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How to Love Your Body

Amidst all the DOING don’t bypass BEING. There is no rush. There is no need to try to fix anything in this moment. Take a deep breath. Take a second to feel your body. Lean into YOU. Fall in love with the girl you see in the mirror. She is a friend, a lover, a sister, a daughter, a woman. She is all that and more. Your body is just a container of all these special things, the things you cannot see in your reflection. Always remember you have a body. Remember before your body gets loud and you have…

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Sink Deeply into Bliss

Sometimes life is hard but it can still be filled with joy and happiness. You may not always get what you think you want, but when you grow older and look back on your life, you will see that you got what you needed. The pieces will begin to slip together in an awe-inspiring manner. While we all strive to find happiness, we must also accept that there is a natural ebb and flow to it and that when we experience hard times, those trials allow us to experience more profound joy. We cannot have one without the other, so…

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Steps to True Happiness

Under the umbrellas of intention and authenticity lie core values we can foster which will help lead us to, and maintain, the ultimate state of happiness - to be happy with yourself. Values such as integrity, compassion, empathy and trust are the cornerstones of personal growth and fulfillment. Living with intention simply means to be mindful that your actions are purposeful with forward movement. You intend to be compassionate, you intend to forgive, and you intend to choose love. Shed your expectations of others. No one is perfect, nor should you expect them to be. Flaws can build character; acknowledge…

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3 Ideas to Foster Massive Life Change

I once heard someone say, “God has more planned for you than you could ever imagine for yourself.” While I didn’t understand it at the time, fifteen years later I certainly do. Whether God, Buddha, Allah or the Universe, I’m here to tell you that this statement holds true, I’ve experienced it firsthand. My greatest passion is helping people understand their true power and potential and how to use it for good. So my words of wisdom are simple but life-changing: Create a dream journal and fill it with everything you have ever desired, expect great things to happen in…

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Awaken to Your Precious Life

You are infinitely free, unendingly magnificent, undeterred by fear, overflowing as love itself. Isn’t it amazing? This way of being is available to you right now in this very moment. You can be free of the problems that define you. You can live in peace, ease, and contentment with things as they are. But it won’t happen unless you are ready to be conscious in your life. Consider these life lessons, and put them into practice. Then you can’t help but live the fullest expression of your natural, shining, inherently lovely self. Orient your whole life toward what you love.…

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24 Guidelines for Your Best Life

Each day is a gift so begin and end each day with gratitude. Celebrate the good and more of it will flow to you. Adversity is a part of life. Know that you are not your problems. Instead of getting wrapped up in doom and gloom, change your focus to the life you want to have, not the problems you think are before you, realizing that what's happening around you isn't who you are. Love what is. Our stress often comes from our perception that something is good or bad- not from the circumstance itself. Instead of getting frustrated over…

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Making Happiness An Attainable Goal

Whatever the nature of our problems and difficulties, there is hope for us. No matter how much we feel unhappy, discouraged, and hopeless at the present time, happiness is still within reach. Feeling better, getting better, and staying better is an attainable goal for each and everyone of us. What is important to understand is that happiness is purely internal. It is not something that happens to us, but rather something we ourselves do and determine. You and I relate to everything and everyone on this planet through the mechanism of thought. It is not what is in the world…

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Living True Happiness

Our life is full of many opportunities for us. Coincidentally, it is also full of many perceived barriers that we might allow to prevent us from engaging in these opportunities. I have loved living a life of opportunity and not predetermining my destiny with the thought "I can't". Even with a great number of possibilities available to us, it is likely there are too many things to accomplish in this life and perhaps not everything is possible as we imagine it. The important thing here is while we may have a long list of 'to-do's', we are working on crossing…

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7 Paths to the Life of Your Dreams

Be your authentic self. Be true to yourself always. Don't worry what other people will think. March to the beat of your own unique drum and do the things that make you happy. Magical things happen when you're following your passions, the things that you really love in life. Surround yourself with people who inspire you. Always seek to be around people who amplify your energy. After interacting with them, you'll feel uplifted and excited about life. Look for this reaction when considering friends, coaches, business partners, mentors, clients, Mastermind Group members, etc. Practice blissful thinking. Dream the biggest dream…

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Ten Inspirational Lessons For A Beautiful Life!

I have lived a journey of gaining knowledge, understanding, and I have learned a series of lessons. I would like to pass along ten of these lessons: Know Thyself: This has been a significant lesson for me and a definite attraction for others who seek to see me. Seek to see your true self, take off your mask or veil, get rid of the noise and bring clarity, as you align your dimensions and vibrate as one. Avoid herd mentality: Much of the fear many experience as a group is captured from others around. Many feel they won't be able…

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The Fastest Way To Happiness

The fastest way to happiness and peace is the absolute acceptance of WHO YOU ARE right in this moment. The nature of humanness is divinity. This is evident in many of the daily "miracles" of our existence: our body, the seasons, the supreme organization of the universe. We know this in our cells, our bones. There is a deep resonance to the truth that we are all connected, that divinity expresses ITSELF as us, exactly as we are. The ego says, "Ok, you have the capacity to love and sure, you might be an expression of the divine, but until…

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How To Live Fully and Joyously

Reignite longing for the love you sought with first breath in this life; Recall the dream that called you here, the call you recognize. You are not what others label you, nor can you be unloved; Your path through life is blessed by Earth below and sky above. Even feeling weak and troubled, your words and smiles heal; You are the very conduit by which dreams become real. You are not the triumphs nor the troubles you or others think you caused; Nor are you bad or evil, nor can you ever be truly lost. The purest essence of your…

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What We All Desire In Life

Every single person on this planet shares the same desire… Happiness! It is how we imagine our happiness that differs from one person to the next. So what is the key to happiness? Today I would like to share three of the things that I have discovered that have brought me the gift of happiness and revolutionized my personality. 1. Appreciate everything and express gratitude. To live gratefully you simply need to become aware that every single moment is a GIVEN MOMENT. You have not earned it or brought it about in any way, and cannot assure that there will be…

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