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3 Lessons for Improving Your Life

A few years ago, I was given a glimpse of what eternity must be like: the intense, pure, twirling, dazzling, pale turquoise light I saw during a spiritual healing, behind my closed eyes, penetrated my soul. I wanted to remain in its presence forever. This amazing light represented divine love to me. It confirmed my belief that beyond this world is another realm where all beings go back to the Source we all originally came from. The beliefs I held prior to the episode with the light were profoundly altered that day. I can tell you this: You are fully…

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Finding Clarity in Your Life

A life full of happiness and success can be yours. All you have to do is simply take a few moments each and every day to remember and to live by these words: "The greater your personal clarity, the greater your quality of life." If you aren't clear about who you are, and why you are here, it is going to be very tempting and very easy in today's fast-paced world for you to be perpetually off-balanced. Remember, it's easy to be busy, instead of being productive. It's easy to be hurried, and miss out on being happy. So to…

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Your Top Priority This Year

In my opinion, there is one thing that is much more important than anything else: learning to be happy and fulfilled in your life. Truly happy people tend to be richer, more giving, more productive, and even a lot healthier than everyone else. So how can you easily become much happier in this fast paced, crazy world we live in? Fortunately there are many simple, powerful methods that can make a dramatic difference in your level of happiness. In fact, some methods that take only a minute a day, have been proven to have more effect on your level of…

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Finding Solid Ground

Maurice Sendak once said, "There must be more to life than having everything." There is. And the secret to finding it is to seek meaning in your life, not control. Many people spend their lives seeking control... of money, real estate, jobs, careers, other people... you name it, somebody wants to control it. But control is an illusory thing. It's like running side-hill on loose gravel. The terrain is always changing, so to maintain "control," you have to keep moving. In the end, people are much happier when they stop pursuing control and start seeking meaning. At that point, you…

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Healing Your Pain

If I only had a few shards of wisdom to leave this world, I’d go straight for the bull’s eye. What’s life about anyway? I think it’s about being happy. However, that road to happiness includes learning how to heal pain and connect to that source of healing. It’s learning how to experience your version of God (or whatever you want to call it). It all begins in the mysterious world of the subconscious mind, the place where our pain is harbored. All emotion is born to be experienced. When we experience emotion fully, it will vaporize and dissolve into…

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Your Happiness IS a Choice

When you realize that happiness is a choice, a lot of things change. They get easier. It's easier to have fun, relax and move forward in your life with the things that matter. Realizing that happiness is a choice didn't come easy though. I believe that having a strong sense of self-awareness really allows you to see how achievable happiness is and what happiness actually means. When I could really understand myself and my goals and really not let other people's perception of me or my goals bother me...being happy got a lot easier. For a while I was too…

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Looking for Happiness? Accept Yourself

I've gleaned some fundamental principles from the wisdom offered by several "metaphysical" guides on how to go about living a life better filled with happiness, health, abundance, and fulfillment. They provide a spiritual code of conduct that, when followed, profoundly affects your perception of reality. These few are the key "natural principles": Accept and Allow. This is the key to living a life full of Love. To accept and allow is to invoke the natural power of Divine Love within you.True acceptance involves eliminating judgment while you allow things to be as they are. Crucially, this begins with yourself. Accepting…

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Don’t Look For Happiness in the Wrong Places

Happiness is not in your bank account. It's not in your closet, your waist line or your garage. Don't go looking to your list of, or lack of, invites, happiness isn't keeping count. Happiness doesn't know the difference between this season's shoes or last season's jacket. It's not sitting in first class on the way to Italy. Happiness didn't arrive on fine china. It's not marinated with filet mignon or dipped in Belgian chocolate. Happiness can't count how many Twitter followers you have or who you're connected to on LinkedIn. It hasn't liked your latest status or analyzed your influence.…

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Today’s Brilliance from Dr. Alex Lickerman

The key to happiness isn't material wealth, health, or even fulfilling relationships. The key to happiness is wisdom. Wisdom is so powerful that it can even put a halt to suffering without changing the circumstances that cause it. Most of us deem a problem solved when it no longer confronts us, but from a Buddhist perspective a problem is solved when it no longer makes us suffer, our escaping or overcoming oppressive circumstances representing only one particular means to that end. Certainly it may be the means we most prefer, and in many cases what we need to do to be…

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Unhappiness Happens… But So Does Happiness!

I'd like to tell you that you can be happy all of the time or that happiness is always about choice. But I can't because I don't believe it. I know some people believe it and claim to live it. And if you're one of them, I'm very happy for you... and even a little envious. But for those who seek happiness because we aren't happy all of the time, the best advice I know to give is this, "Happiness happens. Unhappiness happens." If you want to be happy you can't ignore unhappiness. Sometimes our unhappiness is of our own…

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Your Extraordinary Quality of Life

There is a reason why you're reading this today. Today is the day you are moving toward what is intended for you. Are you ready to step into your power with courage and absolute faith in your future? Imagine what an extraordinary quality of life you would have if you woke up every day feeling energized, happy for no specific reason, excited about the day ahead and with a big smile on your face! Today I will share with you some of the keys to a balanced, fun-filled, happy life. First and foremost, express how thankful you are for all…

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Do You Deserve to Be Happy?

I often ask my patients struggling with a life issue, "Do you deserve to be happy?" More often than not, I receive a tenuous answer. "I'd like to say I do, but I'm not so sure" is a fairly typical response. Or I may hear, "I can't remember anyone in my life ever telling me it's my right to be happy." Well, if you haven't heard it before, hear it now: YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY! Although relatively few of us were told during our upbringing that the expansion of happiness is the purpose of life, most people sense somewhere…

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Change Your Perception to Find Happiness

If there’s anything I’ve learned about happiness, it’s that is has much less to do with your possessions and achievements, but rather your perception of what you have and the world and people around you. Reframe Your Perception: Each of us has dreams that for one reason or another we do not achieve. And we all make choices that perhaps were not the best we could have made. Yet, rather than allowing regret to overtake us, we must see and celebrate all the other goals we’ve accomplished and positive choices we’ve made? Human nature so often leads us to perceive…

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Finding Meaning In Life

I remember when I was 8 years old, I used to sit on a bus bench or in a park just to watch people behave. This was fascinating to me and was my favorite moment in life, as it still is one of them today. Somehow, at this early age, I was already searching to understand symbolic language; to make the correlation between the inner and outer world and to search for the answer to this existential question that I truly believe should be our number one priority to know: What is the reason for living, walking, working, existing...? It…

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