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Live Your Truth and Change the World

Live your truth and change the world. Life is a journey in each and every form. It’s a journey to find yourself and live your truth. You find yourself through growing, learning, educating yourself, and most importantly, giving all of yourself to the world. Your truth is how you express the perception of the world you hold inside. Help others and share your gifts. Everyone has something to give, to contribute, to make an impact, and make a difference in the world. When you give enough, you will receive everything you need to live a life of happiness, abundance, and…

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7 Principles for Creating Your Authentic Life

Too few of us are living up to our full potential. We go through the motions spending the majority of our days on autopilot. But spending our days mindlessly checking off a to-do isn't going to get us the life of our dreams. I've learned that firsthand. After I broke the mold and determined what I truly desired, I was able to create a life that even my dreams couldn't contain. Here is what I learned along my journey to creating my authentic life. You have the answers Not your parents. Not your friends. Not your boss. You. Many of…

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Share Your Unconditional Love

The secret to creating a life that you love is all in your head. It's your imagination and will power. You can have anything you imagine if you also have the determination and focus to see it into reality. My mother taught me that the world is clay and we are the sculptors that get to shape our destiny. I was fortunate enough to spend a lot of quality time with her before she passed a few months ago. I interviewed her during her last weeks. One of the questions I asked was: What do you regret most about not…

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It’s Time to Accept Others – and Yourself!

We are all unique individuals with our experiences, culture, perspectives, and beliefs. We need to embrace these differences that define us and own who we are in order to be true to ourselves. So often people feel they need to conform, fade back and shy away from what truly makes them unique and special to all of those around them. We need to be free to show up as ourselves and let our own light shine in all we do. Not only do we need to accept ourselves, but we need to be open to others and their differences. Even…

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anita neilson

Get high on inner happiness!

"So many silly wasted years trying to find happiness in all the wrong places".  That's what I tell myself these days.  Advice to the young woman I once was (if I were to listen!) would be: "Stop trying to find happiness in sensory pleasures like eating out, smoking, drinking, loud music, fine clothes and jewellery, the newest car, expensive holidays and thinking only of yourself all the time, because I know now that none of these things bring you lasting happiness."   Phew! All that pressure to conform and trying to make other people like me!  It was so exhausting! What a…

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Why Your Inner Voice Matters Most

Long ago I was given the privilege of access to my inner voice through painting. I managed to survive high school and college by practicing this precious gift. Yet, when real life hit, I became afraid of losing myself in my dream world and let it go. I took a more practical route. I needed to make money and start a family, and be an overall reasonable person. However, it hit me with time that a huge part of me was dying little by little. It felt like I was blindfolded while walking through the dilemmas of this world, and…

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5 Tips For a Dynamic and Fulfilled Life

As the economy changes, one of the most important perspectives you can adopt is staying true to who you are. It’s the only way to not only thrive, but to feel fully alive; however, it can be extremely difficult in a world filled with stereotypes, and false judgements. If you really study truly successful people, and those living their dreams, you will find a commonality: They value and express who they are regardless of others' opinions or criticism. Most actually credit their success to staying confident in their core values, expressing their true identity, and not conforming to what’s considered…

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Accept the Real You

Strive to be all you, all the time. Be the Nancyest of Nancys or the Janest of Janes or the Billyest of Billys. Are you so busy wearing masks that you've lost touch with your authentic core? Don't judge the real YOU. Just OWN it, love it, express it, BE it. Change can be scary as hell, but it can also be transforming. Go with the flow of the Universe and be willing to allow change into your life, even when it feels uncomfortable. How would you live if you took fear out of the equation? Are the fears you…

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Love Yourself, Love Your Life

Loving and believing in yourself is the key to thriving abundantly. When you love yourself—unconditionally—your mindset shifts to the energy of love and abundance. It enables you to have more peace, confidence, and happiness which empowers you. When you feel powerful, your attitude changes from pessimism to optimism, and, you will attract more uplifting people and experiences in your life. To have self-love, appreciate who you really are. You are much more than your physical self. You are a magnificent spiritual being within. Your true essence is that of pure, positive energy, love, and light! You are of infinite worth.…

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7 Thoughts to Keep You Inspired

Life is an internal job. Our external life mirrors the condition of our internal self. Emotional health determines our perceptions and influences our choices. Unresolved emotions tend to manifest themselves as turmoil in our external lives. To achieve the external harmony we desire, we need to first achieve internal harmony. Internal harmony can be achieved through engaging in spirituality, meditation or talk therapy to identify and resolve negative emotions. Accept what you can and can’t control. Life happens to everyone. Life’s experiences, whether good or bad, are here to serve as a catalyst for growth. Frustrations arise from our desire to control…

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Live Your Dreams and Shine

Let your fears and your dreams dance as one. Don’t allow either side to win, instead embrace both, and become neither. Both of them are your creations, and neither of them are who you really are. Learn to dance in this paradox, it will save you much heartache and disappointment. Don’t be afraid to be the one who loves the most. The secret of the one who loves the most is that they are also the happiest. Give and forgive, without any fear that you may ever lose, because it is not possible. Loss is an illusion of the mind,…

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Be Your Inner Child, Don’t Just Get In Touch!

