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10 Ways to Remain a Kid at Heart

When I grow up I have decided to be a "big kid" instead of an adult. What made me decide to do this? I watch my mom and dad and all of their friends have fun, but I still think they are missing out on the good stuff kids get to do.... I think there should be an option to grow up but still do kid things. This would make the world a better place because everyone would be having fun. In the world full of "big kids" everyone would get to do stuff like: Play outside everyday. Don't just…

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Issues? Never Let It Take You Down!

I truly believe that everyone has some disability and shouldn't let it get in the way of their dreams. There are disabilities that are visible and others that aren't. Because of my dystonia, I have trouble using my arms to do certain things. I can't carry some things, write or do certain sports. Sometimes I get embarrassed in school when I drop something or my arms twitch uncontrollably. My friend, Max, made me feel so much better one day when he said to me that at least I wasn't short. He said that being short isn't something you can hide…

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Are You Willing to TRY?

I am often asked what made me able to accomplish the things I have at my age. My answer is simple. I was willing to try. I'm a regular teenager. I wouldn't consider myself gifted, special, or anything else. I'm just someone who thinks "I can." Sometimes that is all it takes. I have done lectures and workshops for young people all over the country and the greatest ideas I've heard have come from other youth. Sometimes those great ideas never take flight because the kids who came up with them are looking at all the reasons they can't make…

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Carter and Olivia Ries

Today’s Brilliance from Carter and Olivia Ries

We only have one shot at making our world the place we want it to be. To make it something we can be proud of and something we would proudly hand over to the next generation. It is time we all looked at our everyday life and asked ourselves, "What can I do today that will help the next generation so they can live the life I envision?" Each one of us has the ability to better our world and it is our responsibility to strive to find solutions to the problems we inherit. We see so many opportunities to…

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5 Incredible Success Tips From a 12-Year Old

Although I'm young, I've learned a lot in life. There are some key lessons I would share with other young people. The first and most important is that no matter how young you are, you can change the world. Some of history's greatest accomplishments were achieved by young people. And especially in the early 21st century, when youth enjoy a level of rights and freedoms that were unheard of just a few decades ago, they are evermore empowered to make change. Never let anyone tell you that being young is a barrier. Second, I would tell youth that when it comes to…

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Today’s Brilliance from Amber Hayes

If there are words I would like to pass on to humanity, it would be to stay true to yourself. It is important to always be yourself. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. God created you in his image, and it is your job to fulfill that image. Always stay true to who you are. What other people are doing may seem cool at first, but may not be in the long run. Never get discouraged, because you have a purpose. Everyone on this earth should be themselves in order for us to have a unique and creative place…

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4 Tips for Staying Youthful — and Motivated!

USE YOUR IMAGINATION; BE SILLY; STAY IN TOUCH WITH YOUR INNER CHILD - AND YOU CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING Unleash the power of your imagination and you will be a-mazed at what you can achieve. The possibilities are endless when you allow them to be. Putting your imagination to work unlocks your creativity and inspires you to come up with new ideas that you never thought possible. Also, don't forget to be "silly". Silliness is a very important trait, and allows you to do crazy create a book when you're only 7 years old, which is what I did. How…

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Today’s Brilliance from Zack Gooding

If I had to describe my life right now I would say that it's pretty darn good. If you would've asked me two years ago, it would have been a different story. You see, I had a class bully in 3rd grade. He always teased me, pushed me, and tried to make me look bad in front of my friends. This made me feel sad inside and I couldn't concentrate on my school work. My mom and dad were great and understood how I felt. Here are some bully survival skills: It's not your fault. Bullies pick on kids who…

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Today’s Brilliance from Lexee Harris

If you tried really hard (or maybe if you don't even try!), you could probably find at least a thousand things that are going wrong with your day. Maybe your tea is too hot, or the sun isn't out. Even though we have the power to make our own lives miserable, we also have the power to fill our lives with many positive things. Start with reminding yourself, that for every negative thought that comes to your mind, "The weather is awful", "I'll never finish this test", "I don't have very many friends"... You can think of something positive to…

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Today’s Brilliance from Harnoor Gill

I believe that youth can make a change in the world about the environment. We can speak up for ourselves for what we believe is right and what we believe is wrong. We can make changes in the world by stopping the footprint of pollution on the Earth. We should go green in every aspect of our lives: this is how I believe youth can make a change in the world. Carpool with a friend to go to school or just bike. Find green alternatives for what you normally do. The next thing you know is that going green starts…

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How Helping Others Helps You

For anyone to be inspired, all that it takes is a little shove in the right direction. In this day and age there are many problems... especially with the economy. Millions of people have lost jobs, lost homes, and lost hope. We need to help them out and try to make it better in the future. You may be thinking that you're just one person and that you can't make a difference but that's the thing, you haven't even started and you already are doubting your ability! What you need to be thinking is: whom you can help, what you…

