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Accept No Limits

The greatest lesson I have learned is that we are truly unlimited beings. It seems easy to believe all that we have been told, "Life is hard", "You have to work hard and sacrifice to get ahead", "Life sucks then you die" but none of these hold any truth with our soul. When you connect with yourself truly and deeply, life flows and can seem magical. WE are the ones causing our own limitations. In hearing and getting to know the true us, our soul, we become limitless. Learning to love and forgive ourselves for acting from what we knew…

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Releasing What Limits You

As much as many of us have tried to fit in — or rebelled against the pressure to fit in — we’ll never fit in. We’ll never be “normal.” We can’t be. That’s because each of us is magnificently unique. In fact, our utter uniqueness is what makes us so magnificent. Truth be told: We are all lighthouses. We are all filled with the light of Source, and we radiate it out into the world. If, right now, our lights aren’t shining brightly enough to be seen from miles around, it’s only because the windows of our lighthouses are coated…

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Guess What? You Are NOT Broken!

You're not broken. I don't care what "issues" you think you have, what "patterns" you seem to be living, what "childhood traumas" you believe are the cause of your problems. All of those are simply theories about why things are the way they are. And worse, they're not even good theories. Oh, sure, they're compelling stories -- like a good book or an engaging movie -- but that's it. Your relationship with your father causing relationship problems now? Just a theory made up by someone trying to make a name for themselves or fill up a workshop. Having relationship problems…

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Don’t Regret Your Experiences, Embrace Them!

We all have stories that make us smile and others that we prefer to forget. We all have experienced personal and professional ups and downs. This is part of the human experience and we should appreciate every moment. Do not regret the past, as difficult as that may be. The past is behind you with nothing but knowledge in its wake. You can't change the past, so why not make it an educational tool no different than when you first learned to ride a bike? Do not be disappointed or discouraged about today. Today is temporary and tomorrow is on…

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15 Things To Remember Every Day

Remember that you are already the hero of your own life. You did not earn this title. You did not have to. You were born the hero. It is your birthright. Remember that Connection and Abundance are our natural state of being, and that Collaboration and Inspiration are our natural way of doing. Remember that the word 'Inspiration' means 'to breathe life into' and that when you inspire others every day, you are filling the world with the very breath of life. Remember that you are always connected to the immeasurable Creation, even in those moments when you feel most…

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People Matter – Including YOU!

People matter. Within the circle of your existence, you have been given a "tribe" consisting of your family, your friends, your irritating neighbor whose dog barks 24/7, and the co-worker who borrows your "Best Person Alive!" coffee cup and leaves saliva marks on the lip. Because of your unique relationship with each of these people, only you can reach them in the way you were designed to do so, and while yes, there are other neighbors who can smile stiffly at yours, there is no one who can take your place in the family setting, or within your friends' hearts.…

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When Are You Living An Inspired Life?

To me the word "inspired" means guided by a mystical power from within, or as Webster's Dictionary defines it "divinely influenced". I don't mean to evoke the image of a separate God intervening in the affairs of people but rather to imply that when a person wholeheartedly gives himself/herself to a worthwhile cause, goal or dream he/she calls up an innate brilliance which defies common comprehension - that's inspiration, the source of brilliance. Author and sage, James Lane Allen, wrote, "The Divinity that shapes our ends is in ourselves." The Gospel of Luke puts it this way, "...the Kingdom of…

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Dare to Dream

I am sitting in a self-development workshop. The year is 1989 and I am 52 years old. The leader asks us to think of three things we'd love to do before we die and likely never will. My "Bucket List"... climb Kilimanjaro, climb the Matterhorn and see Everest Base Camp. What, I'm not a climber? Little did I know where those wishes would take me. Fast forward to May 22, 2007. It is 8:08 in the morning and I am standing at 29.035' on the top of Mt. Everest, the world's tallest mountain. Aside from two Japanese people, I am…

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Are You Willing to Find Your Greatness?

Greatness lies within each and every one of you. It’s just a matter of how deep you’re willing to dig to find it. There’s an unlimited amount of untapped potential flowing through your heart, your mind and your spirit just waiting to be released, so that you may rise to the next level. You possess talent and skills that you haven’t even begun to discover, because it’s in growth that you will find true enlightenment. It is in growth that we discover unbounded possibilities, but you must be at liberty to grow; free from fear, uncertainty, and worry. Never underestimating…

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