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Today’s Brilliance from David Patten

What I have found through a tumultuous and difficult early life is that acceptance is the road to freedom. Because of my inability to function "normally," I was not able to fit in to mainstream society. In the eyes of the culture and consequently my own eyes, I was flawed. I tried over and over again to figure out how I was going to be part of society... get a job, an education, have a family. But no matter how hard I tried to think my way out, I always ended up in the same place. No different than I…

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Today’s Brilliance from Deb Hirschhorn

Not every marriage is happy. You may ask, how could this person who makes you miserable be your soulmate? And my answer is that you're asking the wrong question. Just like the way to be happy in this world is not to sit back and wait for goodness but to search for it and then see it when it's in front of you, the way to find happiness in your marriage is to become your spouse's soulmate. The potential is there already. So the real question is: How do I see a soulmate in a person that right now I'm feeling…

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Today’s Brilliance from Dr. Raj Parti

There is one word that is not well known - but needs to be. The word is "seva," which in Sanskrit means "service." I've learned that Seva is not just any kind of service, but rather selfless service performed with a sense of gratitude. It is service infused with kindness and respect for the ones served, and it arises from a place of peace and love. If we do our work and carry out relationships in accordance with seva, the world would change profoundly. Seva is not about taking a few hours out of our busy week to help others.…

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Today’s Brilliance from Jeremy McDonald

Remember you are your happiness and you are everything that you are looking for right now! It took me a very long time to discover that no one can give me happiness except me. No one can make my dreams happen except me. Only when I live through my passion and through my heart and say "YES" to myself do I find eternal happiness. I say this because you right there reading these words can change your life right now by just saying "YES" to you. Realize that you are the love you are looking for and you are the bliss you are looking…

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Today’s Brilliance from Kim Bady

One of the most fundamental questions we've all asked at some time in our lives is: who am I? Unfortunately, so often we look on the outside to find the answer and our self definition, instead of within. The problem with this is that life will inevitably change. Then we are back to the same question: who am I? With changes in our economy, many people have been asking this big question. Some have had to change careers, some have lost homes, and some have found themselves in a desperate financial crisis. If we define ourselves in terms of what…

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Today’s Brilliance from Tony Whatley

Make the most out of every day; you are not going to get a do-over. When you look in the mirror, there is the CEO of your life. It's not your boss, spouse, friends, and parents--it's you. So ultimately we have no one to blame for our mistakes, failures, and shortcomings other than ourselves. At some point, we all experience hardships and personal catastrophes. You can keep moving forward if you decide to do so. Pick a career that centers on work you enjoy. Then it becomes play instead of work. On average you are going to work for 60…

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Today’s Brilliance from Sharon Chang

Giving me 500 words with which to inspire people about living well is sort of like giving a child $500 to spend in a toy store. Where to begin? Let's start with your first job: learning. Your earliest learning is informal, becoming more structured when school begins. All of your learning, though, helps you to grow. The first step in living well is to do everything you can--formally, informally, and lifelong--to extract from all of this learning not just job training that makes you functional in a certain role, but an education. Educate yourself to become a whole person. Learn…

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Today’s Brilliance from Chris Cade

My purpose is to use insight, compassion, and the rapid embodiment of wisdom to enable millions of people to experience inner peace, joy, and abundance. What's yours? If you can't answer in a single sentence, now is the time to get clear about exactly why you're on this planet. Frequently we go through life unsure, or even worse, unaware of our purpose. Yes, we have hunches. Rarely though, do we clarify our purpose so that it can be communicated in a single statement. This is what I encourage you to do. Clearly defining your purpose makes all the difference. You…

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Today’s Brilliance from Dr. Ervin Laszlo

You, the young people of today, are the most privileged people who have ever lived on Earth. For the first time in history, one generation—your generation—holds the key to the greatest challenge humans have faced since they became conscious of themselves and the world. It's the challenge of change: timely change. The world your fathers and forefathers have created is no longer sustainable. This means that if it doesn't change, it will break down. It cannot keep going as it is. Financial crisis and climate change are just the most visible of the many untenable conditions in the world. Urban…

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Today’s Brilliance from Anna Taylor

It's been said that we teach what we need to learn and so I write not as someone who has it all figured out, but rather as someone who has spent many years communicating with Angels who have shared these messages over and over again: LISTEN to your heart. Listen to your feelings. And that means ALL of them. It is true that we are divine beings having a human experience but we ARE human! In much of the spiritual community, there seems to be a confusing separation between our divinity and our humanity because many have deemed the spectrum…

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Today’s Brilliance from Michelle Medina

