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Remember to Experience the Magic of Childhood!

In today's busy tech oriented world, I have been fortunate to discover an incredibly simple source of inspiration... children. As a career-oriented woman, I took a pass on having my own family. Yet in the past few years and for a variety of reasons, I have had an awakening that we should all be more childlike. Children always have time to examine a new flower or exclaim over a rainbow... they also are quick with a hug... which is quite priceless when you think about it. Little kids are non-judgmental and enjoy a good belly laugh more often than not.…

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The Importance of Smiling and 15 Other Life Lessons of Kindness

Be still in your life. Take time to listen to nothing but the sound of your own thoughts. Learn to like your own company. Share with others what you have. Even if it is just a dollar, share it. Listen with your heart. Do not be in a hurry to tell your story. Listen as others tell their story first. See what needs to be done, and do it. Do the dishes need to be washed? Yes? Then wash them. Are there dirty clothes on the bed? Yes? Put them in the hamper. Send a smiley to someone just because…

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As Simple As ‘Be Happy!’

BE HAPPY! (Easier said than done right?!) When we are truly happy in the moment of life, we feel full, complete, whole and satisfied. Time stands still. Clarity is in our hearts. We LOVE life, others and ourselves. We feel good and authentic inside. And when we feel good, we do "good" in this world. We share our overflowing happiness with others, which then recycles right back to us. Our happiness is a gift to the world. So if it is that simple - BE HAPPY - why do we make it so elusive, difficult and complex to achieve? Because…

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Finding the Path to Happiness

The pursuit of happiness in most people's lives is seemingly elusive. In some respects, it almost seems that the concept of happiness has been left out of the evolutionary design. Leo Tolstoy said, "Joy can be real only if people look upon their life as a service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness." I'm going to share with you a difficult part of my childhood in the hopes it illustrates that the path you choose is critical to the level of joy you experience. When I was 12, my family moved from New…

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One Decision Can Change Everything

Your future on this earth depends on one decision. This decision shapes who you will become in the future. This decision shapes whether you will impact others positively or negatively. This one decision will determine whether you have thriving personal and business relationships or if you will drift from one bad relationship to the next. This one decision will affect everything in your life. Struggle Leads To This Question We live in a world where struggle and difficulty are simply a part of life. Some people struggle financially. Others face health issues or the loss of a loved one. Some…

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The Key To Life Satisfaction

Imagine if every day for a decade you consumed five Twinkies. At the end of that decade, if you were alive at all, you wouldn't be surprised that your body looked and performed like the equivalent of five Twinkies! Most adults in our society today understand that you get out of your body only what you put into it. Put the optimal foods and care in, and you get a much healthier body. The more you don't, the more you won't. If you truly want to become who you really are - if you want to live the greater happiness,…

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Don’t Get Lost on the Path to Your Dreams

"Know that you can make a difference in the world by being true to yourself, and moving in the direction of your dreams!" As I spoke this sentence to a client of mine, I made the profound realization that I was speaking as much to myself as I was to her. I realized that my life long goal of making a difference in the world centers around my ability to be true to who I am and allow myself to move toward my dreams utilizing everything that makes me who I am today. You see, I am no different than…

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Live Your LIfe With Purpose

I would share my knowledge of doing the right thing and listening to my mind and body all of the time. You see, your body can give you honest feedback - it doesn’t lie to you. If you pay attention to how you feel in any given circumstance, you will know what the right moves are for you and what the wrong moves are. With me, it is my heart and solar plexus that I pay the most attention to because I have spent so much time nurturing my mind/body/soul connection, I know right away if something will be a benefit…

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You Have Everything You Need in This Moment

In this lifetime we can waste precious time and energy living for an external result, acquiring other's approval and needing things outside of ourselves for happiness. It doesn’t take long for us to realize that achieving goal after goal will not automatically create the happiness we crave so deeply. And when we live for something in the future, whether it’s a thinner body, the perfect mate or enough money in the bank to buy an island, we rob ourselves of the perfection of this present moment. We will find ourselves chasing a false dream, believing that when we have the…

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How to Listen to Yourself at the Deepest Level

