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4 Magical Strategies for Success

Believe in Unlimited Potential As a magician, I've spent many enjoyable hours on stage, looking out at the faces of people in the audience. I think a magic performance is a powerful experience because it creates a view of a world where there are no limits. One of the things I love the most is watching people's eyes light up as they let go of their preconceptions and allow themselves to believe in this fantasy world, even if only for a few hours. Magic represents unlimited potential and unexpected possibilities -- important things for all of us to remember, believe…

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10 Laws of the Mind

I would share these ten laws of the mind that I have found to be true. 1. You are the maker of your fortune -- and also of your misfortune. 2. Opinions, beliefs and judgements are the fence around the playing field of life. Depending on the opinions, beliefs and judgements you uphold personally, your playing field is going to be either small or large. Thus everybody writes their own life program. 3. Your opinions, beliefs and judgements are the result of your experiences, be they good or bad. Their essence is expressed as your character since by upholding certain…

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The Power of Confident Belief

Believe in yourself. To be successful in your personal and business life, you must display confidence for others to also believe in you. When you are uncertain about performing well, seek expert help to get you past your fear and uncertainty. Help may come in many forms including self-help, reading materials, taking a class and hiring a coach. Once you do take advantage of the expertise of others, you will possess the knowledge you sought and become more confident than ever before. For instance, early in my sales career, I would become a nervous wreck in anticipation of meeting with…

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Just Because You Think It, Doesn’t Mean It’s True

Just because you think it, doesn’t mean it’s true. When you believe all of your thoughts, you will find yourself immersed in suffering because thoughts can be deceiving. Understanding and using this single concept in your everyday life, will ease your pain and lighten your moods more than you can imagine. Most people go through life thinking they are simply making observations, when in reality, they add to the facts and make judgements and form opinions. Those judgements and opinions are what create our unease. A fact would be something like, you ate a bowl of ice cream. This is…

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Your Beliefs Can Save Your Life!

When I was 26 years old, a man pointed a gun at my head and shot me four times. I responded with love and compassion, and so today I am alive and well. Had I reacted differently, I would have died that night. What happened? My search for answers has led me to great heights and great depths. I have explored one marvelous topic my whole life: Consciousness. It has kept me fascinated and entertained for decades. When you use awareness to examine awareness, things get slippery. It's like standing between opposing mirrors and seeing an infinite array of selves…

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6 Empowering Ideas for Making the Most out of Life

If I can do it, you can do it. It's true! So many of the cliches I have learned are true. Don't waste time beating yourself up all the time and focusing on your flaws or weaknesses, and/or being around people who do it for you (unfortunately, sometimes even better than you). Know you are loved. Know you are magnificent. Know you are so very unique and special with unique talents and gifts to share with this world. Everyone has an interesting story to tell and wisdom to offer and special things to do in their lifetime. Focus on your…

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The Power That Can Protect Your Dreams

I just had a great conversation with a friend who was telling me about some business associates who have had a complete turn around on their dream. A few months ago, they were enthusiastic and on fire for their future. Unfortunately, they didn't keep their mental doors locked... and something negative slipped in, and they dropped the pursuit of their dream. All failure begins this way. People may have high hopes, but when their perceived circumstances suggest a lesser outcome is more likely (perhaps via an unexpected obstacle), this perceived discrepancy becomes the initial seed of failure. Being unaware of…

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Your Secret Super Power

I have come to learn the power of belief in self. I didn't realize the significance or the true power of this until I was forced to face extreme stress stemming from my husband's chronic illness. The message that I have only recently really heard is "belief becomes reality." It is absolutely true that your belief in something will come to be, if you have a definite, genuine conviction of it and the dedication to work toward it. Wishing something to occur is very different from an inner core knowledge that something will absolutely happen, acting as if it is…

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