To Have An Amazing Life, You Have to Take Risks
Walt Disney's first company went bankrupt. Instead of giving up, he headed to Hollywood with twenty dollars and a suitcase to start a new business. He believed in himself and his ideas. It turned out to be a really good risk. Michael Jordan was cut from his sophomore varsity basketball team for being too short. He stuck with the game and ended up one of the best basketball players in the world. Winston Churchill did poorly in school for which he was punished. He also had a stuttering speech impediment. Churchill went on to become the Prime Minister of the…
Always Being, Always Creating
Being and Creation are ever present. They do not exist apart from one another. As God, you are always being and you are always creating in every moment. Being is the Essence of God. It is changeless, infinite, and absolute. It is the Light that encompasses all of Creation. It is the very fabric of all thought and form. Being is Who and What you truly are and the Consciousness with which you experience all of life. Creation, on the other hand, is the infinite expression of Being. It is the unlimited extension of God's Love through both the Holy…
Fill Yourself With Love
When I sat down with this question, I asked myself what I would share with my nephews to help know no matter what they said or did that they are "good humans” and create a life full of dazzling miracles. What would I share with them that will allow them everyday to have a deep sense of peace? What would give them comfort in times of pain and struggle? I would share the following with them: Remember and know that you are loved, so furiously. Know that when you embrace this force of love inside of you, it will spill…
Love Yourself More Deeply
The inspiration for the day is Love. The inspiration for the day is you. You are pure love. That means that you have all the ability in the world to bring to you the most loving and abundant life. You deserve this. This is not an option for you in this lifetime. If you are reading this, you are ready to create the most amazing life possible. The first step to knowing this truth is to understand that we must love ourselves deeply. If we do not first love ourselves, we will continue to create lives that do not mirror…
Why You Need To Shine Your Light
Life can be taken for granted and lived unconsciously - or it can be lived so as to approach doing justice to this unfathomable, infinite gift that is each moment. The latter, the journey of conscious living, begins with diving deep within. In as much as you ARE, you hold within you the secret of existence. Dive within and you will find that secret, nothing less than the pure infinite light from which this entire universe arose in the first trillionth of a second of creation. This is the message of all the mystics; rediscover this, and delight in the divine,…
Getting Over Spiritual Depression
If I was creating my own reality, it was a crappy one. Things looked good from the outside, but inside it was depressing as a bologna sandwich. Even though I couldn't afford the luxury of negative thoughts, they kept multiplying. It was like playing Whack-a-Mole. There are many very good reasons for temporary spiritual depression. One is that the spiritual quest puts us on a collision course with a vast and mysterious unconscious that lies far outside the ego's control. It can be just plain scary and overwhelming. Ancient spiritual traditions barred entry to those who were not carefully prepared…
Own Your Feelings
Most people think they don't have anything to do with how they are feeling. I certainly didn't. But I have learned through many difficult situations in relationships, career and finances, and even getting shot that I do have something to do with my emotions. After all, they are mine! I learned that how I feel is mainly up to me, unless I have some chemical or neurological damage. Other than that, how I think causes how I feel. It's like a waterfall. My positive thoughts cause positive emotions. My negative thoughts cause negative emotions. How I feel influences how I…
Make Every Day Joy Day
Do you celebrate Joy Day? What? You've never heard of it? When is it? As soon as news of it reaches you, it's Joy Day! Actually you can make any day Joy Day. Today is a fresh brand new day. Twenty four hours to do whatever your heart desires! How great can you make it? I mean really forget everything on your to do list and let's commit to making this the very best Joy Day ever - until the next one of course! Start with creating your very own Joy. Let go of the same old same old and…
4 Lessons for Moving Forward
In life we will all experience ups and downs, happiness and despair and opportunity and hopelessness. And at some point we'll get stuck. Paralyzed by uncertainty that lies in front of us, we stop moving forward. We plan, analyze and try to predict. But we get nowhere because the future seems so complicated and uncertain. Stressed and anxious about an unpredictable and disorderly future, we stop growing and fall down a spiral of worry and hopelessness. It is right then that I believe what really matters is that we keep moving forward. That we accept that life is not perfect…
Choose to Triumph Over Your Challenges
I often find myself thinking, "There is so much more to do in this great life"! Each of us is faced with challenges and obstacles and there are of course times where we don't know how we will get through a situation. It is our attitude and our mindset that paves the way and determines whether we will sail or stumble. If we allow fear and doubt to pile up on top of our challenge, there is no question we will have a heavy walk in front of us. It is not easy at first but if you choose to…