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Seize This Brand New Day

Today is a brand new day. A day full of opportunity. Regardless of your current situation you hold within you the ability to achieve amazing strides. We are all given opportunities to choose our paths in life. Often that task seems daunting but if we can keep the faith and just hold on, victory is on the way. Today you were given a gift that many were not given - the gift of life. Every moment that we are allowed to stay on this earth is a gift which should not be taken for granted. I have learned the hard…

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The Guiding Light You Didn’t Know You Have

Forty years of pursuing and achieving the American Dream left me feeling unsatisfied, unfulfilled and not at peace with myself. What happened? Following an extended period of evaluation and self-searching I made a discovery that was so simple and at the same time frightening. Why hadn’t I found the answer earlier? What held me back? The fact is that our society teaches us that if we just follow the guidelines,we will fulfill ourselves via accomplishments and material rewards. And so we get on the treadmill and stay on the treadmill thinking that if we just clear the next hurdle we…

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Want to Make A Difference? Find Your Passion

Do you use your talents, knowledge and passion to inspire and help others? Begin with gratitude. Reinvent yourself. Everyone can find their passion and do what they want to do. Whether it's helping someone, inspiring people or making a difference in the lives of others, you can do it. Be grateful for what you have. Not for the material things, but the lessons learned in life, the adversity that made you grow stronger, and the continual falls that brought you to the road of success. I always dreamt of how I could make a difference but didn't quite get it…

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12 Short Poems for A Great Life

Follow your Heart "Take time each day to laugh and to play, Be thoughtful in all of the words that you say. Please follow your heart as you go on your way, Then you will find pleasure in every day." Live life fully "We are all only dancing on this earth a short time, So be sure to dance with a happy song in your mind. Dance loudly, dance strongly to the heavens above, But most of all, dance with your heart full of love." On laughter "Don't lose the ability to laugh and to play, Learn to laugh like…

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The Spark That Lives In You!

There is a spark of vitality that lives in you. This spark is a miracle that only you can bring to life. It is your gift, your purpose, your passion...your presence. You must nurture this spark, and allow it to grow. Be curious, compassionate, courageous and committed as you discover what this is in you. Because it is unique to you and only you, I cannot tell you with certainty how you'll find it or know it. I just know that you must. When you find it, and I trust that you will, if you haven't already, the next step…

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Embracing Your Divine Magnificence

Do you know that you are Divine? What do I mean by that? I mean that you are a treasure to the world, that's right: YOU are a treasure. You have come to Earth to fulfill a very specific purpose, something only you and you alone are here to do. You are unique and powerful. You have the power to be, do and have whatever it is that you desire. Maybe today you don't quite feel this way. You could be struggling in some or all areas of your life. Have no fear for you are not alone. You are…

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3 Ways To Reveal Your Talents

Sometimes, we conceal ourselves from ourselves. Not wanting to acknowledge the person we are, in all our special gifts, until we are forced to be guided by the wits of what life has taught us. A failure to engage, stuck in the rut, feeling unfilled, because.... We do that until we grow into this ever-evolving trail of life, eventually seeking ways to find meaning after challenges have found us with no zap in our story. Then we start on the quest to find value in our narratives. We are each bestowed with abilities of wonder, making us this unique blend.…

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What We Learn from Love

We find ourselves created out of love or for love, slipping though the chambers of our mothers' womb... into the birth canal... and all of a sudden, we arrive. We don't know exactly where we are or where we are going but certainly we need affection and love to survive. Love becomes just as important to us as our first breath of life. Love helps us to discover who we are and what our purpose is or shall be. Love gives of itself and is not puffed up. Love covers and carries us through pain and disappointments in our life.…

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Hope Is Not A Strategy

There was a time when my life was going ok. I was working a lot of hours, making a lot of money, and enjoying my free time. Like many of you, I suspect, this was ok. At the time I was working about 70 hours a week. I was struggling to make it through the day, and hoping that things would get better. I hoped that my career would slow down. I hoped that I would be able to take some time off soon. I hoped that I could begin to take better care of myself. Then things began to go…

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Finding Solid Ground

Maurice Sendak once said, "There must be more to life than having everything." There is. And the secret to finding it is to seek meaning in your life, not control. Many people spend their lives seeking control... of money, real estate, jobs, careers, other people... you name it, somebody wants to control it. But control is an illusory thing. It's like running side-hill on loose gravel. The terrain is always changing, so to maintain "control," you have to keep moving. In the end, people are much happier when they stop pursuing control and start seeking meaning. At that point, you…

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Insights from a Baby Boomer

As a female baby boomer, I am proud that my generation of women has made many forward strides with women’s rights and workplace equity, but there’s still so much that needs to be done. Gen Y Women – your combination of a clean slate, fresh insight on technology, and family values has the potential to change the world. It’s up to your generation now! To help you with this, I’m giving you a gift of the wisdom I’ve learned. Take Charge of Your Life Today. Do you really know what you value, what your important roles are, and what YOUR PASSION…

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The Purpose of Life and How to Change the World

Life is a conversation with yourself. The most dangerous thing you can possibly do is ignore or silence your inner voice. Most of our so-called villains are simply people who do not hear what they are saying to themselves. We’ve learned to drown ourselves out by numbing our emotions, forming addictions, and seeking gurus with cookie cutter, magical solutions. To live the life you deserve, you must get to know who you really are. After all, you cannot nourish or care for anything unless you first know what it is. Most of us have no idea how powerful, capable, and…

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Why Are We Here?

We are all searching for something that will answer those two questions that lurk within in our thoughts, especially when we are flummoxed by life. Why are we here? What purpose do we serve? In my view, there is a perpetual, yet virtual lock on the true answer, yet we hold the key to unlock the question. We may have trouble arriving at the answers and, despite our best efforts, we never get the answer we seek. Despite our struggle, we must persevere. Each of us fulfills a divine purpose that was etched out fully by our creator, long before…

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