Close your eyes and see your partner with your heart, soul and hands. Follow your intuition. Explore nature with your entire being. Forget about your sight for a few hours and use your other four senses. Grant yourself the grace to simply be on your darkest days. Realize that the only one you have control over is yourself and the only one you can help is yourself. You are not responsible for what other people think, say or do. They are walking their own path and you are walking yours. Never lose your sense of humor. It may be the…

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Today’s Brilliance from Jill Douka

Love your cracks! An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, which each hung on the ends of a pole she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. The perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been…

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Today’s Brilliance from Matt Fraser

Spirituality is the most important and fundamental aspect of living that improves all areas of someone's life. Focusing on developing your spirituality allows you to be the best person you can be and opens up your senses to a whole new world. Spirituality allows you to listen to your inner voice and feelings as well as connecting with your angels and loved ones through prayer and meditation to help you feel loved, comforted, and to help guide you through uncertain times. Your inner voice, commonly known as your intuition, is constantly at work giving you feelings and notions that can…

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Today’s Brilliance from Janet Pfeiffer

Some people believe that when you have your health you have everything. Yet I know healthy people who are miserable. Others seek to acquire wealth only to discover that, while money can buy things to enjoy, it is not, in-and-of itself, fulfilling. Based on the 15,000 books Amazon sells on this topic, there's an overabundance of people seeking to be happy. Many have found random moments of happiness: "I'm thrilled when my grandchildren come to visit." "I have an amazing career!" Yet each condition is transitory, thereby potentially altering our state of mind when change occurs. If your industry folds…

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Freedom, Not Free Will

You do not have free will. I'm sorry if I'm the first to break that to you. What you have is total freedom to choose how you will follow the laws of the universe. If you try to change or break or ignore the laws you will struggle and suffer. That's not a threat. It isn't divine retribution. Let's look at it another way. You can cook toast in your toaster. But should you decide to boil water in your toaster, or worse, that you are going to try to keep the electricity coming down the cables at bay with…

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Today’s Brilliance from Steve Olsher

As a lifelong entrepreneur, I have been fortunate to experience life's incredible sweetness and, conversely, the trials and tribulations that accompany entering into battle on a daily basis. Over the years, this entrepreneurial fire has evolved into an obsession to study the successful and, subsequently, help others become crystal clear on who they are, why they're here, and how they can monetize and share their unique gifts with the world. Today, I live by several mantras that guide me along my path and empower me to set deep anchors into my soul so I remain on course. My hope is…

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Today’s Brilliance from Chobo-ji

Remain open. Hold no philosophy for or against, however be completely passionate about your present experience. Go into each moment with vigour and heart, true to your understanding. If you embrace the present with your own truth, the present will gift you with a new truth, a different insight. Flow with reality. Do not hold onto the past or your views, or you will still believe the world is flat. Accept your truth, but also accept your truth is not the truth. You are love. Dance with life, every person you meet is unique and every encounter reveals a new…

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Today’s Brilliance from Darryl Easterling

Only the strong survive, the weak will fold. Life isn't always easy. Being strong and courageous is doing what others are afraid to do. Don't be afraid to pave your own way. Take chances and take them frequently. Taking chances and risks will spark an undeniable curiosity that has to be quenched. You can't fear failure. Embrace it. Accept the fact that failure is possible and everyone, at some point in their life, fails at something. The key is to learn from your mistakes and grow. Always move forward. P.U.S.H.! Pray until something happens. Surround yourself with successful people. Even if your definition of…

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Harness the Power of Laughter

If you want to feel better, here's a suggestion for you that has worked well for many others: Do more, be more . . . and LAUGH more! Laughing is healthy. It helps the body's immune system, it keeps you healthier, it cures depression, it reduces stress, it induces sleep, it's invigorating, it's rejuvenating, it has no unpleasant side effects and laughing is nothing less than a miracle drug! Laughing is all natural. It is organic, naturally sweet, and is 100 percent wholesome. Laughter has no pesticides, no preservatives, and absolutely no artificial ingredients. There are no movable parts, no…

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Today’s Brilliance from Jessica Bacon

Wisdom is knowing how to appropriately use the knowledge you have already acquired, but to pass on what I've learned in five hundred words is a challenge. As a incoming Sophomore in high school, I have seen how many children and young adults act under today's pressured society. Many have caved into peer pressure wanting to be seen and popular, yet afraid to walk down the hallway without being judged. So many are afraid to show what true talents and works of art they can be associated with, but too weary of how they may be reflected back by their…

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Today’s Brilliance from Simon Tam

Make every word count. I once heard that "language is the primary moral choice in our life". The words we choose can build communities, reunite loved ones, and inspire others. They can be a catalyst for change. However, our words also have the power to destroy and divide: they can start a war, reduce a lifelong relationship to a collection of memories, or end a life. If there is anything in life worthy of consideration, it should be the way that we use words. In nearly every creation story, life begins from words. In every civilization, it has been the…

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