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Retreat in Montana with New York Times best-selling author!

How often do you hear yourself saying, "I'm not creative." Or "I'd love to write a book, but my story’s not that interesting," or "I don't have the time." The truth is: you are creative. And you do have a story that is uniquely yours. And you do have the time. You simply need to learn how to give yourself permission. You got dressed this morning. You chose a couch for your living room. You choose the words that come out of your mouth. You are a creative being by nature. And the child in you knows it well. It’s…

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Today’s Brilliance from Zack Gooding

If I had to describe my life right now I would say that it's pretty darn good. If you would've asked me two years ago, it would have been a different story. You see, I had a class bully in 3rd grade. He always teased me, pushed me, and tried to make me look bad in front of my friends. This made me feel sad inside and I couldn't concentrate on my school work. My mom and dad were great and understood how I felt. Here are some bully survival skills: It's not your fault. Bullies pick on kids who…

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Discover the Hidden Riches of Ritual

Our friend and Luminary, Chris Attwood, along with his business partner Janet Attwood, has created an opportunity for us to discover the ancient secrets of ritual- AND how shows us how it can change our lives. I just spent an hour interviewing Chris about the direct effect ritual can have on our lives, and WOW, I'm inspired. This is a program that I'll be doing and I want to invite you to join me. Chris gives so many examples of things we do everyday, and how taking that same action with conscious awareness can change and improve the success and…

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Bouncing With Style: Fail Forward

Who falls into their mom's grave? Me. It was my crashing moment of glory to signify the end of a terrible year. I had suffered through a nasty divorce from a cheating, balding BurgerMeister-MeisterBurger while raising my two little boys three thousand miles from my family as I built my own Girl Power company. I went through a foreclosure, buried my mom from breast cancer, and my two little dogs died a month apart. At some point, I started to giggle. No one would believe this. Even writing this, I have to shake my head. I had truly become the Bad-luck…

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Life After Death: My Story

On July 20, 1990, my heart stopped beating. For 22 minutes, I was dead. My husband, children and friends watched as doctors took turns regaining a weak pulse. I was 35, an avid marathon runner and triathlete with no history of cardiac problems. That I survived was mystifying. Tests and opinions could not tell what happened. No hope of full recovery was offered. The cause was uncertain as was my future. Although grateful to be alive, I found return to life challenging. Battling cognitive delays, depression, physical limitations, intense anger, spiritual angst and consuming fear was my new reality. I…

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Today’s Brilliance from Lexee Harris

If you tried really hard (or maybe if you don't even try!), you could probably find at least a thousand things that are going wrong with your day. Maybe your tea is too hot, or the sun isn't out. Even though we have the power to make our own lives miserable, we also have the power to fill our lives with many positive things. Start with reminding yourself, that for every negative thought that comes to your mind, "The weather is awful", "I'll never finish this test", "I don't have very many friends"... You can think of something positive to…

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Bouncing with Style: Rant Windows

Letting go of bitterness: HAHAHA HAAHAHAHA HAHAHHAH! Oh, sorry. That was my first reaction to writing about this topic, thanks to my wingman. Hmmmm. I thought to myself. How can I make anger and bitterness following divorce entertaining, empowering and not a stuffy lecture about how it's going to give you cancer. I did a bit of research on letting it go and the experts said I should feel it fully. Others should too. I'm supposed to "give myself a rant window." That's a good name for my blogs. Rant Windows!  So here we go... let's feel the full brunt…

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Surrender Equals Peace

The other night I had such a moment of clarity and sense of surrender that it took my breath away. I was listening to a track from West Side Story, "Somewhere" (Music by Leonard Bernstein, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim). Here are a few lyrics: There's a time for us, Some day a time for us, Time together with time spare, Time to learn, time to care, Some day! Somewhere. We'll find a new way of living, We'll find a way of forgiving Somewhere . . . As I listened to the lyric: ‘we’ll find a way of forgiving’, my epiphany…

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Bouncing with Style: Yoga Did Not Help Me Learn to Forgive

One of the things I tried was yoga to get through the aftermath of my divorce. So many people told me it helped them process the pain of infidelity, manage the stress of raising children alone and get centered as I rebuilt my life. It worked for them. It did not work for me. Not even close. Instead of my usual weepy pain filled blogs, I am going to brighten your day and talk about why yoga did not help me forgive. I did really give it my all. I bought yoga pants, a floral yoga top and crinkly new pink…

