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Become a Better, Faster Manifestor Day-by-Day!

I have been a Conscious Creator all of my life, and I didn't realize it for most of my life. At the age of 11, I announced to my parents that I was going to become a sportswriter. I knew in my heart that this was what I was going to do. And true to my vision, at the age of 21, I was at the Detroit Free Press, at 22 I was at the Associated Press and writing front-page stories for the LA Times and at 23 I was at the Washington Post! The rest of my career has…

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Wishing for More? Stop Focusing on the Negative!

If you're like 90% of the population, you have a tendency to blame some friend that seems "have it out" for you. It feels like they're deliberately trying to hold you back, or at the very least, trying to sabotage your success. So you sit there feeling angry, frustrated, deflated or maybe even slightly depressed. You're probably talking about how nothing ever goes right. You're probably hanging out with other people who are constantly talking about it too and I would be willing to be that you're probably even talking about it on Facebook and Twitter! And as you continue…

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Small Steps Today, Big Steps For Your Future

I was always inspired by the hippie saying, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life...." Though I had been trained to believe that I had a limited world and that I'd better adapt to it, I knew deep inside that at all times I (and others) had the ability to change my mind. By the pure grace of God (because believe me, I was not looking for it!), I discovered consciousness-raising programs with amazing exercises and learned that if I change my beliefs, it changes my mindset/attitude, and most importantly, it changes my results. I decided to…

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Call on Your Imagination and Inspiration for Guidance

What inspires you? Have you thought about that lately? What inspires you? Who inspires you? Where do you go to recharge your batteries? How do you stay centered and grounded during the type of economic upheaval we're living through? Are you able to keep your thoughts positive and your outlook for you and your loved ones optimistic? Do you feel confident about the future or do you feel uneasy and concerned? As a financial planner, being an optimist is pretty much non-negotiable. Fortunately for me, that's easy as I was born with the glass is half full mentality. Yet being…

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9 Success Strategies for Building your Dream Lifestyle and Business

Right now I want to share the success strategies I have followed to reach tens of thousands of people with my audio meditations, facilitate more than 400 meditation workshops, have hundreds of my articles published and create a business out of my greatest passions in life. I’ll give you a hint: I didn’t just "manifest it" like some law of attraction junkies believe happens to people who are living their dreams. I do want to address the topic of “manifesting” for a moment. I hear so many new age type people talking about manifesting their visions. But if you ask most…

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School of HP: Astrology vs. Numerology…Who is right?

There is an old saying, “Once the student is ready, the master will appear.” I imagine you like me have found that statement to be true. Once we are truly ready to learn, then we all of a sudden “run into” a teacher or hear the information on the radio, have a friend who unexpectedly calls, etc. etc. etc. That is the way the Universe works.  The laws of the Universe have been explained in many texts throughout history and many disciplines exist to assist us with discovery of who we are and our place in the world.  Some turn…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Be Lucky in Life Too?

"I have a friend that always seems to be lucky. Things line up for her all the time. Anything she needs seems to show up in her life exactly when she needs it. It's almost spooky. How can I get my life to work like that for me too?" ~ Paul, Martin City, MT Dear Paul, It sounds like your friend, whether she is consciously aware of it or not, is practicing the Law of Attraction. There is no good luck or bad luck. It is all attraction. Instead of focusing on what your friend has, focus on what you want…

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Joyful Woman

The 3 Secrets to Living a Life Filled with Miracles

Do you believe that miracles are real? Would you like to put the possibility to the test? Marci Shimoff, the #1 NY Times best-selling author and world-renowned happiness expert, has partnered with bestselling author and success expert Debra Poneman to bring you a powerful FREE online seminar, The 3 Secrets to Living a Life Filled with Miracles.  For over 30 years, both Marci and Debra have been giving people all over the world the knowledge and tools to create powerful daily miracles. During this LIVE online seminar, they will tell you exactly how to create the miracles you'd like to manifest, so be…

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How Can I Manage My Teenagers?

"I used to think I was a great parent, before my 3 kids became teenagers. There are days when I don't know who these kids are, and I'm embarrassed to admit that some days I wish I'd never had children.... Suggestions?" ~ Marie, El Paso, TX Hey, I get it. I am a mom of two myself and there are days when I wish I was living alone again. But it is the resistance and the non-acceptance of the situation that makes it worse for us. We do have to accept that we are parents and we made this decision to do…

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Using Our Innate Power

"I like the dreams of the future, better than the history of the past." - Thomas Jefferson "To hold fast to history is to be swept aside." - John F. Kennedy I’m not psychic, but I’m pretty sure that 100 years from now (hopefully sooner), future generations are going to look back at our belief in separation and limits and wonder, “What were they thinking? How could they be so misinformed?” They’ll scratch their heads at our refusal to use our innate power, our natural energy in much the same way we look back at the Roman Circuses. “Are you kidding…

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Manifesting Your Desires with the New Moon

When I was in my late teens, the universe connected me with my mentor Cindy. She is the one who guided me to use my intuitive gifts on such a deep level. Because of her I am able and grateful to help thousands of people all over the world and know how to harness these intuitive experiences that have been happening since I was a young child. This spring 2012, the first book of a “faction” (fact and fiction) series will be released that I co-authored with my dear friend and amazing fiction writer Lorna Schultz Nicholson. This series is…

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Conscious Language: The Power of Our Words

Our language has great power. It is an integral part of bringing what we desire into our lives, and also is a key element for bringing what we don't want into our lives as well. Many times, we're not even conscious of what we're doing or saying and wonder why we're not getting the results we desire. The Law of Attraction states that what we focus on grows, whether it's conscious or not, or intentional or not. We've all had the experience of thinking about buying a new car and all of a sudden, it seems like we see that…

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Inspire Me!

Do you remember the last time you were inspired? Really inspired? Do you remember the energy in each molecule of your body that felt like you were dancing even if you were standing still? Maybe it was from a rousing sermon from your favorite minister, from a piece of music, perhaps from a motivational speaker or maybe just watching a sunset and realizing your connection to the Universe. Inspiration comes in many forms, but no matter the form, it’s something that’s as important to us as breathing. Inspiration is an integral part of life and something we need on a…

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Speaking to Create and Attract What You Want

Are you aware of the incredible impact that your thoughts have on your reality? Are you using the Universal Laws to create the life you truly want? These very basic principles have the power to change your life and help you manifest your dreams. I'm very fortunate in that I am personally living my dream. I love being a professional speaker and I thoroughly enjoy the work I do as a speaking and presentations skills coach. I help healing professionals, authors, entrepreneurs, service providers, and 'in- tune' executives learn to speak in public in an authentic way. We work together…

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