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Meditating from Panic to Peace

"I think I had an unhappy childhood!" I announced to a therapist at the age of 58. It's amazing what my brain had done to hide that fact from me. I'd developed a panic disorder at the age of 15. Terrified of the mental illness and sadness stalking my family, I'd self-medicated in high school, stashing a flask of vodka in my ever-present pocketbook. Over the next forty years, however, with the help of anti-anxiety medication, I managed to build a wonderful life for myself. I married a loving husband, had two beautiful sons, and enjoyed success in several different…

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The Reality of Finding Balance

The biggest issue people have when trying to schedule their upcoming week is they are attempting to bring this "Work-Life Balance" theory into the realm of reality. The thing is, this "Work-Life Balance" notion is a completely hypothetical theory - and not a fact-based practice. Believe it or not, motivational speakers can make a handsome living simply by inserting the words "work", "life", and "balance" into any seminar title. I receive phone calls regularly from people who want me to help them achieve this critical balance between their work and their lives. It seems that balance is something that most…

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How to Uniquely Create Your Impact

Honesty, worth and love towards yourself and those within your life is what will connect you to your passion, values and unique abilities, which you deserve to share with the world. The world is screaming out for YOU to be YOU and for you to Inspire yourself, your family and millions of people around the world. Fear, shame, guilt and judgement towards yourself and those within your life will disconnect you from your passion, values and unique abilities. Pull back the layers which have been thrown upon you by friends, family, media, society and unleash the true greatness you have…

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The Key to Contentment: Thankfulness

I have every reason to be content. I live in one of the most affluent and privileged cultures in the history of civilization. I enjoy the freedom to learn, speak, and even sing whatever my heart desires. I have daily access to clean water, wholesome food, and shelter from the elements. I am employed – and I even have the option to change careers at any time I wish. Friends, I am living the dream. I really have every reason to feel happy, expectant, and fulfilled; yet, I sometimes feel a disquieting emptiness and a deeper longing for significance. You…

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How You Can Make the Infinite Your Reality

Never underestimate the power of your heart. Be bold. Be daring. Be courageous—shatter the mold. Be your Self. The world needs you. You are Infinite. You know this... yes? You feel it in your bones. Now, make it your reality. Let your Highest Self dance in every mundane and sacred situation. How? By opening yourself to Wholeness, unashamed and unafraid. Your divinity moving into the moment transforms creation, simply through Being. Act like a seal, belly up in the ocean, allowing the nourishing beams of divine light to seep into your skin—it feels amazing! Give your Highest Self permission to…

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Principles for Making Your Life a Creative Process

Living can be difficult sometimes, but being alive is wonderful, exciting and full of possibility. The dissonance between these aspects of “life” can be confusing and seem unresolvable. Why is that? How is it that quality of experience can diminish quality of life? Why do some people feel they are not worthy – they make no difference, no contribution, create no benefit? Sadly, some believe they should not be alive at all, a tragedy that besets far too many. Recently a good friend who is an architect asked, “How do I get people excited about what I do?” What a question to…

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Why Your Life is Unique, Powerful, and Needed

Humanity has always confounded me. We are supposed to be an ever evolving species and yet we make choices to destroy each other, the planet and its resources. However, not all humans are destructive or violent…people to people we usually see our differences and learn. But politics, power, and greed get in the way of love, abundance and freedom. My wish for all who read this is to know that we all have a unique purpose, a one of a kind story to play out while we are alive. We are relationship beings who are more alike than different. My…

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3 Ways to Live Happy and Healthy

When my mother died, I was filled with such pain that I yelled at God and said I wasn’t going on until I understood what was happening. I could not see the sense of loving a mother and then losing her. What a painful joke. That night God’s messenger came to me and explained everything about life. As the years unfolded, I have been gently led to more and more understanding. As I sit here today, I believe there are 3 things that are helping me to live a happier, healthier, prosperous, and meaningful life. I have been learning that…

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12 Keystones to Reclaiming Your Happiness

