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3 Ways To Reveal Your Talents

Sometimes, we conceal ourselves from ourselves. Not wanting to acknowledge the person we are, in all our special gifts, until we are forced to be guided by the wits of what life has taught us. A failure to engage, stuck in the rut, feeling unfilled, because.... We do that until we grow into this ever-evolving trail of life, eventually seeking ways to find meaning after challenges have found us with no zap in our story. Then we start on the quest to find value in our narratives. We are each bestowed with abilities of wonder, making us this unique blend…

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What Matters To You?

Nothing you are told that matters, really matters! What do I mean by that? Well as we are raised, interact with other children, are taught at schools and then indoctrinated in our jobs and careers, we are constantly told what's important... make a good first impression, look out for number one, find a stable job with good income, buy a house, buy a bigger house, buy a BMW, etc. And so many times, we lose the idea of what's important to US and start to believe that all these things are important to us. We fall in line. But you…

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10 Questions for Finding Your Balance

Have you ever asked yourself probing questions that get to the root of your inner self? Have you done the inner questioning to help you uncover your purpose—what your life is calling you to do? We must ask ourselves powerful questions to get to the core of our being. To get you started, ask yourself, "If time and money were not an issue, what would I be doing?" I like this question because it is as if we won the lottery. If you won a million bucks, what would you do? A question like this can begin to unveil some…

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Living Brilliantly From Within

You better get ready to change lives for the better! That's what I live for. This life is not for the passion-less but for the passionate. You can't afford to live like you have nothing to lose. And until you completely live free of what can be lost, you will never soar beyond who you are now. You must be completely willing to lose. Your Destiny gains power with each moment of deep inner belief. This life is what's really at leave nothing for the grave yard because it's not worthy of the dreams you carry within. All that has been poured into me…

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Breathe in the Brilliance of You

When I think of words of wisdom that I would like to leave to humanity, I am filled with humility. I envision my children’s faces and realize that my wisdom and my love is all that I will ultimately leave behind. So, with a deep, slow breath, I open to my highest self and reflect on what would be most important to express. Please, breathe with me while I begin. First and foremost, the highest service I can offer by sharing my wisdom is to compel deep listening to that still, small voice within. That is where the most timeless…

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12 Ways to Make This YOUR Year

1. Be Yourself Each of us has come into this world with a set of unique gifts: talents, interests, and abilities. It is only when we tap into those gifts and share them with the world that we truly become empowered. Give the world your greatest gift -- Be Yourself! 2. Trust Yourself We each have an inner voice that is there to give us guidance. All we need do is ask and we will be shown our next empowering step. Listen to your inner guidance and learn to trust yourself. 3. Believe in Yourself When we have doubts about…

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Find and Stand In Your Truth

Take a long look in the closest mirror.  Look up, look down.  Notice what you are thinking and how you are feeling in doing so. Then, ask yourself... Do you recognize that person? Is your external being a true reflection of the soul on the inside? Do you bear slight resemblance to the face in the mirror, or are you identical twins?  Are you happy with that person?  Are there things you notice you want to change? What is the chatter going on in your mind and heart right now? Often in life, the face we put forward in the…

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Blue Butterfly

Your Past Doesn’t Have to Determine Your Present

In today's world, where technology has eclipsed our humanity, many of us are looking for a way to operate in our lives with a day-to-day sense of excellence and wellbeing, a way that fulfills our spiritual nature. People have tried different religions or disciplines with varying degrees of success or failure. They have taken motivational workshops to try to discover some meaning to apply to their lives and many have come away wondering, "Is this all there is?" This vague sense of emptiness or dissatisfaction can permeate our lives, even when we accomplish the goals we set for ourselves. People…

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Stop This Secret Self-Sabotage

We're often led to act against ourselves by an undetected weakness that goes before us -- trying to pass itself off to others -- as a strength. This is secret self-sabotage. It sinks us in our personal and business relationships as surely as a torpedo wrecks the ship it strikes. Learning how to stop this self-sinking is the focus of this exercise. Let's begin by gathering the higher insights we'll need to succeed. Any person you feel the need to control or dominate -- so that he or she will treat you as you "think" you should be treated --…

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Growth through Writing… Empower Yourself!

Since man formed his first vocabulary, family and tribal news was carried from tribe to tribe, village to village by a storyteller. They would be welcomed in each cave, hut, or council house as an honored guest and nights would be spent around the fire listening to the latest news from family members living afar. Famine, a good harvest, movement of wild herds, warring tribes, births, deaths, alliances, all were carried by the professional storyteller. After a few days passed the news had been told and the storyteller, rested and refreshed, would move to the next tribe or settlement. While…

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Deepening Love

By B. Lynn Goodwin. Why can't I get organized, I ask myself. Why do I keep spinning my wheels as I journal? I remembered the words of Temescal Writers leader Joan Marie Wood, who said, "If you keep writing about the same thing over and over, it means you have more to say." Could I be having issues again about whether or not my stories are mine to share? As a general rule, if it’s my story I have a right to share it, knowing it’s my emotional memory and no one else’s. Besides, that’s a concern to address down…

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Have You Been Watching Your Thoughts Lately?

By Tara Taylor. Our thoughts are extremely powerful when it comes to manifesting an outcome that we may want in our lives. Have you been paying attention to your thoughts lately? Are you thinking about what you want rather than what you do not want? It's important to make a positive daily habit of watching where our thoughts go or where our minds start to wonder to. Our thoughts play a role in how we experience our daily lives and our interactions with others. When we choose thoughts that are loving, encouraging and forgiving about ourselves and others we find that…

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Quick, Before it Melts!

If you want to learn the greatest lessons in life, pay attention to Mother Earth. Nature has a way of showing us the things we need to learn, including the inevitability of change. Springtime in the Rocky Mountains is the perfect example. Just yesterday we had the biggest blizzard of the year- more than two feet of pristine white powder blanketed our world. The day was dark, cloudy and overcast as we were buried with snow. Today, spring is back, the sun is blazing, the temperatures are soaring into the 50’s AND we still have tons of snow covering the…

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