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BlogFrom Living Hell to Living Well

BlogFrom Living Hell to Living Well

We’ve all been there – a place that feels like hell on earth. And we ask ourselves the same question over and over: “Why me?” Have you ever stopped to…

Brilliance10 Laws of the Mind

Brilliance10 Laws of the Mind

I would share these ten laws of the mind that I have found to be true. 1. You are the maker of your fortune -- and also of your misfortune.…

BrillianceBecome Your Best Self

BrillianceBecome Your Best Self

The 'tone' of your life is more often than not a reflection of your current attitudes and beliefs. How is your outlook? It will determine your outcomes. If you want…

BrillianceWhy Perseverance is the Answer

BrillianceWhy Perseverance is the Answer

Sometimes to grow and to truly change your life, you have to make difficult choices. To thrive and become better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually often times is painful. You…

BrillianceChange is Our Birthright

BrillianceChange is Our Birthright

Don’t hold anyone to who they used to be, especially yourself. Evolution is all of our birthright. Embrace who you are becoming, as an individual, as a friend, a lover,…

BlogEmbracing the Whole Person Concept

BlogEmbracing the Whole Person Concept

Philosopher Dr. Mortimer J. Adler was the first to introduce the Whole Person Concept, which challenges us to strive for a proper balance in all aspects of our lives—spending meaningful…

BooksWhen Everything Changes, Change Everything

BooksWhen Everything Changes, Change Everything

Sometimes we humans don’t like the change we’ve encountered, whether it’s a loved one passing, a lost job, or a lost opportunity. As Neale Donald Walsch notes, "Most of us have experienced events which we have called, when they were happening, the worst moments of our lives, only to find as time went by that what occurred was one of the best things that ever happened to us." These changes can feel absolutely devastating. We may ask “Why me?” and “How could this happen?” and feel that “this is a nightmare, this is not real” when it seems like our world has flipped upside down. Neale's book When Everything Changes, Change Everything shares extremely vital tools to cope with change, the very thing that is always constant in our lives.  If you're ready to take a closer look at the deep issues of change and how to deal with them, check out When Everything Changes, Change Everything.

Recommended ProductsWhen Everything Changes, Change Everything – The 7 DVD Set

Are you experiencing change in your life that leaves you feeling hopeless? Is it something you wish to change? Or perhaps someone you care about is going through change and you wish to change their hopelessness?  If you are at a loss as to how to navigate the changes in your life, check out When Everything Changes, Change Everything: Highlights from an Extraordinary Spiritual Renewal Retreat. This new 7-disc DVD set from Neale Donald Walsch presents a huge number of tools and how to apply them into real world situations. While nothing can compare with attending one of Neale’s retreats in person,these highlights, filmed at an actual live retreat, are a great way to get some of the many great benefits of one in your own home. Today is the day to take charge and change your life. Order When Everything Changes, Change Everything: Highlights from an Extraordinary Spiritual Renewal Retreat now!
BlogChanges (Poem)

BlogChanges (Poem)

Our life is one of constant motion, forever changing like the ocean, Fearing the outcomes we cannot see, we stay where we are and constantly be, We stay in the…

BlogGlobal Change Begins Within

BlogGlobal Change Begins Within

In one way, it's hard to say what has happened to the health of our world and the people upon it, not that suitable terms don't exist. The problem is…

BrillianceThe Power of Self

BrillianceThe Power of Self

Self is inward. It is private. Self is your deepest dreams and greatest aspirations. It is your assets, vulnerabilities, body, mind and spirit. It’s your truth; what you want, who…

BrillianceSink Deeply into Bliss

BrillianceSink Deeply into Bliss

Sometimes life is hard but it can still be filled with joy and happiness. You may not always get what you think you want, but when you grow older and…

Blog4 Ways to Accept Where You Are

Blog4 Ways to Accept Where You Are

“Now that I am trying to change, I don’t like who I am.” At some point, many of my clients say this or something similar. When they finally see a…

BrillianceRehab for the Soul

BrillianceRehab for the Soul

Enjoy the brilliance of this world while you can, but more importantly learn to understand this world's limitation. The world is an amazing and inspiring place, but only for those…

BlogMoving Forward Through Ups and Downs

BlogMoving Forward Through Ups and Downs

Do you have a goal which seems far away? Are you working toward something but keep hitting obstacles? Are you uncertain you are on the right path? Have you lost…

BlogHow You can Find Healing that Lasts

BlogHow You can Find Healing that Lasts

How would your life change if you trusted that your challenges are a part of your journey home – back to yourself and back to Life – instead of feeling…

BlogHow You can Embrace Change

BlogHow You can Embrace Change

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change.” -  Charles Darwin So many people have a fear of…