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Top 7 Children’s Books Sure to Inspire Your Little Ones

There are few things a parent can do that are more beneficial than reading to and with their children. Reading not only gives kids a head start for school and improves their comprehension skills, but engages their mind and stokes their imagination like no other activity. Reading is an act of bonding that will last a lifetime — how many adults do you know that don’t remember their favorite childhood tale? Check out these seven books that are sure to inspire your little ones. There’s a Wocket in my Pocket, Dr. Seuss Although not at famous as The Cat in…

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Today’s Brilliance from Harnoor Gill

I believe that youth can make a change in the world about the environment. We can speak up for ourselves for what we believe is right and what we believe is wrong. We can make changes in the world by stopping the footprint of pollution on the Earth. We should go green in every aspect of our lives: this is how I believe youth can make a change in the world. Carpool with a friend to go to school or just bike. Find green alternatives for what you normally do. The next thing you know is that going green starts…

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Within Darkness, There Is Always Light

Sometimes, we are in so much pain we forget that within that spiral of darkness, there is light. Sometimes we just need to step beyond our shadow, look at it, and see what it is attempting to tell us, teach us. The day I took this picture, I was playing with my shadows at a sand dune on a golf course and when I looked at my iPhone and saw the picture, it brought back waves of reflection of the days of youth where I was trapped within this shadow of fear, pain, and deep sorrow and loss. The biggest…

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Top Inspiring Quotes to Motivate You in Your Work Life

When going through your workday, working on business management or figuring out where your career is taking you, it's good to know that you're not the first to struggle with your work life. Take inspiration from these people who have known both sides of success. Benjamin Franklin “Lost time is never found again.” “Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” “Diligence is the mother of good luck.” “Well done is better than well said.” “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” “You will find the key to…

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Bouncing with Style: The Upside of Anger and Bitterness

It's no surprise that infidelity and divorce leaves you angry and bitter. This is normal. This is natural. And when I look back at that difficult time, I like to reminisce about some of the bitter, angry things I did to get through the day. They strike me as funny today. I know we are supposed to take care of ourselves, but it's also great when you can look back at the things you did to get rid of some of the toxic feelings and laugh. For me, I took abject delight in an incident that happened at my youngest son’s…

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Gandhi’s Secret of Life

No matter what you do or who you are, life is filled with challenging moments. At times, navigating through the obstacles that lie between health, wealth and happiness can be downright miserable. Struggle is common to the human condition. But the ability to embrace the struggle and move forward despite it is surprisingly uncommon. This is what keeps this country spending 190 billion dollars a year on obesity related illnesses. This is why only 4% of Americans are millionaires. How can we change this? How do we welcome struggle and keep charging onward to an empowered destiny. To find an answer,…

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How Helping Others Helps You

For anyone to be inspired, all that it takes is a little shove in the right direction. In this day and age there are many problems... especially with the economy. Millions of people have lost jobs, lost homes, and lost hope. We need to help them out and try to make it better in the future. You may be thinking that you're just one person and that you can't make a difference but that's the thing, you haven't even started and you already are doubting your ability! What you need to be thinking is: whom you can help, what you…

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Relaxation and Wellness Through Exercise

We have all come home from a run or the gym and felt the wellness benefits, both physical and mental. Sweating out the problems of the day, we can feel pleased with ourselves and leave the worries and stresses of everyday life behind. Something about it invokes a clarity in our mind and hearts. So what is the connection between exercise, relaxing ourselves and general wellness and how can we enhance this? Firstly let us look at situations where things just aren’t happening. Losing Motivation Mental stress causes real problems when we are attempting something. I see it all the…

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Lessons on Love, Joy and the Power of Dreaming from the World’s Oldest CEO

I wrote a story last week about Denver's Rockmount Ranch Wear. It's a six-decade business that was started by “Papa” Jack Weil, who joyously ran the company until he was 107. He showed up every day, sat at his little wooden desk in the front of the store and was widely regarded as the world’s oldest CEO. He wasn’t, as far as I know, a student of metaphysics, but the reason his business was so successful and that his snap-button Western shirts are the go-to shirt for everyone from Eric Clapton and Tom Hanks to Robert Redford and Paul McCartney…

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