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Want Success? Start Now!

It all starts here for maximum achievement. "The greatest achievement was, at first, and for a time, but a dream," as James Allen wrote. That dream then grew into a dominating thought or definite desire. What is your definite desire? That one thing that you want, that dominates your thoughts. You see, if you don't have one, you need to find one. In order for us to live a full and abundant life, we must live with a purpose. A goal that is all consuming, that wakes us up in the morning and puts us to bed at night. If you…

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Courage is Heart: 5 Daily Reminders for Women

Most of the time we think courage is a big emotion we muster up in times of need, when the clouds descend and life collapses around us with loud booming noises. But often, the opposite is true. Sometimes it is the quietest of moments, when we can barely hear our own heart speaking, that require the most courage. We are taught that courage is having the heart of a lion – but a lion doesn’t always roar. Watch carefully; each move a lion makes is calculated and graceful. In fact, a lion is still for a good portion of time…

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The Hidden Secret of Success

You may be familiar with Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, considered by many to be the precursor to the psychology of success programs we have today. Andrew Carnegie commissioned Hill to find out why some people are successful and others who work just as hard are not. Carnegie introduced Hill to the most successful men in the world and gave him the opportunity to question them regarding their philosophy for business and life. Hill looked for the things that made these people different from the average working person. He shares many ideas and concepts in the book but one is at the hub:…

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Become a Realistic Idealist

I'll confess that I'm an idealist at heart. I feel shy admitting this because idealism has a pretty bad reputation. Most of us think of idealists as people who dream big dreams but who don't know how to make things happen. Idealists are known for being impractical and naive. They often see the world as they would like it to be, not as it really is. But I'd like to make the case for a specific kind of idealism: Realistic Idealism. Before I get to that, I'll say with absolute conviction that anything great that has ever been accomplished has…

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Start Living Your Best Life Today

Life is a wonderful journey to be embraced. Each day has the potential to uncover a new adventure if we condition our minds to look for the positives. My last words to humanity would be to love more, do more, be more, risk more…do all those positive things people said you wouldn’t be successful doing. Life is a one-way ticket. It is by experiencing every single opportunity that we find our destiny and live our best lives. There are dreams unrealized. Goals left unchecked. Visions that have all but dissipated. However, if we still hold a kindle of fire in our hearts…

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7 Thoughts to Keep You Inspired

Life is an internal job. Our external life mirrors the condition of our internal self. Emotional health determines our perceptions and influences our choices. Unresolved emotions tend to manifest themselves as turmoil in our external lives. To achieve the external harmony we desire, we need to first achieve internal harmony. Internal harmony can be achieved through engaging in spirituality, meditation or talk therapy to identify and resolve negative emotions. Accept what you can and can’t control. Life happens to everyone. Life’s experiences, whether good or bad, are here to serve as a catalyst for growth. Frustrations arise from our desire to control…

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How to be Delighted with Yourself

This is your life, no one else's. You can decide your direction. You are the leader of your life. Always pay yourself first in all you do, make sure the future you would thank you for spending what you save. Other people are there for your guidance, some will show you what to do and others what not to do. Observe them well, but never judge them as there is no benefit in that. Take what you learn and test it, avoid assuming it to be right. Treat others as you wish them to treat you. Other people deserve to…

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Get Focused for Greater Success

It is difficult to accomplish much in life without focus and determination. The factor that focus plays in success is easy to overlook. But people who have achieved what it is that they want to in life will be quick to tell you just how important focus is for achieving success. Luck often plays a role in success. While it is true that successful people make their own luck, to an extent, this does not negate hard work, determination and focus. The facts are simple; without the benefit of focus, determination and hard work are impossible. After all, to work…

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3 Important Actions for an Awesome Life

You can have an awesome life no matter where you start; you just have to believe and do your part. No circumstance determines your result. It took me a long time to learn that, but now it’s as much a part of me as my DNA. Growing up in a physically and emotionally damaging environment, and spending the majority of my time alone, I arrived at adulthood a very lonely, socially inept, financially challenged person with low confidence and almost no professional or personal skills. The person I am today, after years of development, is a stark contrast to the…

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Take Advantage of This Joyful Ride

Life is Mother Nature's most important gift. Life is the time provided to us by nature to pursue our dreams and goals and live it to the fullest. Life is an ongoing experience, where each one of us faces different situations and incidents that either make or break us. It's just a matter of the way you perceive things; it's your attitude towards the experiences that make your life a joyful ride. To me the difference between a successful and unsuccessful person is whether or not they are taking action instead of giving-up. If there is one thing I don't…

