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Discover Your Creative Compass

Consider just how often you tell stories. On a daily basis, you express yourself to family and friends, as well as strangers via social media. What should be a source of bliss -- creativity -- can also generate confusion and doubt, even paralysis. That's because it matters what stories you tell and how you tell them. In this new course, Dan Millman and Sierra Prasada connect you with your inner storyteller. Whether you're a writer, artist, or innovator, you'll find greater creative and personal fulfillment thanks to their groundbreaking approach. Dan and Sierra offer guidance and encouragement to help you push through common blocks to writing or any form of creativity. They demystify the process without dispelling the magic. The hard-won truths they articulate, and the innovative exercises they present, will light your way and enrich your practice.

Register for Discover Your Creative Compass now!

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Need Inspiration? Look Within

You are your greatest source of inspiration. It is an energy that lives and breathes inside of you. Similar to the soul, it is infinite, limitless, boundless and pure. Tapping into your inspiration has little to do with doing, changing or figuring things out. Those responses create unsupportive barriers which clog the pathways of this force. It is a feeling that emerges from inside and expands outward. You may recognize it through a flash of insight, a rise in energy, an a ha moment or internal shift in your state of mind. Just like life happens, inspiration happens. You have…

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The Two Keys To Releasing Your Pain

You may not believe it, but you hold your own transformation in your own hands. You can turn darkness into light, turn any issue you have into an asset, convert suffering into wisdom and along the way shine the light for others. You are the ultimate alchemist. Mindfulness and creativity are the two keys to releasing yourself from your own pain and transforming it into something valuable. When you stand back and get some distance from 'the story of your life' and you can then look at it differently and learn from it. Now this is when then magic starts…

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How to Take Advantage of Your Opportunity

The thrill of soaring comes with the fear of falling. Despite that, we should all aspire in life to dream big. There is so much opportunity just waiting for you - if you are willing to be consistent and persistent, there is no doubt you can achieve your dreams. It helps to discover who you truly are and live in a way that is authentic to yourself. You must do what you can to discover your truth... to achieve a deep connection with yourself and then with other people. Think about who you are now. If you are seeing habits,…

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Empower Your Life with Art

Make art and have visions. That is my gift to you today. Both art and visions are deeply healing for your whole life. Make art, anything, draw, sing, dance, write a poem, and you will find out who you are what you are to do in this life. Making art will heal your trauma and wounds. It will heal you, your family, your community and the earth. I know this is true. Make art to relax and to grow. Talk to spirit each day. You will know more about yourself and the universe if you talk to spirit. Close your…

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4 Guidelines for Finding Inspiration

Keep your eyes wide open for inspiration! Look for a beautiful sunset. Feast your eyes on the perfection of flowers - the perfection of their colors and of their conformation. Did you realize that none of the colors in nature clash with each other? See the world through the camera's lens and you will be inspired by the beauty that you have chosen to record. It will also help you to focus on your subject with clarity. This will give you an appreciation for form. Keep your ears open for inspiration! Listen to a John Phillip Sousa march: then listen…

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3 Magic Moves for Vitality and Creativity

Consider this amazing fact: what you give attention to grows. So no matter where you are right now in your life, if you practice three magic moves, you can expand your vitality and creativity while continuing to open a flow of love and connection with others. The Three Moves 1. Do your best to speak honestly, rather than concealing the truth. When you focus your attention on noticing your body sensations and describing them, sharing your feelings as they arise, and especially sharing what's familiar in any conflict, you immediately open more aliveness in you. You also solve problems more quickly…

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Principles for Making Your Life a Creative Process

Living can be difficult sometimes, but being alive is wonderful, exciting and full of possibility. The dissonance between these aspects of “life” can be confusing and seem unresolvable. Why is that? How is it that quality of experience can diminish quality of life? Why do some people feel they are not worthy – they make no difference, no contribution, create no benefit? Sadly, some believe they should not be alive at all, a tragedy that besets far too many. Recently a good friend who is an architect asked, “How do I get people excited about what I do?” What a question to…

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The #1 Way to Succeed: Choose to Create!

Create! When given a choice - and we always are - opt for creating. I love that we have free choice in this world AND choosing out of the realm of creating, to me, is the only place to choose from. Imagine a world where everyone is saying, in essence, "I can't wait to see what I will create next." That is the world I want to create and inspire others to live in with me. In a collective sense, that is the world I know is possible to be in and I deeply feel that we are moving full…

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Moments: The Notes in Your Heart’s Song

Like notes in a song, moments lead us into the chorus of our life...the chorus of a song is the part that we all sing along to. The part we all remember! So, each moment is strung together to create a larger time period in our life and these larger time periods become our life... but the moments are the notes that create the song and the song is our life. It is the beautiful moments that create a beautiful life. A life so beautiful others sing along with it and are inspired to find the song of their heart!…

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6 Ideas to Create Change

Take care of yourself. Continue to persevere: do not allow doubt to creep across your goals. Always make sure to take some time every day to rest. That time should be just for you to keep stress away. If you don't take really good care of yourself, you may not succeed as highly as you could have. Continue looking at the night sky and wonder about all the many new things yet to be discovered. The answer is clear. There is nothing more certain in my mind than we are all members of the family of Man. We all exist…

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How To Be A Spark Of Inspiration For Others

Creating and inventing something are a reflection of who you are - a spark of inspiration in action for others. It helps you change the world for the better and keep a positive focus on the future. It is your creativity that makes you great - and it is the foundation that drives your innovator spirit and expands your vision. Recognize that when you are told "you are a blessing in my life", it is not only a reward but it validates your expertise and dedication to color the lives of others. Understand that innovation can play a significant role…

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