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Never Forget to Live

The greatest revelation you can have is that you live life once. Many would consider such a statement to be a trite saying, instantly dismissing it and in doing so, negating a powerful tool for radical transformation. Never ever simply “get used” to the fact that you are alive. Never ever exist on earth and yet never truly live. Life is a precious gift: wear this truth around your neck like a scarf, every single day. Keep this truth on your lips, in your mind, and in your heart, in every situation you encounter and in every conversation that takes…

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You Can Have Everything You Want If You Accept Yourself Unconditionally

I was studying for a high school exam one evening when my grandmother brought me a snack and started to talk to me about life. Almost out of the blue, she told me that no matter what you do in life, “always think big.” Her message served as a beacon for me to follow and lead me out of my limiting beliefs. I began high school as a 6 foot tall and 200 lb young man, but on the inside I was struggling. You see, I allowed the people in my life inside my head and let them wreak havoc…

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Living From Your Heart

Think about this statement: "Nobody ever changes, we just reveal more of who we really are". Have you really changed over the years or have you just EXPANDED? Did you really get rid of those parts that you didn't like or are they still there, in the background, waiting for you to retreat to a lower state of mind, energy and consciousness? Change has been a topic I've studied for many years and I have concluded that nobody really changes. People hate it when I say that. They'll quote some new age text such as 'the only constant in life…

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Embracing Your Divine Magnificence

Do you know that you are Divine? What do I mean by that? I mean that you are a treasure to the world, that's right: YOU are a treasure. You have come to Earth to fulfill a very specific purpose, something only you and you alone are here to do. You are unique and powerful. You have the power to be, do and have whatever it is that you desire. Maybe today you don't quite feel this way. You could be struggling in some or all areas of your life. Have no fear for you are not alone. You are…

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Seeing Beautiful

Today is the day to see in yourself what everyone else already sees. You are beautiful. Strong. Giving. Loving. You make the world a better place by simply being in it. Seeing beautiful is a way of thinking and experiencing the world. If we're always focused on finding flaws, we're missing the beautiful. Seeing, seeking, and creating more beautiful in the world creates a ripple effect of empowerment of for all. As a teacher I repeatedly heard young girls belittle themselves - wishing for a standard of "beauty" roughly defined by pop culture. Unfortunately, pop culture does a good job…

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You Already Have the Key You’re Looking For!

Your imagination is the most powerful tool you possess. Use it wisely. It has the ability to create the most amazing, beautiful, fun-filled life of “awesomeness” you can imagine or destroy it all and leave you wallowing in the mud of fear and confusion. We live in an energetic Universe. Everything is just energy, even your thoughts and words. The key is to become aware of, and direct the thoughts you are thinking and the words you are saying. They are your point of attraction (what the Universe sends your way) and your inspiration for action. Both of which create…

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Why You Were Born to Win!

You were born to win. Once you come to terms with that, the life you were meant to live will unfold before your eyes. You can achieve what you believe and the first place to start is conceiving it in your mind. Your thought pattern gives birth to the life you were destined to live. You get to decide how you are going to live out the rest of your life. You have been predestined for greatness and now is the time to go to the next level, leaving a legacy for those who come behind you. Every new thought…

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Why You Need To Shine Your Light

Life can be taken for granted and lived unconsciously - or it can be lived so as to approach doing justice to this unfathomable, infinite gift that is each moment. The latter, the journey of conscious living, begins with diving deep within. In as much as you ARE, you hold within you the secret of existence. Dive within and you will find that secret, nothing less than the pure infinite light from which this entire universe arose in the first trillionth of a second of creation. This is the message of all the mystics; rediscover this, and delight in the divine,…

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Embrace Who YOU Are

There are many things that life has taught me, often in ways I couldn't understand at the time. I was bullied at school, had a complete lack of self confidence and esteem, making me painfully shy and later, severely depressed. I have at times, felt like giving up. But those things were given to me to make me realise I am in charge of my life. When I fought back at the bullies I felt strong and happy, I knew that I could stand up for myself and take charge, that I did matter, and it felt great! Then life…

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How to Discover Your Worthiness

This moment, right now, is all that you can truly know. Regardless of what you may have done in your past, or the fears that you may have of the future, give thanks that you are here now. You are beautiful and deserve to know the gift that you are to the world. Honor the mistakes you have made, for everyone makes them, but seek the lessons that they may have to teach you. There is only one you. No matter how many people you compare yourself to, or how much you try to please others, no one can ever…

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Things I Know To Be True

I would share the things I know to be true. Any 'negative' circumstances of your birth are just the backdrop setting the stage for the inspirational ending to your life story. No matter how wonderful your upbringing, you must continually seek wisdom to master all of the lessons necessary to lead a victorious life. You owe your parents for the gift of life, but what you make of it is entirely up to you. We are all more alike than we are different; look for commonality to touch the hearts of others. We must cultivate the wisdom and the discipline…

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You Are The Lover You Have Been Waiting For

The month of February, and Valentine’s Day in particular, is a time to celebrate romance and love. Why, when Love is our birthright, do most of us live our lives separate from its healing presence?  It is because we have been conditioned to search for Love outside of ourselves, leading inevitably to the often endless, and mostly unsatisfying, search for somebody to love us. Yes, we can enjoy loving and being loved by other people, but that kind of love comes and goes (if you have been married for a while, you probably know what I mean). What would happen if you…

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Me Through You

Everyone gets to listen in and hear what Spirit uniquely conveys to them. The wisdom that I would pass along if I were down to my last 500 words would be about what I heard when I asked about an expression that kept floating into my consciousness. I simply inquired: What do you mean by ‘me through you’? If I were the voice of the universe, I would communicate me through you. I would give you ways and words that would support you in making your life an inspiring expression of my nature. Your explorations would show me all of…

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Struggling? 10 Steps for Overcoming Tough Times

As a member of the human race, we have more in common with one another than we have differences. Just like death and taxes, we all experience tough times, and therefore, we can learn from each other’s mistakes to make our walk on the road just a little bit easier. From the more than 1000 Luminaries that we’ve featured on, here’s the collective wisdom on how to get through tough times, that just might help you get through a difficult experience. Look at the worst thing that can happen. Feel it. Mourn it. Cry through it. Then picture the…

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