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The Hidden Secret of Success

You may be familiar with Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, considered by many to be the precursor to the psychology of success programs we have today. Andrew Carnegie commissioned Hill to find out why some people are successful and others who work just as hard are not. Carnegie introduced Hill to the most successful men in the world and gave him the opportunity to question them regarding their philosophy for business and life. Hill looked for the things that made these people different from the average working person. He shares many ideas and concepts in the book but one is at the hub:…

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Bob Urichuck

Disciplined For Life: You are the Author of Your Future

Discipline is defined as a commitment to the most important person in the world. It means doing what you have to do, even when you don't want to do it. Any behaviour that gets recognized and/or rewarded gets repeated. To be disciplined for life requires that you recognize and reward yourself accordingly. So let's start with the first question: who is the most important person in the world? While you are at it, who is your greatest enemy? It is fair to say that you came into this world as a miracle. Then what happened? You got exposed to the…

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Access Your Good!

I found a truly remarkable book by John Randolph Price that helped me to move forward in my spiritual life at a time I needed guidance. This article is a summary of that book entitled The Manifestation Process: 10 Steps to the Fulfillment of Your Desires by John Randolph Price, A Quartus Book Publication. I asked Mr. Price's permission to print this summary and it was granted to me. I have found his book to be very inspiring in my life and in sharing it with others through my workshops, seminars and lectures, we've all been blessed. If you practice or go through…

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Chase Your Dreams

I was sitting around the other day and began daydreaming about horses. I have loved horses with a passion for as long as I was aware of their existence. For decades they consumed my existence. I wanted a horse of my own with every ounce of my being. And always knew one day I would have one. Such magic, beauty. Words cannot describe their magnificence. The smell of a barn, the dust from the paths, the wet mark on the horse's back from under the saddle, the sound of a canter or trot  -- ah, nostalgia. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I…

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How Long Does it Take to Reach a Dream?

Sometimes dreams take a little longer than we expect, but with perseverance and belief, they will come true - all in good time. Many years ago I had a stained glass art studio that I loved. Through divorce and the challenges of life, I lost my studio. I packed the materials, knowing that I’d have one again, but I didn’t know where or when. For the last year I’ve been working on a project inside Glacier National Park, called Glacier Bear Retreat. As you might know, we bought an old cabin, removed it from the property and built our new…

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5 More Tips for a Dynamic & Fulfilled Life

In my Brilliance, I talked about the importance of staying true to who you are, because that’s the only way to express your create genius and live fully! As we all know, we are in some uncertain times. I wanted to share a couple more insights that I feel can make a difference in the quality of your life as you approach this new year. If taken seriously , they will solidify an exceptional start, and create big momentum into the coming months. It’s sad to say the story of the human race is the story of men and women…

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New Year’s Eve, Drop All That No Longer Serves Behind You

Before midnight on New Year's Eve, take some time to reflect upon on your past. This past year and as far as you can remember. Refrain from going into story about the past or reliving old memories,  just reflect. And everything that you don’t want to drag into 2014 with you, drop it. Drop it like the ball that falls in Times Square each year. Drop it like a hot potato and let it go once and for all. Leave the past in the past so that you can move into 2014 with clear unencumbered focus. Between Christmas and New Year's Eve…

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Empowered YOUth: 5 Ways to Restore Peace and Repair Connection in Your Family

By Michael Eisen. In a day and age where parents and kids text more than they talk, where a family that doesn't feud is an anomaly, and where the one thing that most parents and kids have in common is the stress and anxiety they face—something's gotta give! If we are going to empower the next generation and generations to come to live up to their true potential and to live a life full of passion and optimism, it is incredibly important that we create a more supportive and understanding family unit. Below are five principles and strategies that will…

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Believe and You Will Make It Happen!

I believe that God gave us our beautiful, amazing world. I have learned that with a smile, passion and the gift of sharing, you can make a difference in the world, even if it's small, and a difference in one person's life, it can happen. I am blessed to get to travel and meet a lot of people. The kids I have met this past year have made me realize a few things. One, I have a lot of work to do to reach my goal of every kid in the US having a reusable water bottle and two... I…

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Today’s Brilliance from Madison Lewandowski

When I was in first grade, I broke my wrist. When the day finally came for me to get my cast taken off, I wasn't excited like most kids would be. I was petrified. The doctor came in with a huge tool that looked like a medieval torture device and started cutting my cast off, making a loud irritating sound. After that came the worst part. They had to take the cotton off of my wrist. It was very slightly stuck to the hairs on my skin because the cotton had been on my arm for the past six weeks.…

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My Top Ten Ways to Find Your Magnificence During Tough Times

Times are tough. We hear it all around us everyday... another business going under, another bankruptcy being filed, another job being lost, another home going into foreclosure, or another pension disappearing into dust. Worry takes a toll as stress builds, creativity suffers, health is compromised and relationships are threatened. To keep with my transparent blogging style, I want to share this with you that this is one of the most difficult financial times of my life. I have always been an independent businesswoman and my background is in real estate, so all of my assets were in what I thought…

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Sunset and Other Illusions

If you've been following my tweets and postings on Facebook for the last week or so, hopefully you've enjoyed some of our sunset photos. We moved to a new home in Montana that has some of the best sunsets I've ever seen. About a week ago I was out on the deck with my mother when something she said really hit me. She mentioned that the sun was setting and for the first time, I really thought about what that meant. Her simple comment made it an introspective experience for me. We all know what sunset is and can picture…

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Belief, Fear and Success

Do you ever have one of those mornings when you wake up scared? Scared that you don't know how you're going to do something that needs to be done? I think we all share this from time to time. That feeling of uncertainty, that fear of the unknown, that discomfort with stepping outside of the box we’ve been living in for so long. We say we want change and that we want to play a bigger game. Well, along with that comes unknown territory, and along with that comes fear and trepidation. It’s our body’s survival mechanism kicking in to…

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Serendipity, Coincidence or Something Bigger?

How many times do things show up in your life that you write off to coincidence or serendipity? How often are you pleasantly surprised at things just fall into place perfectly? We are very powerful beings with the capabilities of creating what we choose in our lives. Yet many times, we don't believe in this power, don't believe that we had anything to do with the "perfect timing" of a situation and don't use it to our advantage.  Instead, why not harness this energy and put it to work for you? A recent example of serendipity in my life was…

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Faith vs. Fear

A few years ago I was working on an entrepreneurial project, living off savings. Some days were financially scary as I was learning to live on faith instead of fear. One day I was standing in the checkout line of my local grocery store, very aware the woman in front of me was taking a long time to check out. Although I had no pressing appointment, I became impatient and annoyed at having to wait so long.  Finally, I realized that being annoyed wasn’t doing me any good and I started to pay attention to what was unfolding before me.…

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