNDNESS 3) the quality of state of being complete or undivided : COMPLETENESS Although integrity can be defined in many ways, I believe saying what you mean and meaning what you say lies at its core. So, why is it critical to embody this little word called integrity? I will share my story. I am the daughter of immigrants with little more than honesty, determination and commitment as the demonstration of integrity.…

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When the World Tests Your Love, Let Your Love Be a Testament to the World

These words came to me, as many have over the years, in the wee hours of the morning, unbidden, but certainly welcome. I have learned that when I am a receptive channel, all manner of messages pours through. Many years ago, in meditation, I heard echoes of ‘by divine design’. I asked, “What does that mean?” God replied, “You’ll know.” Turns out that it became the name of my multi-faceted business which includes writing, speaking, interfaith ministry, counseling, coaching and editing. It is based on the idea that we are co-creators with Spirit and in that partnership, we can design…

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4 Ways to Get the Best Out of Life

Who has the power to change your destiny? Who is the one who will make tomorrow happen today? Who will help you discover life's true colors? You! You deserve empowerment. You deserve motivation. You deserve happiness. You deserve to love and be loved. You do deserve the best. Even though nothing in this world is handed to you, if you really want to reach your destination, push through all challenges and your success will be waiting on the other side. Meet every challenge with a smile and a heart full of motivation. Slow down, give yourself enough time and get acquainted…

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6 Empowering Ideas for Making the Most out of Life

If I can do it, you can do it. It's true! So many of the cliches I have learned are true. Don't waste time beating yourself up all the time and focusing on your flaws or weaknesses, and/or being around people who do it for you (unfortunately, sometimes even better than you). Know you are loved. Know you are magnificent. Know you are so very unique and special with unique talents and gifts to share with this world. Everyone has an interesting story to tell and wisdom to offer and special things to do in their lifetime. Focus on your…

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