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Find Your Momentum

Momentum. If you're like me, the word itself gives you a feeling of movement, of freedom, of possibility. And if you find momentum to be foundational to your existence, you may also be an Entrepreneurial Personality Type (EPT). EPTs are momentum-based beings, meaning they have a mental, physical and chemical response to momentum, or the sensation of moving forward. Conversely, EPTs also have negative responses to constraint, or anything hindering their ability to move forward. Constraints of any kind adversely affect their emotional states and their understanding of where they fit in the world. When I talk to entrepreneurs about…

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Find Your Motivation, and Find Your Way to Success

After I resigned my military commission as a naval officer because I lost motivation from the Vietnam War, I wondered what I could do for my future to make my life worthwhile. My best high school friend was in town as a civil rights lawyer and asked if I wanted to watch him argue a case for Cesar Chavez’s fledgling union against wine growers’ attorneys. His arguments demolished the private property claims of the ten slick business attorneys for the wine industry who tried to paint the farm workers as law-breaking scum. I was convinced I could never do anything so…

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How You can Embrace Change

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change.” -  Charles Darwin So many people have a fear of change: changing jobs, changing relationships, changing cell phones, changing lanes…. The good news is, we are all born with only two fears: the fear of falling, and the fear of loud noises. These are quite obviously for our protection. That being said, all the other fears are learned. And whatever is learned, can be un-learned. Thus, we all learned (were taught) how to be afraid of aging, of riding a bike,…

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7 Ways You can become a more Mindful Leader

Most people think that they cannot become leaders. In fact, everybody is a leader. The mother who leads at home; the father who takes responsibility; and the janitor who delivers his goods with excellence is a leader. We are all blessed with huge potential. We can understand this fact and unlock our potential by taking leadership in our lives. Don't waste your precious time by thinking about your unpleasant past which cannot be changed, and worrying about the future, which cannot be predicted. Start taking the steps to becoming a mindful leader now. 1. Leaders are the ones who lead from the front by taking responsibility.…

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5 Simple Techniques to Get Unstuck

It happens to each one of us at one time or another. We become stuck. We enter a state of lethargy. Whether it involves our work or our home life, there are just days (and unfortunately sometimes weeks and months) where we feel stuck. We don’t seem to have the energy to move forward. We feel the need to get things done but can’t find a grain of momentum to make it happen. After a while we know we have to do something, yet we sit on the couch like an immobile brick. Stuck. When this happens, remember that feeling…

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Broke? Burned out? Depressed? Try investing in Yourself

I have had the luxury of speaking before large groups of people lately. Seems people want to hear what I have to say, which is really funny because I generally prefer to read in the tub or walk in the mountains. I usually listen to what the universe tells me before sitting down to write, and the universe speaks to me when people email me, call me, talk to me after an event of ask me questions and tells me what to talk about.  “I don’t have any money. My book isn’t selling. I’m working three jobs. Nobody is...blah blah…

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How Much Are You Carrying?

One day, I was so overwhelmed that I came up with this analogy for how I felt.  I felt like I was carrying 100 bags, and as I tried to steady myself, they began falling. As I reached to stop one from falling, inevitably another one fell. The vision in my mind ended with all the bags on the floor, and a frazzled “me” standing there, looking at the mess. I am sure many of you can relate to this. In today’s hustle and bustle society and culture, we try to do so many things at once. We try to…

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From Victim to Victor

We all know the story of the man who was trapped in a flood, who refused a ride out of town before the storm, then also refused a canoe, a motorboat and finally a helicopter, saying, "I'll wait, God will save me". The story tells us that when the man drowned and met God, he asked, "Why didn't you save me?", to which God answered, "I sent you a car, a canoe, a motorboat and even a helicopter. What more were you waiting for?" The reason I share this story with you today is to ask, what are you waiting…

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9 Success Strategies for Building your Dream Lifestyle and Business

Right now I want to share the success strategies I have followed to reach tens of thousands of people with my audio meditations, facilitate more than 400 meditation workshops, have hundreds of my articles published and create a business out of my greatest passions in life. I’ll give you a hint: I didn’t just "manifest it" like some law of attraction junkies believe happens to people who are living their dreams. I do want to address the topic of “manifesting” for a moment. I hear so many new age type people talking about manifesting their visions. But if you ask most…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Overcome My Fears?

"From the time I was a child, I've lived my life in fear. What if I lose my job? What if I can't pay the rent? What if I never find a wife? And so on... I'd greatly appreciate any insight on how I can let go of the fear and actually LIVE my life!" ~ Tim, Minneapolis, MN Dear Tim, As humans, we all deal with fear in one form or another. However, we can only focus on one thing at a time, so chose to focus on your dreams rather than the fear. In other words, focus on what you…

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