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Why Being Grateful is Just as Important as Breathing

Being grateful is just as important as breathing. Every human alive right now is breathing, but the act of breathing alone does not make for a happy, fulfilled person. It’s unfortunate how many people allow for their fear-ridden thoughts to control their lives and reality, when really ALL of us have the power to take back our mind and direct our energy in a positive way that serves our life and those around us. Gratitude is a major step in unwinding our negative mental habits. If a person lives their entire life not realizing how precious, miraculous and unique this life…

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Time for You to Live Vibrantly

Live vibrantly. Now. As quick as you can! Our existence on this planet is for but an instant – the strike of a match, a quick burn, and then it’s extinguished never ever to be reproduced in exactly the same way again. For the brief moment that is your mortal life and you have a choice: The flame that is your spirit can spark a blazing fire, giving light to the world, heat to the people, and spread wildly into something vast and eternal. Or, it can swiftly fade and fizzle out, back to the nothingness from where it came.…

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How to Love Yourself and Live Your Purpose

You are enough, right now, exactly as you are. You don’t have to do anything to prove your worth. You don’t have to accomplish more, do more, or reach a certain level of success. You don’t have behave perfectly. You are worthy simply because you exist as a human being on this planet. There is room for you and all your messiness and confusion and pain. There is nothing to be ashamed of. We are all in this together; we are all just walking each other home. Are you confused about your life purpose? You don’t have to figure it…

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Where Happiness Comes From

All you want is happiness. Deep down, you long to reach a state of mind that's completely unburdened by conflict and suffering. The desire to find this inner harmony is universal. It is the motivation behind everyone’s actions. This common drive and ultimate goal is what makes you equal to everybody else. It is also what makes you absolutely innocent. Happiness results from the perception of harmony. This harmony you seek comes in two flavors: harmony with yourself and harmony with the world. Harmony with yourself is the belief that you are good, worthy, and lovable. Harmony with the world…

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Worthiness Will Definitely Come up on the Path of Spirituality

This topic is one that is bound to come up during each person’s path of spirituality: Worthiness. The deeper we go within ourselves, the more beautiful the internal world becomes. We tap into our purpose. We begin to understand what feeling good is all about. And even though this is all very natural: We are meant to feel good at all times… It is also new territory. The reality is most people have been conditioned into states of mind such as fear and worry – and sometimes these conditionings come from childhood. It’s almost as if we have to reverse…

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There is No Repeat of Life – Live it Now!

We only get a one ticket admission to this thing we call life. Make the most of your time while you still can. Use it wisely. Experience it fully with eyes and heart wide open. See the beauty in the obvious, but do not forget the little things that go unnoticed. Take in the fragrance of the flowers in bloom as they are given drink by the early morning dew. Notice the artistry of the sky and the clouds that form recognizable images. Listen to the laughter of a child, still so innocent and unaware of the reality of the…

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4 Ways to Slow Down and be Mindful

Slow and steady really does win the race. When we believe that we have all the time in the world, we start living like we have all the time in the world. The more we focus on slowing down rather than speeding up, the more we add time to our lives and we create more space to be and enjoy every moment. What does living like you have all the time in the world look like and how can you begin to create this now? 1. Wake Up In Beauty: When you wake up each morning, do not think of…

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NOTICE – A 6-Step Morning Routine that Works

How do you start your day? Waking up with optimism, looking forward to the day ahead? Or do you hit the snooze button, putting off rolling out of bed until the last possible moment? I’d like to suggest how you begin each morning determines the quality of your day. I’ve created an acronym to use that will help you develop a routine to start mornings with enthusiasm, energy and high expectations - N.O.T.I.C.E. N: Be NICE. Practicing self-compassion is the first step. There is no such thing as perfect. When you are starting a new routine there will be days…

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Loving-Kindness as a Path to Inner Peace

Many of us spend much of our lives searching for happiness and peace of mind. However, some never find them, and the reason is that they’re looking in all the wrong places. They think they’ll be happy once they acquire a certain amount of material wealth and possessions. While these things can bring us temporary pleasure, they don’t bring us real happiness, or peace of mind. If we want to be happy and at peace, then we need to look somewhere else. A wise prophet once told us many years ago that whatever we sow, so shall we reap. Those…

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Bridget Cameron

How to Be True to You

GRACE Taste the sweet nectar of life, allow it to fill you to the brim. And, let the joy in your heart, walk the landscape of your soul, in the light of wonder, with grace to guide your way... © 2016 Bridget Cameron In a nutshell, just be your authentic self, your true you! You don't have to impress, 'put on airs', diminish yourself to 'fit in', or need others to approve of you. You can spend a lifetime waiting for others to approve of you, and most never will, so don't waste the effort! Be true to you, be…

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Acceptance and Respect – The Keys to Life

It took me a long time to realize that to accept and respect — yourself and others — is the key to a happy life. In going around the country speaking about bullying, it dawned on me that the answer to bullying and many of society’s other ills really come down those two simple things. Having been bullied myself, I didn’t have enough self-respect to counter the taunts of the bullies at my school by walking away feeling good about myself in spite of their insults. And I didn’t accept myself to be okay enough with who I was to…

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In Truth We Find Peace

Live your truth and you will be free. Because in truth you know exactly who you are, the lines of your personality, the depths and valleys of your soul, what it is that you lack and where you overflow. In truth, you don’t apologize for who you are. You live divinely in your own skin, without the heaviness of another persona lying on your back. In truth, you know what you want, in all of its complexities and nuances, difficulties and joy. You are not bound by others’ expectations of who you must be, of what is common or normal…

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dr jacob liberman

Agitation is Evolution – Welcome Each Moment

In 2014, my cat had a stroke, rendering her blind and deaf with little memory left. On the advice of my vet, I made the difficult decision to have her euthanized. Her death was one among a sea of losses, which seemed to arrive all at once. That year, due to mounting expenses, I felt compelled to sell my home. This came on the heels of closing my business, which resulted in considerable financial loss. That same year, my literary agent died, and I parted ways with my then romantic partner who’d been by my side for more than a…

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Faith, from “Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date” by Absolute Love Publishing

Happiness is a Choice

Here’s what I know for sure, Happiness Is A Choice. There is so much more we are capable of, and through mindset and beliefs, we have the power to design our life and choose happiness. The hustle of life is filled with people, events, and stimuli, there’s no avoiding it. The weather. Traffic. People at the coffee shop. Eating dinner with the family. Stimuli encountered throughout the day aren’t ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ they’re neutral, and often cannot be controlled. Everyday, we are presented hundreds of situations. The beautiful part is that based on our beliefs, we have total self-power to…

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Paul Hoffman

Discovering How Beautiful Life Can Be

What inspires me is knowing anything is possible and that I am always being blessed with opportunities for growth, awareness and transformation. It is when we have an attitude of gratitude that we see the most beautiful vision of what life can really look like. You can make today and everyday the best day of your life by just beginning to think thoughts that are positive and empowering. Our natural state is one of excellence. We all have a calling in our hearts that is unique and special to who we are. The gift we bring to the planet has…

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