As I looked back over my journey from fear to love, I discovered Twelve Keystones that I had to embody, or perhaps I should say master, so that I could reclaim my happiness and awaken to the truth of my magnificence. Through teaching about my experiences, I found they apply universally. I have shared them here! You are the playwright of your own life! The backdrop for life is like a Magical Theatre, and as the star of the production, we are each free to create our own roles, changing them at will but first we need to investigate the myth, truth,…

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Discovering The Inner Voice And Stay Focused

As the human body is built up with different parts characterized by different functions, everyone who is created by God has a part to play as far as life is concerned. There is a defined reason of our existence here on earth, call it DESTINY. Everyone has something to fulfill that will impact the lives of others. It's obvious that there are people who don't really understand who they are and what they have got in them. They don't believe in the potential they carry, that talent, that thing that you don't find in others that makes you unique. If you find…

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Why Being Grateful is Just as Important as Breathing

Being grateful is just as important as breathing. Every human alive right now is breathing, but the act of breathing alone does not make for a happy, fulfilled person. It’s unfortunate how many people allow for their fear-ridden thoughts to control their lives and reality, when really ALL of us have the power to take back our mind and direct our energy in a positive way that serves our life and those around us. Gratitude is a major step in unwinding our negative mental habits. If a person lives their entire life not realizing how precious, miraculous and unique this life…

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Time for You to Live Vibrantly

Live vibrantly. Now. As quick as you can! Our existence on this planet is for but an instant – the strike of a match, a quick burn, and then it’s extinguished never ever to be reproduced in exactly the same way again. For the brief moment that is your mortal life and you have a choice: The flame that is your spirit can spark a blazing fire, giving light to the world, heat to the people, and spread wildly into something vast and eternal. Or, it can swiftly fade and fizzle out, back to the nothingness from where it came.…

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How to Love Yourself and Live Your Purpose

You are enough, right now, exactly as you are. You don’t have to do anything to prove your worth. You don’t have to accomplish more, do more, or reach a certain level of success. You don’t have behave perfectly. You are worthy simply because you exist as a human being on this planet. There is room for you and all your messiness and confusion and pain. There is nothing to be ashamed of. We are all in this together; we are all just walking each other home. Are you confused about your life purpose? You don’t have to figure it…

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Where Happiness Comes From

All you want is happiness. Deep down, you long to reach a state of mind that's completely unburdened by conflict and suffering. The desire to find this inner harmony is universal. It is the motivation behind everyone’s actions. This common drive and ultimate goal is what makes you equal to everybody else. It is also what makes you absolutely innocent. Happiness results from the perception of harmony. This harmony you seek comes in two flavors: harmony with yourself and harmony with the world. Harmony with yourself is the belief that you are good, worthy, and lovable. Harmony with the world…

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Worthiness Will Definitely Come up on the Path of Spirituality

This topic is one that is bound to come up during each person’s path of spirituality: Worthiness. The deeper we go within ourselves, the more beautiful the internal world becomes. We tap into our purpose. We begin to understand what feeling good is all about. And even though this is all very natural: We are meant to feel good at all times… It is also new territory. The reality is most people have been conditioned into states of mind such as fear and worry – and sometimes these conditionings come from childhood. It’s almost as if we have to reverse…

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There is No Repeat of Life – Live it Now!

We only get a one ticket admission to this thing we call life. Make the most of your time while you still can. Use it wisely. Experience it fully with eyes and heart wide open. See the beauty in the obvious, but do not forget the little things that go unnoticed. Take in the fragrance of the flowers in bloom as they are given drink by the early morning dew. Notice the artistry of the sky and the clouds that form recognizable images. Listen to the laughter of a child, still so innocent and unaware of the reality of the…

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4 Ways to Slow Down and be Mindful

Slow and steady really does win the race. When we believe that we have all the time in the world, we start living like we have all the time in the world. The more we focus on slowing down rather than speeding up, the more we add time to our lives and we create more space to be and enjoy every moment. What does living like you have all the time in the world look like and how can you begin to create this now? 1. Wake Up In Beauty: When you wake up each morning, do not think of…

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