Don't believe anyone who says you can't be happy. You can. Don't believe anyone who says that work has to be unpleasant. It doesn't. Don't believe anyone who says you should ignore your feelings or desires or wishes. You should not ignore that voice inside of you that insists things can be better. Anyone can be happy. Anyone can find a fulfilling job or career. Anyone can achieve their true dreams. How? Learn to listen to yourself on the deepest level possible. Learn to discover and uncover who you really are and who you really want to be. How? You…

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14 Ways to Increase Happiness

1. Sure, life can be tough and unfair, but don’t take it all so seriously. Think of life as a big prankster. And learn to laugh at your own expense. 2. Be your own BFF. Treat yourself the way you imagine your best friend would treat you. Especially in things you say to yourself. 3. Learn to recognize fear (it can be a tricky devil) and nip it in the bud. Monsters, like weeds, are much easier to eradicate when they're small. 4. Believe in choice. It’s always there. And if you feel like you’ve made a bad one, make…

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[Free Gift] Five Chapters of a MIND-BLOWING book!

How do you feel about getting more out of life than you currently do? Can I ask you if you’ve found it harder than you thought it would be to achieve all you’ve wanted in life? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a simple way you could learn to think that made it easier to succeed and get what you want, than it was to struggle and eventually fail… Can you imagine it being easier to succeed than to fail? Too good to be true isn’t it? Well not if the way it’s taught is completely different to anything else you’ve tried before… Please don’t misunderstand me, the techniques you are about to learn are similar, maybe even the same. But what’s different is the way it is taught and the way you learn. If you’d like to try ‘something very different’ for yourself… Check out for free the first five chapters of my friend Andy Shaw’s book

Creating A Bug Free Mind

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Embrace Your Bliss Every Day

True bliss is finding happiness in the moment, in what is. Doing whatever you love in life will bring that happy moment, but first you must figure out what that thing is that's most important to your happiness. And to figure it out takes self-reflection. That's where practice and process needs to happen. Every day. I recommend some practice that makes you pause and look within you like yoga, journaling, mediation or prayer. Whatever you call it. But you must stop consciously every day and do it. This is all it takes. Consistency. Devotion. The biggest discovery you will make…

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Are You Bound to Be Happy?

What is it that we seek in life? It is to be happy. We express our happiness when we experience something that is pleasurable or satisfying. Yet, maintaining the happiness we find is like trying to hold onto a fish freshly pulled from the water. As hard as we try, it keeps slipping from our grasp. And since it requires some event or experience (which are temporary to our existence) to bring it about, we can understand why it is so fleeting. Living in itself is a happy prospect; without which there can be no further opportunities for future happiness…

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Orient Your Consciousness

It is unwise to sail to sea without a navigation system. Likewise, navigating the intricacies and challenges of life also needs special guidance. For your soul wisdom grows from your consecration. My consecration is to release any thought that closes my heart even in the slightest and to always begin my life right where I am. It is to refuse to allow fear or suffering, even physical pain, to make me self-involved. Consecration is the pole star by which you invent yourself as a spiritually oriented conscious person. But how do you know or discover your consecration? Ask yourself: What…

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4 Tips To Help You Choose Who You Want to Be

In the midst of everything, happiness is still all around you. The Universe is delighted with you- all of you. Given all that unconditional love supporting you, you can choose who you want to be. Here are some things I've learned. 1) Live your life on purpose, as a creator, with personal freedoms. Make more choices that nurture your simple joys, talents, relationships with loved ones, your contribution, your connection to abundant source and spirit. 2) Making choices based on staying close to your passions, purpose, and calling expands everything else in your world. You stay in the zone of…

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9 Lessons for A Happy Life

I would offer my 9 steps to a happy life.... 1. Build something that you believe in - a relationship, a family, a company or a project. Focus on what you can do today to get where you want to be. 2. Learn the art of letting go. You will have to let go of friends, family, beloved pets, money and objects during your lifetime and sooner you accept change the easier life becomes. 3. Smiles and compliments are free and they make all the difference in the world as our connections with people are relational and have a ripple…

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