I was enjoying a conversation with a new friend. One of the things that came up was the idea of the "inner child." My friend told me how important it was for her to keep her inner child alive, well and active. I took that to mean she has a part of herself that she hides away from the world - that there is a private joy no one else gets to see. Maybe she's in a position in life where she has to conceal some of the essence of who she truly is...that happiness that bubbles up from the…

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Crossing the Threshold

When you are inspired to do something, whatever it is in you that calls to be expressed, answer the call. Be bold; cross the threshold into uncertainty with the joyous anticipation that you are in fact stepping into your magnificence. And that whatever results will benefit you and others, otherwise you would not have been inspired in the first place. Most of us will not have our life play out in the public eye on Earth’s big stage. Most of us will not discover a cure for a major disease or invent something that changes the way we live. But…

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3 Important Actions for an Awesome Life

You can have an awesome life no matter where you start; you just have to believe and do your part. No circumstance determines your result. It took me a long time to learn that, but now it’s as much a part of me as my DNA. Growing up in a physically and emotionally damaging environment, and spending the majority of my time alone, I arrived at adulthood a very lonely, socially inept, financially challenged person with low confidence and almost no professional or personal skills. The person I am today, after years of development, is a stark contrast to the…

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7 Pearls of Wisdom for a Happy and Fulfilled Life

Is it true that man is the product of his environment? The answer is NO, because growing up in Haiti in times of political instability, insecurity and extreme poverty, the fate of my life couldn’t be anything but an enormous failure. I would not let circumstances define who I am but instead who I am would change my circumstances -- and who I am is a conqueror. Indeed, it took me some time to fully understand who I am; nevertheless, when I finally figured it out, nothing could stop me from living up to that standard. During my journey to…

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What You See is What Will Be

There was a time back, long ago, when knowing each other’s deficits was important. In fact it was critical to our survival. But today we live in a time when our environment can literally make up for any of our shortcomings. We have evolved past the need to link deficiencies with survival. Unfortunately, our instincts have not. Despite overwhelming evidence—the blind man with incredible hearing, the deaf woman highly attuned to body language, the dyslexic student with powerful memorization—society is too accustomed to seeing the world in terms of deficits and exceptions. And so are we. In trying to improve,…

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Honoring Stephen Levine

  Stephen Levine, who is one of the most amazing hearts on our planet, died on Sunday, January 17, 2016. I am filled with gratitude for his presence and how much he helped so many of us to see through our stories and come home to our hearts. In honor of his life and how deeply he changed mine, I want to share with you an experience I wrote about after I came back from a retreat led by Stephen in 1985. I had been at a 10-day workshop with Stephen, a skilled teacher of consciousness and author of many books on…

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An Invitation For The New Year

It's that time of the year again…that time when you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and decide how you want your life to be in the new year. We call this a New Year’s resolution. Now I ask you, have your resolutions ever really worked? We keep on rising to the challenge of resolutions and yet in the past, most of them have faded by the middle of January!  The reason why they don’t work is in the definition of the word resolution: “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” Resolutions are all about doing because they are made…

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Allow Kindness to Heal Your Struggling Self

With the return of my son’s cancer, I have had lots of opportunities to be with fear and despair.   Sharing this journey with my son has taken me to a deeper level of presence than I have ever known. My body has been a very dear friend throughout this fierce process, especially my belly and my breath. Whenever I am caught in the fear-based mind, sometimes all I can do is soften my belly and allow a deeper breath. The belly is one of the best biofeedback mechanisms we have.  If it is tight, we are up in our…

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How To Use The Mantra, “Just This Much”

If you watch your mind, you will see that it goes into the past or future all day long.  It especially loves to go into the future and when it really gets activated, it moves from a whole different place.  It will convince you that that you can’t do it right, or you can’t do it at all, or something bad is going to happen, and the thoughts go on and on.   These thoughts are just not true because we don’t know what is going to happen.  All we have is this present moment, but you can begin to see…

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