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Faith, from “Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date” by Absolute Love Publishing

Trusting Your Magnificence

You are a magnificent being. Has anyone told you that lately? Well I'm telling you, you are. How do I know? Let's just say I've had experience in that area. You may not feel like you are a magnificent being, but it's true. Your personality is the outside of you and the magnificent being is the inside of you. All of the components to your personality, the enjoyable ones as well as the not-so enjoyable ones, are those you chose to experience this lifetime. They are what make you unique. A fool discounts them; a wise person works with them,…

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Finding Your Excellence

Connect to your power core. The center of your greatest power is the conscious, fully present place where you are the best reflection of your truest self. Be still and embrace the you that you are today. Fully acknowledge every dimension of all that is true about who you are created to be in the Earth. That which is true does not become the always is! Be you. Know you. Love you. Get acquainted, agree and align with the divine you. By loving who you are at this very moment, you open the way for the best in you…

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The Essence of Beautiful YOU

You are purposely here for a reason, designed with specific innate gifts and talents only known to you and your creator. You are as unique as a snowflake or fingerprint compared to the other 7 billion souls on this planet as there are no two alike. Our core essence is spiritual energy and YOU are an extension of God/Goddess manifested into physical form. Your personal journey here is to rediscover your magnificence on many levels of Being - creatively, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually - in this “school of life” to become the fullest expression of who you were created…

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You Were Born to Be Brilliant

No matter what your background, where you live, how you were raised or what you have (and haven’t) experienced in your life, you are a brilliant, bright magnificent being and your purpose here on earth is to shine your light and be who you were born to be. So many people allow themselves to live from their past, carrying with them old outdated patterns and beliefs that do not serve them on their journey. Understandably, as the unconscious patterns that can run our lives without us knowing it can be very insidious, sneaky and coercive in getting us to stay…

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6 Straightforward Tips for a Better Life

There will be many people you meet in this life that do not like you; don’t be one of them. Place your concern on the opinion of the person you see most – YOU. You owe it to yourself and the Universe to make peace with whatever is causing you pain. Be kind, forgiving, and patient. Know that you deserve -- and are worthy -- of your own love and respect. When you believe this with every ounce of your being, everything else will fall into place. There is a lot of negativity in this world; don’t let it bring…

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Energize Your Life With Self Awareness

You are not diminished by your pain. Your spirituality is not measured by the presence or absence of difficulty in your life. Challenge is not a punishment or a reward. It is not a reflection of your value to the world; it is a reflection of your choice to grow and learn and make mistakes. Although your thoughts and attitudes attract and create your life, you are not your thoughts. "Your thoughts control your experience of reality. But your thoughts cannot affect, or change, or control, or even touch who you are."~ Paul Williams, Remember Your Essence Remembering your essence will…

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Remembering What You’ve Learned

Do not wait to be extraordinary before you accomplish the extraordinary. The greatest lessons and wisdom that we receive in our lives can often come from those who did not know we were watching and listening. An elderly woman born in the late 1890s who was blind and in her 90s when I met her, told me that she understood what I was going through in my marriage because she had gone through the same 70 years prior... My mother, who shared her wisdom with me until the day she died, never knew that her wisdom would live on long…

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Making the World a Better Place

Understand that YOU were born into this world to make a difference by giving back to others in some way. When you share your gifts with the world, you begin to receive the most amazing gifts in return with a more fulfilled and enriched life. You’ll know when this commitment of giving back feels right because you will truly be living and breathing your own legacy... yes, LIVING your legacy... not leaving it behind when you exit the planet. If you have ever been mentored, guided or coached by someone in any way, you understand the feeling of being supported by…

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What You Need To Know About Spirit

You are loved and held safe beyond anything you can imagine. As you live your life, know that even when everything seems like it's falling apart, the whole world is in chaos and you can't make sense of any of it - you are loved, and you are safe. You are with Spirit. You are a light in the world, a light of infinite joy that can never be put out or hidden. You are a blessing born from the heart of Spirit, and so long as you remember that you can and will find peace in any situation. As…

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Never Forget to Live

The greatest revelation you can have is that you live life once. Many would consider such a statement to be a trite saying, instantly dismissing it and in doing so, negating a powerful tool for radical transformation. Never ever simply “get used” to the fact that you are alive. Never ever exist on earth and yet never truly live. Life is a precious gift: wear this truth around your neck like a scarf, every single day. Keep this truth on your lips, in your mind, and in your heart, in every situation you encounter and in every conversation that takes…

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You Can Have Everything You Want If You Accept Yourself Unconditionally

I was studying for a high school exam one evening when my grandmother brought me a snack and started to talk to me about life. Almost out of the blue, she told me that no matter what you do in life, “always think big.” Her message served as a beacon for me to follow and lead me out of my limiting beliefs. I began high school as a 6 foot tall and 200 lb young man, but on the inside I was struggling. You see, I allowed the people in my life inside my head and let them wreak havoc.…

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