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6 Empowering Ideas for Making the Most out of Life

If I can do it, you can do it. It's true! So many of the cliches I have learned are true. Don't waste time beating yourself up all the time and focusing on your flaws or weaknesses, and/or being around people who do it for you (unfortunately, sometimes even better than you). Know you are loved. Know you are magnificent. Know you are so very unique and special with unique talents and gifts to share with this world. Everyone has an interesting story to tell and wisdom to offer and special things to do in their lifetime. Focus on your…

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The Power That Can Protect Your Dreams

I just had a great conversation with a friend who was telling me about some business associates who have had a complete turn around on their dream. A few months ago, they were enthusiastic and on fire for their future. Unfortunately, they didn't keep their mental doors locked... and something negative slipped in, and they dropped the pursuit of their dream. All failure begins this way. People may have high hopes, but when their perceived circumstances suggest a lesser outcome is more likely (perhaps via an unexpected obstacle), this perceived discrepancy becomes the initial seed of failure. Being unaware of…

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Your Secret Super Power

I have come to learn the power of belief in self. I didn't realize the significance or the true power of this until I was forced to face extreme stress stemming from my husband's chronic illness. The message that I have only recently really heard is "belief becomes reality." It is absolutely true that your belief in something will come to be, if you have a definite, genuine conviction of it and the dedication to work toward it. Wishing something to occur is very different from an inner core knowledge that something will absolutely happen, acting as if it is…

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Your #1 Priority

Believe in yourself, no matter what. Living brings challenges, traumas test you; obstacles threaten to block your every move. The only element strong enough to overcome all of these things is your belief that you can transcend them. Your belief system is at the core of everything you do, say, think and feel. The beliefs you hold influence your interpretation of yourself, the world, events and all that's possible in your life. Out of all the beliefs you carry, the most important ones are those that relate to how you perceive yourself. If you believe you are strong, courageous, creative…

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Making the World a Better Place

Understand that YOU were born into this world to make a difference by giving back to others in some way. When you share your gifts with the world, you begin to receive the most amazing gifts in return with a more fulfilled and enriched life. You’ll know when this commitment of giving back feels right because you will truly be living and breathing your own legacy... yes, LIVING your legacy... not leaving it behind when you exit the planet. If you have ever been mentored, guided or coached by someone in any way, you understand the feeling of being supported by…

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Believe And You Shall See

There is more to life than what is seen by the human eye. Allow yourself to feel and sense the deep richness underlying all that can be seen. Because there indeed is more. Be and live openly- with an open heart, open mind and open eyes. Listen to all that is being said in and between the words, actions and silence. Take it all in and experience the experience. Don’t judge; learn the lesson and love instead. Learn to forgive; it’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Accept support because we are all connected and refusing support…

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4 Ways To Become The Captain Of Your Life

1. Get it started, then get it right... Dreaming of something is one thing, but taking action is quite another. It took me more than 15 years to gather the skills, strength and courage to start Venissimo Cheese. And when I did, it sure wasn't perfect. But the sheer adventure of building something from scratch was the most incredible experience of my life. Of course I love what we have become (we're continually striving to get it right). But I truly treasure the memories and exhilaration of getting there. Wouldn't you rather lie on your death bed thinking, "I'm glad…

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Choose to Create Your Dream

One of the most important things I've learned from life, is that I'm a powerful creator... and so are you. Our creative power is alive in our imagination. When you imagine the worst, you create the emotion of worry. When you imagine the best, you create the emotion of hope. We do this all day long, or emotions and imagination working in tandem, most of us never even realizing it. Every time you say I AM, you are using your imagination as you declare the image of what you believe yourself to be in that moment, and then you experience…

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5 Tips for Your Success

A belief is yours to choose… so choose with care. What someone says about you isn’t automatically a true reflection of who you are. While their words can tell you something about them, your opinion of their words are likely an important indicator of what you believe about yourself. If someone tells you that you are ugly or beautiful, this doesn’t mean you are objectively ugly or beautiful. Instead, it informs you about the speaker and their thoughts in this moment. On the other hand, you can choose to believe or not to believe what that person says, and this…

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Have Faith in Your Next Adventure

Dear fellow human being, You are standing on the shore of your next great adventure, looking out to sea as Columbus did more than 500 years ago. Everyone kept telling him that he would fall off the end of the world and surely die, but he refused to believe them, and he remained true to his convictions. And, he was right! The world is not flat, no matter what anyone tells you. Always set your sail for the far horizon, and embrace the splash of seawater across the bow! Don’t ever drop anchor, because that’s where limits come from. Don't…

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