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11 Simple Ideas for a More Fulfilling Life

Remember that you are not alone. Just when you think you are, God sends an angel your way to remind you. The morning my husband was scheduled for triple by-pass surgery, I found myself in a waiting room, alone, and trying desperately not to cry in front of strangers. God sent me an angel, a pastor we did not know from a local church we had never attended, to comfort me and pray with me. This was just one of many times in my life that God used to remind me that I am not alone. Praise each day. It…

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Ready to Live? Give Love

In my life, I’ve learned that the greatest gift that anyone can give or receive is love. Love conquers fear; love encourages, love challenges, love listens, love embraces, love is action, love is quiet, love is simplicity, love is strength - love changes you! To me, music is love and this quote from Bono sums it up so well: “Music can change the world because it can change people.” That’s what love does - it changes you, deep inside. Imagine a world where our first thought was to love... To put others first and truly want to see others thrive…

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3 Compassionate Strategies for Living

I would share three bits of advice that have guided me and served me well in my life. 1. Always do your best. When you do your best, you will be proud of yourself. Being proud of yourself increases your self-confidence. I believe that self-confidence is an important key to success, in your career and in your life. Beware however: doing your best means that you are laying it on the line. When you do your best, you know that you have no one but yourself to blame if things don't work out like you want. 2. Treat everyone with…

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Empower Yourself and Our Girls to Pursue Dreams – Sponsored

Through the development of a mentoring relationship, The ATHENA Prodigies: Empowering Women Empowering Girls guides women and girls through a reflective process of identifying what they truly desire in life. Using her own life’s lessons, Danielle Joworski provides affirmations and stories that will motivate female readers of all ages to build their self-belief and confidence in order to start sharing their dreams. As the mentoring relationship grows stronger, readers will be inspired to help and support each other to break down the internal and external barriers standing in the way of their dreams becoming a reality. Great ready to learn more about yourself and the thoughts and dreams of a young girl and to see the truly amazing results of what can happen when you both pursue your dreams.

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Release Judgment, Choose Compassion

One of the keystones to cultivating a perspective that brings greater fulfillment and happiness is the attitude of gratitude. By ACTIVELY seeking things to be grateful for and appreciate, we begin to see things from a higher perspective. We see the sacredness and the perfection of life, as it is. That doesn't mean we can't shoot for an upgrade too, but we might as well enjoy where we are in the moment as well. I maintain, it's not what happens to you in life, it's what you do with it. Perspective is everything. Once I was walking down a street…

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Guess What? You Are NOT Broken!

You're not broken. I don't care what "issues" you think you have, what "patterns" you seem to be living, what "childhood traumas" you believe are the cause of your problems. All of those are simply theories about why things are the way they are. And worse, they're not even good theories. Oh, sure, they're compelling stories -- like a good book or an engaging movie -- but that's it. Your relationship with your father causing relationship problems now? Just a theory made up by someone trying to make a name for themselves or fill up a workshop. Having relationship problems…

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Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days

Intuition is a spiritual practice—and the moment you understand this, it is a simple matter to open your “psychic” or intuitive abilities. In this four-week course, we will cover the four core psychic abilities from a spiritual perspective. This will include: Psychic Hearing (Clairaudience), Divine Receiving (Channeling/Messaging), Psychic Seeing (Clairvoyance), and Astral Projection/Remote Viewing. Using guided meditation suitable for all levels, we’ll work with each of these abilities from the starting point of Divine connection: a place where you will experience expansion of consciousness, raising of vibration, and healing, growth and transformation.

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Empower Your Life with Art

Make art and have visions. That is my gift to you today. Both art and visions are deeply healing for your whole life. Make art, anything, draw, sing, dance, write a poem, and you will find out who you are what you are to do in this life. Making art will heal your trauma and wounds. It will heal you, your family, your community and the earth. I know this is true. Make art to relax and to grow. Talk to spirit each day. You will know more about yourself and the universe if you talk to spirit. Close your…

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Obstacles are Meaningless Next to Your Intention

Never let anyone or anything stand in your way of what you really want! Brilliant words, but the meaning and lesson behind it made the difference to me in changing my life. How many times have we settled for the first No? How many times has someone said you cannot and you accepted that answer? How many times have you not done what you wanted or gotten what you wanted because of money? If you are like me, many, many times. I am inspired by the magic and the ability of setting an intention. Finding an obstacle for it helps…

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