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Reaching Within To Reach Out To Help Others

Bullying is a huge problem that affects a lot of people. Every kind of bullying is as bad as the rest. Adults get bullied too. One out of four kids get bullied and 85% of the time no one intervenes. School should be a safe place for all but has become a battle ground of intolerance. One of the nicest and smartest girls in my class gets bullied. The kids call her a teacher's pet and she doesn't do anything wrong. She has even been a victim of cyber bullying. I was being bullied in first grade, I just moved…

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Bodhi and River Robbins

Today’s Brilliance from Bodhi and River Robbins

Wisdom From Bodhi Do you want to get our home destroyed? Or do you want to help? Let's start to make our wonderful world a better place! First of all, you can recycle. Don't throw everything in the trash! Some of the things, like plastic, glass and paper, you can put in the recycling can. This is how you take care of our amazing environment: reduce, reuse, recycle. We could all help by picking up litter and putting it in the proper cans. Don't litter! Second of all, I want you to get electric cars. This will help us to…

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Today’s Brilliance from Jack James

At first when I was asked to write this article, I was nervous. I mean, Jack Canfield, the coolest guy on the planet has written one. But then, I started thinking, I have a good idea for the world I live in and this will be a good way for me to help it. The thing I want to spend my 500 words on is Self-Esteem. Self-Esteem is simple. It is how you feel inside about yourself. It is simple to define, but it is hard to keep. It's hard to keep because there are always people who try to…

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Today’s Brilliance from Sondra Clark

I'm a young woman who loves my yellow VW Bug, is excited about being in college and has a perpetually messy room. Basically I'm a typical teenager with one difference. I've found that it's important to share what I have with people in need. Since I was 8, I've had seven books published with major publishers and traveled around the world, encouraging people to volunteer. My latest book gives step-by-step directions on how kids can participate in 77 volunteer projects. It's so important that kids and adults look beyond themselves and try to help other people, animals or the environment…

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Forget Criticism – Choose Positivity and Joy!

There is a lot of criticism in the world, but we are our own worst critics. It's easy following the negative path and going down the harmful road. But it's even easier choosing positive choices. My greatest value to the world is leading other peers that have been in my situation or worse and letting them know that "this is our story, this is what we've been through, but we can contribute so much more." We let others put us down so much, but we can make choices to prove them wrong. Life is what you make it. Yes, we…

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Today’s Brilliance from Michaela Carrozzo

My inspiration to everyone young or old is to NEVER STOP!! If you have a dream, go for it! Everyone has a dream. They key to success is to never use the word fail. Start out with a vision. It's good to put down on paper what you plan on achieving in life. To see your dream come true you must visualize it, almost believing as if it has already happened. Keep your eyes open for any opportunities that come your way. If you live like you have achieved your dream, you'll be able to seize that opportunity when it…

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Today’s Brilliance from Charis Freiman-Mendel

One of my Mom's friends was once talking to me about which career I am interested in, when I finish school. I always remember her words of wisdom: "It's not 'work' if you love what you do." Have the courage to follow your passion. Great things can happen and you will be happier for it! Students don't have to wait to finish school to follow her advice. I wrote a cookbook during two years in home school, because it allowed me to combine my love of cooking with my need to study for the standardized test I had to take…

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Today’s Brilliance from Kaleb Brown

I have a great life, but I know there are kids out there that don't, and I want to help them. I was bullied when I was in public school, but not everyone can be home-schooled like I am now. Don't be sad or scared by bullies. Bullies are actually scared and even jealous of you. Ignore the bully, tell your teacher or an adult in charge, and definitely keep being yourself. You are unique, and that's a good thing. Being yourself will make you happy. When a bully stops you from being yourself, you will become sad. Kids need…

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Today’s Brilliance from Mason Partak

Here's what I think are some important things to know: 1. Do what you want to do in life. If you don't, it will be a long time of no fun. Find a way. There is always a way if you really want something. 2. Be happy in life. Sometimes things make us happy, but that usually doesn't last. Experiences that make memories make me happy, like becoming a cook and helping other people learn to cook, especially kids. Cooking at events with so many volunteers helps me see how many people it takes to make fun things happen for a community…

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Today’s Brilliance from Jaden Mitchell

If you can dream it, you can do it! I want to be a policeman when I grow up. My sister Shandi wants to be a teacher. Even though I am only 7 and my sister is 3, we are dreaming big. It does not matter if we change our dreams over and over again. If you can dream it and set a goal you can do it! If you want to be the president of the United States of America, you can do it! Our mommy and daddy give us a ton of encouragement everyday which helps us in…

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